She Wanted Me to Leave My Cat OUTSIDE All Night...In the FREEZING Cold! 🥶😱

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🙀 Buckle up, folks! We've got a tale of feline love, friendship drama, and a tiny studio apartment that's about to get CATastrophic! 😹 Our protagonist, let's call her the 'Cat Mama,' finds herself in a purrfectly awkward situation when her supposedly cat-loving friend comes for a sleepover. Little does she know, this friend is actually a secret cat-phobe! 😱 Get ready for a night filled with panic, freezing balconies, and a whole lot of hissing and meowing! 🐱❄️

🏠 My Tiny Studio Apartment and Beloved Cat 🐱

nadyako | nadyako

👀 Friend's Surprise Visit and Cat Phobia Revealed! 😱

nadyako | nadyako

🌙 Late Night Drama: Friend's Unreasonable Request 🙀

nadyako | nadyako

🚪 Suggesting an Alternative: Leave If You're Uncomfortable 🤷‍♀️

nadyako | nadyako

❄️ Freezing on the Balcony for Friend's Comfort 🥶

nadyako | nadyako

🚽 Upset and Seeking Refuge in the Bathroom 😞

nadyako | nadyako

🌃 A Sleepless Night: Cat Scares Keep Friend Awake 😴

nadyako | nadyako

🌅 Morning Confrontation: No More Sleepovers! 😠

nadyako | nadyako

😡 Friend's Angry Reaction: Choosing an Animal Over Her? 🐱

nadyako | nadyako

🗣️ Mutual Friends' Involvement: Twisted Story 🤥

nadyako | nadyako

💬 Setting the Record Straight: The Truth Revealed 🙌

nadyako | nadyako

🙏 Apologies and Lingering Judgments 🤔

nadyako | nadyako

🚫 Cutting Ties: Blocking the Problematic Friend 🙅‍♀️

nadyako | nadyako

🙌 Gratitude for Support and Encouragement 🤗

nadyako | nadyako

❤️ Loving a Cat More Than Family: A Wish for Others 🐾

nadyako | nadyako

😾 Cat Mama vs. Cat-Phobic Friend: The Sleepover Showdown! 🙀

Well, well, well... looks like the Cat Mama's sleepover turned into a real cat-tastrophe! 😹 Her friend's secret cat phobia led to a night of panic, freezing balconies, and some serious hissing matches. 🥶😾 But when the Cat Mama put her paw down and said 'no more sleepovers,' the friend got her tail in a twist and started spreading some fishy stories to their mutual pals! 🐟🗣️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this feline fiasco... 🐾💬

You don't owe your friend anything. NTA 👍

adeelf | adeelf

NTA! Friend wanted cat abuse and was selfish towards you 🙅‍♀️

SoleofOrion | SoleofOrion

Definitely NTA. Her fear of cats is unreasonable. 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cat-hating guest demands ridiculous request, NTA stands up for fur baby 🐱

CadaverousRat | CadaverousRat

Cat lover stands up for their feline friend in freezing weather 🐾

Plasticity93 | Plasticity93

Defending the cat's home, sarcastic eye roll included 🙄

Fun-Tourist-7395 | Fun-Tourist-7395

Friend wants me to get rid of my pet 🐱, NTA

Glittering_Swamp2572 | Glittering_Swamp2572

Protecting your cat from freezing cold? NTA, friend is!

lifetooshort4bs | lifetooshort4bs

NTA. You did your best to accommodate her.

Sufficient_Ad_6051 | Sufficient_Ad_6051

Cat-loving commenter defends OP against friend's unreasonable request. 🐱

Dstareternl | Dstareternl

Stand your ground, don't let anyone bully you or your pets 👍

The_bee96 | The_bee96

Cat lovers unite! Trusting cats more than people. 😸

Loduk | Loduk

Don't be a doormat, kick her off your Christmas list 🎄

jdogx17 | jdogx17

Pets are family and guests should respect that 🐶❤️

PolarBun | PolarBun

Cat in a carrier on the balcony? Definitely NTA 😼

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand your ground and protect your feline friend. NTA 🐱

ConsciousWay797 | ConsciousWay797

Standing outside with a cat for 2 hours? NTA but... 😹

CherryCool000 | CherryCool000

Friend wants cat outside in freezing cold, commenter says NTA.

lost_squid89 | lost_squid89

Stand up for your furry family member. NTA 👍

Rodinia47 | Rodinia47

Balcony not suitable for unsupervised animals. Not the a**hole.

Cyarsonix | Cyarsonix

Cat lover claps back at friend who wanted cat outside! 😼

Quick-Key8229 | Quick-Key8229

Don't put up with foolishness, get new friends 👍

55centavos | 55centavos

Entitled friend tries to bully OP into leaving cat outside 😒

RoseCity_1979 | RoseCity_1979

NTA, but lose this "friend"! Most entitled BS ever 🥶😱

car55tar5 | car55tar5

NTA. Your pet is a member of your family 🐶 who relies on you for everything. Cut off those 'mutual' friends.

Animefaerie | Animefaerie

Choosing your beloved cat over a toxic friend? NTA indeed! 🐱

Rocket_scientists | Rocket_scientists

Defend your cat at all costs! NTA 👍🏻

Caddan | Caddan

Dump the friend who wants your cat in the cold! 🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for animal welfare 🐾 NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Lucky your cat is safe! NTA for standing up.

3Heathens_Mom | 3Heathens_Mom

Defending pets' rights and home with a NTA attitude 👍

BadwolfRoseTyler | BadwolfRoseTyler

Being a mature adult means taking responsibility for your allergies 👍

TheFairyingForest | TheFairyingForest

Stand up for your cat and your boundaries! 🐱🚫👥

Forteanforever | Forteanforever

Don't let anyone bully your cat! NTA 🐱

RevKyriel | RevKyriel

Don't let anyone mess with your furry friend! 🐱 NTA

ImmunosuppressedS | ImmunosuppressedS

Protective cat owner stands up for their furry friend 🐱

THA135792468 | THA135792468

NTA. Pets have every right to exist in their own house 🐶

hisowlhasagun | hisowlhasagun

Guest wants cat outside in freezing cold, commenter says NTA.

hughieeedgar | hughieeedgar

Valid fear, but NTA. Cat lives there full-time \& inhumane to lock outside. She has no right to stay.

DramaticWebPersona | DramaticWebPersona

Being scared of cats doesn't justify animal cruelty. 🐱 NTA

Thetruenoobinvestor | Thetruenoobinvestor

Cat's house, cat's rules. NTA for keeping cat warm 🐱❤️

warensembler | warensembler

Friend wants cat outside in cold for 10 hours? NTA 🐱🥶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand up for your cat and don't compromise on its safety. NTA 👍🏻

DaniCapsFan | DaniCapsFan

Pets are family, it's like telling you to put your toddler outside- unacceptable. NTA

Trunksshe | Trunksshe

Cut ties with the friend who asked you to leave your cat outside in the cold. 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cat lovers unite! Trust issues and inconsiderate behavior exposed 🐱

Melody_93 | Melody_93

Stand your ground and protect your feline friend! 🐱❤️

Detronyx | Detronyx

Your cat, your rules. Friend needs to respect boundaries. 🐈

Pterodactyl_Noises | Pterodactyl_Noises

Pets are family, and visitors should understand and respect that. 🐶

Unseen_Owl | Unseen_Owl

Defending the cat and setting boundaries. 🐱

Lizlizerd | Lizlizerd

Standing up for yourself is important. Don't be a doormat.

diamondsmokerings | diamondsmokerings

Compassionate commenter is confused by crazy lady's behavior 🥺

No-Bullshit-Baby | No-Bullshit-Baby

Pets are not furniture. NTA for standing up for cat.

DocSternau | DocSternau

Stand by your cat, ditch the so-called, worthless "friend" 🐈

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful NTA who avoids pet fears by calling friends over.

randomusername2895 | randomusername2895

Choosing your cat over a guest? NTA! 🐱

icecreamtaco00 | icecreamtaco00

Dump your friend and find better ones 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for your cat's safety: NTA and better off without her 🐱

Kooky-Cauliflower322 | Kooky-Cauliflower322

Respect your host's rules, NTA for keeping cat indoors 🐱

rtfcandlearntherules | rtfcandlearntherules

A furry friend is family, NTA for not kicking them out 🐱

singing_stream | singing_stream

Suggests alternatives for cat-phobic friend. NTA. 😊

CharlotteLucasOP | CharlotteLucasOP

Cat lover braves cold and bathroom to accommodate fearful host 🐱

justMeinD | justMeinD

Cat lover shuts down unreasonable request with sass. NTA.

CyanideCye | CyanideCye

Leaving a cat outside in the cold is cruel 🐈

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