Man Tells Girlfriend's 5-Year-Old Son to "Shut Up" 😱

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🚨 Uh-oh, looks like we've got a classic case of family drama on our hands! 😱 When you're trying to enjoy some quality TV time with your girlfriend and her 5-year-old son, things can get a little... complicated. 📺 One minute you're all laughing along to "Everyone Loves Raymond," and the next, you're in the doghouse for snapping at the little guy. 🙊 But was it really all your fault? 🤔 Let's dive into this juicy story and find out! 🍿

🚨 Trouble in Paradise? 😱

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📺 Family TV Time Gone Wrong 📺

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🧸 Playtime vs. TV Time: The Struggle is Real 🧸

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🗣️ The Distracting Dilemma 🗣️

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🙏 Gentle Reminders Turn to Frustration 😤

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😡 Momma Bear Gives the Stink Eye 👀

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🏃‍♂️ The Walk of Shame to Apologize 🙇‍♂️

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🤗 A Heartfelt Apology... With a Twist 😬

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😠 The Apology Police Strike Again 🚓

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🤔 Boundaries or Bust? The Great Debate 🗣️

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😬 The Great Apology Debate: To "But" or Not to "But"? 🤔

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist found himself in quite the pickle! 😅 After snapping at his girlfriend's son during a TV binge session, he knew he had to apologize. 🙏 But when he added a little "but" to his heartfelt apology, his girlfriend was NOT having it. 😠 She insisted that the apology should have been pure and simple, with no caveats. 🚫 But our guy argued that the kid needed to learn about boundaries and actions having consequences. 🤔 So, what do you think? Was the "but" in the apology justified, or should he have just said sorry and left it at that? 🗳️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy family drama! 🍿

Being impatient with a child is unacceptable. YTA.

niennabobenna | niennabobenna

Setting boundaries for a 5-year-old? YTA wins.

Throwaway_1x2y3 | Throwaway_1x2y3

Luke apologizes but calls OP out for being an a**hole 🙄

NoxWild | NoxWild

Dating someone with a child requires emotional maturity and patience 🙏. Yelling at a 5-year-old is a red flag 🚨.

HarlesBronson | HarlesBronson

Don't ignore your child for TV, ESH for yelling at kid

wildferalfun | wildferalfun

Teaching by example: Why a non-apology never works 🙅

cinnamngrl | cinnamngrl

Don't expect a 5-year-old to be quiet, YTA 😒

diskebbin | diskebbin

Man scolded girlfriend's son, but failed to apologize genuinely. YTA 😠

BigBayesian | BigBayesian

Parent commenter empathizes and gives advice on apologizing to kids 👍

Chef4disney | Chef4disney

Apology without conditions is the only way, YTA 😞

tlf555 | tlf555

Redditor calls out OP for non-apology to girlfriend's son 😑

ElevatorOk8601 | ElevatorOk8601

Man prioritizes TV over girlfriend's son, gets called out 😠

Kind-Philosopher1 | Kind-Philosopher1

Validating NTA judgment with parenting advice and personal experience. 😊

3TTD3 | 3TTD3

Angry outburst towards child raises concern about relationship 😔

Little_Grogu | Little_Grogu

Understanding and teaching a 5-year-old: NTA 👍

MD7001 | MD7001

Man tells girlfriend's son to "shut up" - GF is right.

BigBayesian | BigBayesian

Importance of patience and apologizing to kids. 👍

foxandrews | foxandrews

Telling a 5-year-old to shut up? YTA. Learn better boundaries. 😑

Careful-Bumblebee-10 | Careful-Bumblebee-10

Don't worry, you're not the a**hole. Kids can be annoying 😱

CrispBottom | CrispBottom

Apologies don't include a "but". YTA was wrong. 😕

strikingfirefly | strikingfirefly

User defends OP's apology but criticizes unrealistic expectation of child.

ResponsibilityNo3245 | ResponsibilityNo3245

Disciplining kids requires patience and politeness. Yelling is wrong 👎

anneisangy | anneisangy

Insincere apologies are not apologies at all 🙅

bamf1701 | bamf1701

Ignoring a 5-year-old? YTA. Plan activities next time 🙄

IncessantLearner | IncessantLearner

Stay in your lane, YTA. Good on Mom for calling out

Crow_Wife | Crow_Wife

Teacher agrees child should quiet down, but yelling is unacceptable.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Tough situation with girlfriend's uncorrected child behavior 😕

theiconacuna_ | theiconacuna_

Being rude to a child? YTA, and your girlfriend deserves better 😠

little_ballof_fur | little_ballof_fur

Disciplining a partner's child is tricky territory 🤔

UnkleMonsta | UnkleMonsta

Don't tell a 5-year-old to shut up! YTA for sure 😡

sarahlampi | sarahlampi

Parenting and binge-watching: a match made in hell? 🤷🏼‍♂️

Every_Caterpillar945 | Every_Caterpillar945

Setting boundaries with kids is important. NTA 🙌

HotFlash3 | HotFlash3

Apologize without needing to be right. Don't be YTA 😱

Zealousideal-Soil778 | Zealousideal-Soil778

Don't date someone with kids if you can't handle this 🤷‍♂️

happybanana134 | happybanana134

Setting boundaries with kids can be tough. NTA!

redjf19 | redjf19

Setting boundaries and teaching kids is important. NTA! 👍

Canapee | Canapee

5-year-old criticized for being a child? NTA stands up.

Affectionate-Help989 | Affectionate-Help989

Disciplining stepchildren is a gray area. NTA for apologizing.

No-Rough-2521 | No-Rough-2521

Recognize the needs of a 5-year-old. YTA, apologize properly 😔

PoisonedCherry | PoisonedCherry

Binge-watching vs 5-year-old? YTA. Do better or leave 🙄

sarasotanoah | sarasotanoah

Inexcusable behavior towards child, victim blaming apology. YTA 😠

Tasty-Environment840 | Tasty-Environment840

Redditor admits past mistake and calls out YTA's behavior 🤦‍♂️

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NTA scolds child, internet agrees - rude behavior is unacceptable 🙌

HeimlichLaboratories | HeimlichLaboratories

Adults expecting obedience from kids without discussion 👨‍🎲

Lucasisaboy | Lucasisaboy

NTA! Apology not needed, keep being a good role model 👍

Ascentori | Ascentori

Grown man told 5-year-old to shut up while binge-watching. YTA.

Vegetable-Swan2852 | Vegetable-Swan2852

Yelling at a child for attention during TV time? YTA 😢

[deleted] | [deleted]

YTA can't handle a 5-year-old, leave the kid alone 🙄

Mehitabel9 | Mehitabel9

YTA for telling a child to shut up 😕

latoofarabumba | latoofarabumba

YTA, no 'buts' in an apology. Girlfriend is right. 🙄

fragilemagnoliax | fragilemagnoliax

Assertive defense of parent's choice to discipline child. 💪

bealzebbub | bealzebbub

Don't make excuses during apology. He's 5, you're not parent. YTA 😑

pastel-mattel | pastel-mattel

Teacher explains why telling a 5-year-old to 'shut up' is wrong 😱

queenb9728 | queenb9728

Man yells at girlfriend's 5-year-old over TV show choice 😱

Kiokochat | Kiokochat

Don't tell a 5-year-old to shut up, spend time with them 🙏

big_mama_f | big_mama_f

Yelling at girlfriend's child? YTA needs to grow up 😒

ImAlreadyTracerBoii | ImAlreadyTracerBoii

Don't be an a**hole to a 5-year-old boy 😞

cocoaiswithme | cocoaiswithme

Apology fail: YTA told to "shut up." No redemption here 🙄

Former_Wolverine_491 | Former_Wolverine_491

Teaching kids to manage boredom leads to happy, independent kids 😊

Indusnm | Indusnm

Harsh but fair. Being abusive to a child is unacceptable. 🚨

Federal-Ferret-970 | Federal-Ferret-970

Yelling at a 5-year-old? YTA and missed a teaching moment 😱

lmchatterbox | lmchatterbox

Apologize and take responsibility for yelling at a 5-year-old. YTA 😒

fandomrelevant | fandomrelevant

The power of 'but' in language and its harmful effects.

bsailors123 | bsailors123

Take responsibility for your actions and show empathy. 🤝

Due_Ad_6522 | Due_Ad_6522

Parenting advice: YTA, coach and set up alternate outlet 👨‍👦👤

[deleted] | [deleted]

YTA refuses to apologize properly for telling child to shut up.

MrJ_Sar | MrJ_Sar

Dating a woman with a child requires patience and empathy 👨‍🍳

herculepoirot4ever | herculepoirot4ever

Be a positive role model for the little boy. 👍

dmadman79au | dmadman79au

Adding a 'but' negates an apology, YTA commenter explains 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

YTA's insincere apology angers girlfriend. Setting bad example. 🤯

nikkesen | nikkesen

A 30-year-old expects a 5-year-old to amuse himself. YTA 😡

crochetbug | crochetbug

Role modeling bad behavior? YTA needs to own up.

giantbrownguy | giantbrownguy

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