The Irish Maid Is The Perfect St. Paddy's Day Cocktail You've Never Heard Of Before

Taylor Sakellis
irish maid cocktail
instagram | @the.novice.bartender

Well, what have we here?! A pot of gold?! Nope! A four-leaf clover? Nope! A cocktail that is sure to knock your socks off and impress your guests? Ding, ding ding — we have a winner!

That's right, friends! I am here today to share with you all the best St. Paddy's Day cocktail I bet you didn't even know about.

The Irish Maid is the perfect festive cocktail for those of us who haven't drank green beef since college.

To be fair, when you get sick off the same booze and food coloring combo four years in a row, it starts to get old.

Speaking of old, that's what we are now. HA! Just kidding — we're in our prime. In fact, you couldn't pay me enough to be a messy college kid again,

And do you know what ladies who are in their prime do? They enjoy an elegant cocktail, like the Irish Maid.

Oh, what's that? You've never heard of this delightful cocktail? WELL, I'm here to rock your world!

Consisting of Irish whiskey, lemon, and fresh cucumber juice, this cocktail is easy and delicious!

Find the full recipe here.