Man Wonders If He's Wrong For Asking Girlfriend To Make His Breakfast Every Morning

Ashley Hunte
A large spread of breakfast foods.
Unsplash | Rachel Park

A relationship is a partnership. It's all about doing things with and for your partner and expecting them to treat you the same way. But things can get complicated when it comes to household chores; oftentimes, one person feels that they do more housework than their partner.

One Reddit user asked the Am I The Asshole community to weigh in on his situation. He asked his girlfriend to make min breakfast every morning, and she refused. The user, Fit-Magazine-4653, shared that, because his girlfriend is a morning person and he isn't, he thought it wouldn't be that much more work for her. But now, he's second-guessing himself.

The User Shared His Side Of The Situation.

A user explains how he wants his girlfriend to make him breakfast since she's making it for herself in the morning.
reddit | Fit-Magazine-4653

OP Genuinely Sees Himself Marrying His Girlfriend Someday.

A diner breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage, and toast.
Unsplash | Eiliv Aceron

In his post, he talks about how he and his girlfriend moved in together recently. Because she is a morning person, she often has time to make herself a huge breakfast that mostly carries her through the day. OP is not a morning person and finds it difficult to get up, shower, and make himself breakfast.

One day, OP asked if his girlfriend would start making extra food in the morning so that he could have breakfast too. He figured it wouldn't be much more effort for her, since she was making food for herself anyway. But the girlfriend disagreed, asking OP if he would make breakfast for her every now and then. OP stated that it would be too much effort for him, and brought up the fact that he makes dinner for her from time to time. They got into a fight about it, and now OP is wondering if he was wrong to ask her.

Commenters Mostly Agreed That OP Was In The Wrong.

Users discuss how OP kind of had some audacity.
reddit | Highclassbadass

Plenty of users took issue with the fact that OP asked his girlfriend to do this for him, but didn't offer to do anything in return. Many users felt it would've been fair for him to offer to make dinner in exchange.

Users Were Also Quick To Point Out That Making Breakfast Was 'Too Much Effort' For OP To Begin With.

Other users discuss how it's an unfair distribution of labor.
reddit | PetitiPied21

In other words, he sees the act of cooking breakfast as an effort only when he does it, not when his girlfriend does. This had users wondering if he actually helps out equally around the house.

Of Course, Not Everyone Had The Same Opinion.

Some discuss how it almost seems like they don't want to be together.
reddit | falconprincess

Some users didn't have an issue with OP asking, but the problem came with his attitude. Ideally, the girlfriend wouldn't mind making him breakfast if she's already making it for herself. But it seems like there may be more issues in the relationship than the Reddit user is letting on.