Friends DEMAND Woman Pay for New Girlfriend's $60 Gift - She Says NO WAY! 🎁😠

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Diply | Diply

🎂 Birthdays are a time for celebration, but what happens when a new addition to the friend group shakes up a long-standing tradition? 🤔 I've been part of a tight-knit crew for over a decade, and we've always had a simple $20 budget for each other's birthday gifts. 🎁 But when my friend Alice's new girlfriend Leah entered the picture, things got a bit... complicated. 😅 Buckle up, because this birthday drama is about to get wild! 🎢

🎉 Birthday Gift Tradition: 12 Years Strong! 🎁

20birthdaybudget | 20birthdaybudget

👭 New Girlfriend on the Scene: Meet Leah! 🆕

20birthdaybudget | 20birthdaybudget

🤐 Keeping the Peace: I'll Chip in $3 💸

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📚 Pricey Book Request: $60 Shocker! 😱

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🤨 Suspicious Stinginess: Alice's True Colors? 🎨

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🕵️‍♀️ Uncovering the Scheme: Tricking Us into Buying? 🔍

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💰 Fairness First: $20 Each or $40 from Alice 🤝

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🎁 Sudden Change of Heart: Back to $20 Gifts 🤔

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😢 Pity Party: Alice Plays the Sympathy Card 🃏

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🤦‍♀️ Friends Fall for It: Sharing the Expenses 💸

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🙅‍♀️ Standing My Ground: I'm Out! 🚪

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😒 Accused of Being Insensitive: It's True, I Don't Like Leah 🙈

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🎉 Birthday Gift Blowup: Am I the A-hole for Refusing to Overspend? 🤷‍♀️

So here's the tea: Alice wants us to splurge on a $60 book for her girlfriend Leah's birthday, even though our group's gift budget has always been $20. 📚💸 I smell a scheme brewing, and I'm not about to let Alice trick us into footing the bill for her pricey present. 🕵️‍♀️ I tried to be fair, suggesting we stick to our usual budget or have Alice cover the extra cost. But my friends fell for her pity party and decided to split the expenses. 🤦‍♀️ I put my foot down and bowed out of the gift-giving extravaganza, only to be called insensitive and accused of disliking Leah. 😒 Sure, I'm not her biggest fan, but I was just trying to keep things fair! Let's see what the internet has to say about this birthday brouhaha... 🍿👀

Standing firm on her word, NTA shuts down rude demand. 💯

Ars3nicc | Ars3nicc

Stand your ground and don't subsidize her personal gift 💪

dart1126 | dart1126

Respecting rules and questioning partner classification in friend group. 👍

Parzeval_Whatts | Parzeval_Whatts

Setting a bad precedent by demanding payment for gift 💸

Kewege | Kewege

Friend demands payment for girlfriend's gift, commenter says NTA.

bubbleuj | bubbleuj

NTA sets a good boundary, questions if group gets credit. 🙂

ManateeFlamingo | ManateeFlamingo

Friend wants free gift for girlfriend, NTA says no 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA puts friends in their place for demanding payment, calls out Alice's inappropriate behavior 🔥

bellsofwar3 | bellsofwar3

Being accommodating has limits. NTA for saying no 🚫

WallabyInTraining | WallabyInTraining

NTA! Friend wants her to pay for girlfriend's $60 gift 👎

theaa2000 | theaa2000

Alice's girlfriend vs the group dynamic 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Friends demanding gift for new girlfriend is unreasonable 👍

Moonbyully | Moonbyully

New girlfriend, old friends, and a gift-giving dilemma. NTA wins.

Bangbangsmashsmash | Bangbangsmashsmash

Navigating changing friend group dynamics and gift-giving expectations 🤔

AugustNClementine | AugustNClementine

NTA stands firm on not contributing to girlfriend's gift. Raises valid points.

AffectionateSorbet47 | AffectionateSorbet47

Friend group's stingy gift budget criticized, OP NTA for refusing.

Ateosira | Ateosira

Gift budget of $3 for 26-year-olds? ESH for being cheap.

LWdkw | LWdkw

NTA: 26 y/o can afford gift if she likes gf enough 👍

FlahBlast | FlahBlast

NTA gets called cheap for not buying girlfriend a book 🙄

you-sirrr-name | you-sirrr-name

Suggestion to include new girlfriend as a core member 🎁

jillianleemonroe | jillianleemonroe

NTA shuts down friend 'crowdfunding' expensive gift, gets ignored.

Compassion-1st | Compassion-1st

Is it worth the drama over $10? NTA stands firm. 🤷‍♀️

VivianCold | VivianCold

Budget boundaries respected, but could have handled it better 🤔

barbaramillicent | barbaramillicent

Saying no to an unreasonable gift demand. Is $7 worth it?

GrayManGroup | GrayManGroup

NTA stands for Not The A-hole. This commenter thinks the woman's friends are being stingy and that she should pay for her girlfriend's gift herself. 👍

THE_Lena | THE_Lena

Handling pressure like a boss! 🤘

kisukona | kisukona

Gift drama avoided with logical NTA response 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for your budget and boundaries 💪

jaysolomongrundy | jaysolomongrundy

Stop group gift giving, pay $10, ask for expensive item later 👍

salice_piangente | salice_piangente

Don't let anyone guilt you into buying an expensive gift 🙌 #NTA

Quicksilver1964 | Quicksilver1964

Setting boundaries on gift-giving, NTA stands firm. 🙌

Standard_Engineer724 | Standard_Engineer724

Suggests buying a used book and questions why SO wasn't included. #NTA 👍

jammy913 | jammy913

Gift-giving boundary. No present for friend's SO, even if liked. 🚫

greenswizzlewooster | greenswizzlewooster

Girlfriend should pay for her own gift. NTA 🎁

MoodySpidey | MoodySpidey

Don't let your 'friends' bully or manipulate you into spending money 👋

benji950 | benji950

Avoid group gift buying and stand your ground. NTA 👍

LurkerToPoster100 | LurkerToPoster100

Gifts are optional, adding unliked person not okay 👍

Eladiun | Eladiun

NTA sticks to $20 budget, GF's entitlement causes drama 😠

thicklover | thicklover

Don't let anyone bully you into giving a specific gift 👍

thedorchestra | thedorchestra

Gift-giving drama: NTA declines ex-friend's unreasonable demand 😠

besupergood | besupergood

User questions why woman 'deserves' expensive gift from friends 🤔

Massive_Ambassador_6 | Massive_Ambassador_6

Friend group demands $60 for new girlfriend's gift - NTA refuses.

HealthyBox5 | HealthyBox5

No gift for the rest of us? Not our problem. 🤷‍♀️

autumncurly14 | autumncurly14

Don't let Alice manipulate you into paying for gifts 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Pitch in $3 and be done with it. NTA 👍

DLS3141 | DLS3141

Being called petty for not chipping in an extra $7 😑

CryMeUhRiver | CryMeUhRiver

Set boundaries and say no to over-budget gifts. ESH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Group pressures woman to pay for expensive gift for girlfriend 🙄

PoundCritical1160 | PoundCritical1160

NTA for not paying for GF's gift. Friend is being cheap 😒

asymphonyin2parts | asymphonyin2parts

Explaining your side to friends might help, NTA 😊

MrAvalanche1981 | MrAvalanche1981

Skipping out on a $60 gift? NTA, but drama ensues.

TheMommaResa | TheMommaResa

Is joint gift-giving normal? Commenter finds it bizarre. 🤔

the-happy-sisyphus | the-happy-sisyphus

NTA for not wanting to pay extra for friend's girlfriend's gift 😊

PsychologicalNews573 | PsychologicalNews573

Spending money on someone you don't like? NTA 👍

SweetSue67 | SweetSue67

Group-splitting bills? Don't be like Alice! 💯

Larrygiggles | Larrygiggles

Unfair $60 gift demand for new GF, justified NTA response 😊

alskellington | alskellington

User expects group to buy expensive gift for her SO 😒

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

Generous gift-giving expectations just got more expensive 💰

Pahanka | Pahanka

Friend demands gift payment, commenter calls out money grab.

terrapharma | terrapharma

NTA refuses to pay for friend's SO's gift, sets boundaries 🙌

drowningInSpam | drowningInSpam

Setting gift limits is important, going over and expecting others to pay is unfair.

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Standing up against manipulation and unfair gift-sharing. 👏

brazentory | brazentory

Compromise to remain in good standing with the group 👍

Srato | Srato

NTA. Encouraging Alice to build credit is a responsible suggestion. 👍

RIP_huell_howser | RIP_huell_howser

Standing up for fairness and budgeting, 👍 to OP

No-interactions302 | No-interactions302

Fairness in gift-giving, NTA says no to unequal treatment 😊

TheDoNothings | TheDoNothings

Friend asks if gender dynamic affects moral conundrum in group.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for boundaries and principles when gifting 👍

mphsnative | mphsnative

Friend tries to make others pay $60 for gift, NTA.

RespectGiovanni | RespectGiovanni

NTA stands up for herself after being called insensitive 👏

perhapsnew | perhapsnew

Don't let your friend guilt trip you into paying! 💯

Maiidesuu | Maiidesuu

Friend can't buy $60 gift for SO? Insane! You're NTA 😎

Interstellar_Nebula | Interstellar_Nebula

No other partners got presents, why should hers? 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

The commenter sympathizes with the OP but advises to soften the delivery 🙏

ImFinePleaseThanks | ImFinePleaseThanks

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