Mom's Strict Rules for Autistic Son IGNORED by Sister... Now She's Banned from Seeing Him! 😡

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a family drama that's hotter than a McDonald's apple pie! 🍎🔥 Meet our strict mama bear 🐻, who's on a mission to keep her autistic son away from the evils of screens and fast food. 🚫📺🍔 But when her sister decides to 'treat' the little guy to a night of DoorDash and movies, all hell breaks loose! 😱 Get ready for a wild ride filled with hunger strikes, flip phone confusion, and a Christmas showdown that'll make your head spin! 🎄😵

🚫📺 Strict Screen-Free Parenting Style for Autistic Son 👦

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😔 Witnessing Brother's Struggles with Autism 🍪🥪

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🚫📱 Ditching All Screens to Help Son's Development 🚫💻

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🥗 Avoiding Processed Foods to Prevent Picky Eating Habits 🍔🙅‍♀️

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🥦 Son's Limited but Healthier Diet Compared to Most 🍎🥩

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👍 Therapists Approve of Screen-Free & Healthy Diet Approach 👩‍⚕️

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🌍 Struggles with Going Out Due to Son's Meltdowns 😢

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🎁 Sister's Offer of a Night Out Turns into a Disaster 😱

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😡 Coming Home to Fast Food Wrappers & Smartphone Movies 📱🍔

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🍔 Sister's Secret Plan: DoorDash & Movies All Along 😠

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🙏 Son's Hunger Strike & Confusion After the Incident 😢

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📞 Son Grabbing Flip Phone, Confused by the Difference 🤔

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🚫👩‍👦 Banning Sister from Seeing Son Ever Again ❄️🔥

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🎄 Family Feud: Christmas Chaos Over Autistic Son's Diet & Screen Time! 🎅📺

Well, well, well... looks like this family's Christmas is going to be anything but merry! 🎄😬 Our strict mama bear is furious with her sister for breaking all the rules and exposing her autistic son to the forbidden fruits of fast food and screen time. 🍔📱 Now, the poor little guy is on a hunger strike, confused by flip phones, and caught in the middle of a family feud that's threatening to ruin the holidays! 😢🎁 The internet has some strong opinions on this one, so let's dive in and see what they have to say about this festive fiasco! 🎅🔥

NTA. Sacrificed a lot for your son, sister tried to sabotage 😡

WaywardPrincess1025 | WaywardPrincess1025

NTA! Strict rules for autistic son ignored by sister, now banned.

ashleighbuck | ashleighbuck

Defending a mother's rules for her autistic son, NTA comment.

smeghead9916 | smeghead9916

Respect mom's rules for autistic son or face consequences! 😡

No-Impression-8134 | No-Impression-8134

Encouraging suggestion for AAC use with autistic child. Supportive NTA response.

ConcertWhole5527 | ConcertWhole5527

Supportive comment, standing up for OP and son. 👏

TipTopC | TipTopC

Caring for an autistic child is hard work. NTA for setting boundaries. 🙏

Annoying_Details | Annoying_Details

Supportive comment for mom raising autistic son. Merry Christmas!

kram79 | kram79

Parenting a child with autism is tough but you are awesome! 👏

Tricky-Development98 | Tricky-Development98

Empathetic comment applauds effort of mother raising autistic son. 👏

Head-Computer5350 | Head-Computer5350

Setting boundaries with family is necessary for child's well-being. 🙌

Accomplished-News755 | Accomplished-News755

Sister disrespects autistic son's routine, gets banned. NTA 👍

Ok_Detective5412 | Ok_Detective5412

Importance of structure and routine for autistic kids explained 👤

boymom04 | boymom04

Setting boundaries with overstepping sister. NTA 👏

Cacadordex4na | Cacadordex4na

Supportive comment applauds mom's dedication to autistic son 👏

Glittering_Pink_902 | Glittering_Pink_902

NTA praises mom's strict rules and blames sister for being AH.

painted_unicorn | painted_unicorn

NTA mom receives support after sister disregards autistic son's needs. 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Denying tools for an autistic person? INFO on specialists needed 🤔

Jess1ca1467 | Jess1ca1467

Setting boundaries for a child with autism is crucial. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister ignores mom's rules for autistic son, gets banned. NTA 👏

RunaisRuna | RunaisRuna

A fellow parent with an ASD child questions the story's credibility.

rayjaymor85 | rayjaymor85

Autistic commenter calls out 'overly strict' rules, denounces ABA therapy. YTA.

uberwookie | uberwookie

Parent of child with ASD struggles to maintain healthy diet.

TheEndisFancy | TheEndisFancy

NTA! Sister ignoring rules for autistic son is unacceptable. 😠

Difficult_Future_301 | Difficult_Future_301

Unique needs of differently-abled individuals must be considered. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA commenter defends parent's strict rules for autistic child.


NTA Mom enforces strict rules for child's health, sister ignores them.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teaching special ed and having a brother with Asperger's, screens can be both helpful and harmful for ASD kids. NTA for banning sister.

av227 | av227

Sister undermines autistic son's parenting, gets banned. NTA 👏

JCBashBash | JCBashBash

NTA. Mother sets boundaries for autistic son, sister undermines her. 👍

MelG146 | MelG146

Son wants to eat without pain, mom starves him? YTA.

HardlightCereal | HardlightCereal

Assistive devices shouldn't be denied over parenting differences. 👍

Full_Traffic_3148 | Full_Traffic_3148

Ignoring autistic child's needs is wrong, but banning sister isn't right 😔

Simply_Toast | Simply_Toast

Non-verbal son's restricted diet may not be sustainable or healthy. ESH/NAH.

fulcrum_ct-7567 | fulcrum_ct-7567

Sister's unforgivable behavior towards autistic nephew. NTA for banning her.

Cevanne46 | Cevanne46

Stand your ground and demand respect for parenting decisions! 💪

Ms_Blasia93 | Ms_Blasia93

Respect parenting decisions, even if child has special needs. 🙌

About_B-x | About_B-x

Sibling rivalry at its worst. NTA. Set boundaries 👍

SugarSweetSonny | SugarSweetSonny

Sister disregards mom's rules for autistic son, gets banned. NTA.

cleaningmama | cleaningmama

Parenting an autistic child: balancing normalcy and individuality. 👨🏽‍🤓

rye_domaine | rye_domaine

Sister's selfishness hurts autistic son, mom makes tough call. NTA

no-truth-in-beauty | no-truth-in-beauty

Parental boundaries crossed, but autistic son needs independence and learning opportunities.

SeePerspectives | SeePerspectives

Sister ignores mom's rules for autistic son, gets banned 🙄

sneezingbees | sneezingbees

Sister ignored rules for autistic nephew. Mom's ban is justified. 😡

Bluemyst111 | Bluemyst111

Setting boundaries for your child's safety is not disrespectful. 👍

chelbren | chelbren

Support for parenting approach, but sister's behavior unacceptable. NTA. 💪

Accomplished_Trip_ | Accomplished_Trip_

Supportive comment shares personal experience and advice for ASD parenting.

H3R3T1c-xb | H3R3T1c-xb

Sister ignores rules for autistic son, gets banned. ESH.

Kaila82 | Kaila82

NTA sister ignores mom's rules for autistic son, faces consequences 🤷‍♀️

dietwatermelonvodka | dietwatermelonvodka

Respecting routines is crucial for individuals with autism. Sister overstepped.

Taykitty-Gaming | Taykitty-Gaming

Supportive comment on raising an autistic child's dietary needs 🙌

user06022022 | user06022022

Sister violated trust, NTA. Seek professional support and join support group. 👍

X-Couch-Potato | X-Couch-Potato

Mom bans sister over autistic son's rules. NTA takes stand.

Super_Reading2048 | Super_Reading2048

Cutting off toxic family after sister ignored rules for autistic son 😡

MamanBear79 | MamanBear79

Parenting choices praised, screens and picky eating criticized. NTA. 👏

Beep-bop-zorp | Beep-bop-zorp

Respecting parenting plans is crucial 👍

BefuddledPolydactyls | BefuddledPolydactyls

Respectful NTA comment supports mother's parenting decisions for autistic son.

Ok_Anything_Once | Ok_Anything_Once

User sympathizes with OP but questions permanent ban on sister.

Oberyn_Kenobi_1 | Oberyn_Kenobi_1

Family resentment towards strict mom of autistic son 🤔

West-Improvement2449 | West-Improvement2449

Sister ignores rules for autistic nephew, gets banned. #NTA

Dumbfounded_brunette | Dumbfounded_brunette

Balancing the need for digital aids and screen time boundaries 🤔

occams1razor | occams1razor

Sister ignores rules for autistic nephew, gets banned. NTA.

Ok_Butterfly_3174 | Ok_Butterfly_3174

Consistency and routine are important for kids, whether neurotypical or not. 🧒🍽️

acwy93 | acwy93

NTA! Parenting style praised, sister's disrespect condemned 👏

PoochsDaughter | PoochsDaughter

Support for OP's healthy food choices and medical expertise. 👍

Tootie0 | Tootie0

Using screens may be necessary, NTA for allowing it.

Bright-Mushroom | Bright-Mushroom

Supportive comment applauds good parenting against family sabotage. 💪

No_Zucchini_3413 | No_Zucchini_3413

Mom prioritizes son's needs, sister oversteps boundaries and gets banned 😡

FlerkenTheGoose | FlerkenTheGoose

Sister ignores mom's rules for autistic son, gets banned! 😢

I_am_a_SuJu_fan_elf | I_am_a_SuJu_fan_elf

Creative tip for picky eaters with autism. 🥳

mushroomgirl | mushroomgirl

Setting boundaries with family for autistic child's well-being. NTA 👏

HeyCanYouNotThanks | HeyCanYouNotThanks

NTA! Sister's betrayal is jaw-dropping! Your approach helped your son.

swillshop | swillshop

NTA commenter supports strict parenting for child's health 👍

AllCrankNoSpark | AllCrankNoSpark

👍 Praise for good parenting amidst family drama. 🙌

Hot-Bid-9015 | Hot-Bid-9015

Is banning the sister the best solution for the autistic son? 🤔

Maemmaz | Maemmaz

Teaching autistic children control is crucial for their development. 👍

NervouslyBroken | NervouslyBroken

Balancing strict rules and freedom - a parent's conundrum 🤔

wandernwade | wandernwade

Conflicted commenter questions acceptance of son's autism and criticizes judgement.

SamScoopCooper | SamScoopCooper

Educate her on the affects of her little 'night of fun' 😏

Tiny-Ad-830 | Tiny-Ad-830

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