Mom Wants LIVE-IN BF of 4 Months on Girls' School Emergency List! Dad Says NO WAY 🚫

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of co-parenting drama that'll make your head spin! 🌪️ Meet our single dad hero, fighting tooth and nail to protect his precious little girls from their mom's questionable judgment calls. 👨‍👧‍👧 This dad's ex has a shiny new boyfriend who's already moved in after just 4 months! 😱 Now, she's demanding that Mr. New Guy be added to the kids' emergency contact list at school. 📝 Our dad's not having it, but the pressure's on from all sides! 🔥 Will he stand his ground or cave to the in-laws' demands? 🤔 Let's dive in and see how this wild ride unfolds! 🎢

🚨 Single Dad's Dilemma: Ex Wants New BF on Kids' Emergency Contact List! 😱

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

💑 Mom's New Man Moves In After Just 4 Months! 🏠

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

📞 Shocking Phone Call: Mom Demands Dad's Approval for BF! 🤯

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

🚗 Mom's Bizarre Reason: "He Bought a New Car!" 🤦‍♂️

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

💼 Mom Prioritizes Work Over Kids' Safety? 😠

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

🙅‍♂️ Dad Puts His Foot Down: "Last Person I Want Acting in an Emergency!" 😤

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

😡 Mom Lashes Out: "Unhinged, Jealous, Uncooperative, and Nasty!" 🤬

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

📵 Dad Hangs Up, But Mom Won't Let It Go! 😒

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

🔥 In-Laws Pile on the Pressure! 😰

mango_dude4533 | mango_dude4533

Dad vs. Mom & New BF: The School Emergency Contact Showdown!

Our single dad is caught between a rock and a hard place, trying to do what's best for his little girls. Mom's new beau may have a shiny new car, but Dad's not convinced that qualifies him to make critical decisions in an emergency. Mom's accusations of jealousy and pettiness are flying, and the in-laws are turning up the heat 🔥, but Dad's gut is telling him this just ain't right. It's a classic case of co-parenting clash, with the kids caught in the middle. So, what does the internet have to say about this family feud? Let's check out some of the top takes on this wild parenting predicament!

Mom wants live-in boyfriend on school emergency list, commenter advises caution 🚫

Bring-out-le-mort | Bring-out-le-mort

NTA questions kids' safety with mom's live-in boyfriend after 4 months 🤔

Hakujin_N | Hakujin_N

NTA. Valid concern about ex moving in a new partner quickly.

Such-Awareness-2960 | Such-Awareness-2960

Father refuses mom's request to put 4-month live-in boyfriend on school list.

Hopelessly_romantic2 | Hopelessly_romantic2

NTA shuts down mom's overbearing request for live-in BF.

DressDowntown | DressDowntown

Stranger danger? NTA commenter worries Mom's moving too fast 🙁

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom's new boyfriend's car causes issues with kid pick-up 🚗

Sidneyreb | Sidneyreb

Concerned commenter warns about potential predator targeting single mother's children.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman's clingy behavior raises concerns about new live-in boyfriend.

Sweet_Investigator58 | Sweet_Investigator58

NTA Dad feels concerned about Mom's irresponsible parenting decisions 🚨

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

Getting the whole family involved in a relationship dispute? Not cool. NTA 🚫

miyuki_m | miyuki_m

Protecting daughters from live-in bf of 4 months 👨‍👧‍👧❌

Jaded-Pepper-7950 | Jaded-Pepper-7950

Trust your instincts and do a background check 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Trust takes time, NTA. Wait until marriage to add him.

sage_ley | sage_ley

NTA comment calls out immature mom and meddling parents 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex's new boyfriend as emergency contact for school? NTA says comment.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Moving in BF after 4 months and expecting dad's approval? 🤔 NTA

RiverSong_777 | RiverSong_777

Moving in a man with young girls in 4 months? NO WAY 😱

MaryAnne0601 | MaryAnne0601

Ex's hypocrisy exposed in comment, NTA for blocking in-laws 🚫

Still_Storm7432 | Still_Storm7432

Putting a random guy on emergency list? NTA, prioritize daughters' safety 🚫

Bulky_Opinion7855 | Bulky_Opinion7855

NTA: Commenter calls out mom's poor decision-making and suggests custody revisit

invisible_for_this | invisible_for_this

NTA for not wanting a 4-month BF on emergency list 🚫

throwRA_badbil | throwRA_badbil

Mom's request for live-in BF on emergency list unreasonable. NTA.

ForeverSam13 | ForeverSam13

NTA. Ex's decision to put BF of 4 months on emergency list is questionable. Consider revisiting custody agreement.

oreganoca | oreganoca

Mother wants BF of 4 months on emergency list, NTA explains risks.

PresentationThick341 | PresentationThick341

Dating for 4 months and moving in with a single mom of 2 young kids? 🤔

KiwiKid_96 | KiwiKid_96

Agreeing with dad's decision and calling out ex's impulsiveness. 👍

haley_drew | haley_drew

Document everything and get ahead of your ex. NTA 👍

HistoryIsABagOfDicks | HistoryIsABagOfDicks

Four months is not enough time for live-in BF on emergency list. NTA 👍

HunterDangerous1366 | HunterDangerous1366

Father refuses mom's request to add 4-month boyfriend to emergency list

Sunny_Hill_1 | Sunny_Hill_1

Respectful commenter agrees with Dad's decision, suggests alternative emergency contact. 👍

effie-sue | effie-sue

NTA commenter concerned about mom's trust in new boyfriend.

rapt2right | rapt2right

Divorced parents agree on emergency list, not girlfriend after 6yrs 🚫

CultureRecent4721 | CultureRecent4721

Parent expresses concern over live-in boyfriend meeting kids after 4 months 🙃

[deleted] | [deleted]

Permanent emergency contact? Ex's new BF? NTA says no way 🚫

Special-Attitude-242 | Special-Attitude-242

Mom's live-in BF on emergency list? NTA says dad

Bullwinkles_progeny | Bullwinkles_progeny

Ex-husband denies live-in BF on school emergency list, NTA comment.

CarrieCat62 | CarrieCat62

Dating for 4 months, girls shouldn't know Shaun, NTA wins

OkraEnvironmental694 | OkraEnvironmental694

NTA commenter calls out mom's irresponsibility with sarcastic tone.

Ok_Jeweler_5948 | Ok_Jeweler_5948

Parental concern for kids' safety with new live-in boyfriend 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Culture shock: Commenter questions appropriateness of mom's request.

EmbarrassedHope6264 | EmbarrassedHope6264

Dating for 4 months, and she wants him on the emergency list? 🤔

Alarming_Reply_6286 | Alarming_Reply_6286

Protecting your children's safety should always be a top priority! 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Prioritize your children's safety over peer pressure. NTA 💪

mayfeelthis | mayfeelthis

Valid concern about safety of children with live-in boyfriend.

SipSurielTea | SipSurielTea

Concerned commenter questions mom's new boyfriend's intentions 👀

Minerva9544 | Minerva9544

User disagrees with mom's decision to add BF to emergency list.

Munkie29 | Munkie29

NTA, but consider long-term approach. Apologize, limit controversy. 🙏

TeachlikeaHawk | TeachlikeaHawk

Adding the boyfriend to the emergency list won't solve safety concerns 🤔

yellowcoffee01 | yellowcoffee01

Protective parent praises OP for not allowing strange man near daughters 🙌

PutWonderful7278 | PutWonderful7278

Dad puts his foot down on mom's questionable request 🚫

harpejjist | harpejjist

Concerned commenter warns of predator behavior, advises daughter safety guidelines.

Chickabae_ | Chickabae_

Ex's mother calling to pressure dad is unfair and unnecessary. NTA.

bamf1701 | bamf1701

LIVE-IN BF on girls' school emergency list? Potential disaster. NTA.

usernamed_badly | usernamed_badly

Trust is earned. Dad is right, don't consent to it.

NotRatedPG | NotRatedPG

Live-in boyfriend of 4 months should not be on emergency list.

Algebralovr | Algebralovr

Ex's request for BF on emergency list after 4 months - NTA.

DaLoCo6913 | DaLoCo6913

Finding a backup plan for emergency pick-up is important. NTA.

ServelanDarrow | ServelanDarrow

Trustworthy emergency contacts require time and responsibility. #NTA 🚫

IslandLife321 | IslandLife321

Engaging comment with a mix of NTA and YTA sentiments 😂

ThatPinkRanger | ThatPinkRanger

4 months in, live-in BF on emergency list? NTA dad disagrees.

Direct-Function1716 | Direct-Function1716

Setting boundaries with kids' safety is important but be tactful.

dedoktersassistente | dedoktersassistente

Mom prioritizes boyfriend over kids. NTA suggests grandmother as contact.

pensaha | pensaha

Mother's request to put live-in boyfriend on emergency list is not okay. Commenter suggests background check.

Miss_Bobbiedoll | Miss_Bobbiedoll

Concerned commenter advises caution when considering mom's boyfriend.

cultoftwinkies | cultoftwinkies

Red flag alert! Moving in BF of 4 months is concerning 🚨

kelly08howell | kelly08howell

Experienced stepmom agrees, 4 months is too soon for emergency list 🚫

cheesemongrel938491 | cheesemongrel938491

Parent expresses concern over mom's live-in boyfriend after 4 months

firefly232 | firefly232

Set boundaries with significant others early on to avoid conflicts 👍

Taleof2poes | Taleof2poes

NTA questions mom's judgement on adding BF to emergency list 😕


Offering solutions and alternatives is key to resolving conflicts ✌️

superpantman | superpantman

Wait a year and do a criminal records check 👌

stilljustwendy | stilljustwendy

Ex's poor judgement raises custody concerns. Seek legal advice 👨‍⚖️

pancho_2504 | pancho_2504

Set clear boundaries with school for your children's safety. NTA.

evelbug | evelbug

Short-term boyfriend on emergency list? NTA says comment.

Hookerboots12 | Hookerboots12

Putting kids' safety first - NTA for not allowing it ✅

WaywardMarauder | WaywardMarauder

Parent supports dad's decision to not put new boyfriend on emergency list 👏🏾

LouisV25 | LouisV25

Questionable judgment: Mom wants live-in BF on school emergency list.

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Concerns raised over mom's intent of adding BF to emergency list

TheReluctantOtter | TheReluctantOtter

User suggests background check before parental access, NTA.

KickIt77 | KickIt77

Four months of dating isn't enough to trust with emergency list 🚫

whichwitch9 | whichwitch9

Protecting children should be the priority, not mother's boyfriend. 🚫

Speakinmymind96 | Speakinmymind96

Dad's protecting his daughters. Live-in bf doesn't make the cut. 🚫

NebulaAway2622 | NebulaAway2622

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