Parents Try to SCAM Teen Nanny Out of Vacation Days! 🤬🚨

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🌴 Imagine being a 17-year-old girl, excited for a Caribbean adventure as a nanny for your neighbors! 🙌 It seemed like the perfect opportunity - a ten-day stay at an all-inclusive resort, taking care of the kids for seven days, and having three days to yourself to explore and relax. 😎 But what happens when the parents try to change the agreement without discussing it with you? 😱 Buckle up, because this story is about to take a dramatic turn! 🎢

🌴 Caribbean Nanny Adventure Gone Wrong! 😱

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📝 The Straightforward Nanny Agreement

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parents Insist on Putting Everything in Writing

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🤿 Excited for Scuba Diving on My Day Off!

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😡 Parents Angry Upon My Return from Excursion

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📜 Reminding Them of Our Written Agreement

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🙌 Other Families Reach Out to Hear My Side

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🚫 Babysitters Decide Not to Work for My Neighbors

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😕 Feeling Guilty Despite Their Lack of Communication

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🤨 They Believe I Should Have Approached Them First

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😱 Caribbean Nanny Nightmare: Parents Try to Change the Deal! 📝

This young nanny thought she had the perfect Caribbean vacation lined up - taking care of the neighbors' kids for seven days and having three days to herself, all put in writing. 📜 But when she returned from a scuba diving excursion on her day off, the parents were furious, accusing her of ruining their golfing plans! 😡 The nanny reminded them of their agreement, but they remained upset. Once home, the parents posted about her supposed irresponsibility, but other families reached out to hear her side. 🙌 Now, the neighbors are facing the consequences of trying to change the deal without communication, as local babysitters refuse to work for them. 🚫 The nanny feels a bit guilty, knowing she would have adjusted her plans if asked, but she wasn't the one who made the situation public. 😕 Let's see what the internet has to say about this Caribbean nanny nightmare! 🌴

Teen nanny stands up to entitled parents, wins and gets paid 💰

Doktor_Seagull | Doktor_Seagull

Teen nanny stands up for herself after being scammed by parents 💪

KronkLaSworda | KronkLaSworda

Fair payment debate settled with NTA verdict 👏

No_Lavishness_3206 | No_Lavishness_3206

Teen nanny holds her ground against entitled parents. 👏

MuddyWaters97 | MuddyWaters97

Nanny stands up to entitled parents and wins! 💪🏼

BulbasaurRanch | BulbasaurRanch

Family reneges on deal and spreads negativity, NTA prevails 👏

tinyd71 | tinyd71

Teen nanny has a contract and stands up for herself 💪

Faster_Furiosa | Faster_Furiosa

Parents try to scam teen nanny out of vacation days - NTA prevails 😎

kurokomainu | kurokomainu

Victory for teen nanny! 🎉 Written agreement saved the day. NTA

YouthNAsia63 | YouthNAsia63

Public shaming backfires as nanny maintains good reputation. NTA 👍

Additional_Alfalfa35 | Additional_Alfalfa35

Skeptical commenter suspects preplanned scam by entitled parents. 😒

Break_The_Box_4lorn | Break_The_Box_4lorn

Parents get karma for trying to scam teen nanny 🎉

Trevena_Ice | Trevena_Ice

Teen nanny underpaid and criticized for asking for a day off 😠

statslady23 | statslady23

NTA: Parents publicly shamed teen nanny, got what they deserved 👏

Heraonolympia123 | Heraonolympia123

Standing up for yourself against dishonest employers 💪

RoyallyOakie | RoyallyOakie

Parents break agreement, bad-mouth teen nanny, suffer consequences. NTA 🙅

Dogmother123 | Dogmother123

Teen nanny stands up for her rights and is NTA!

curiousity60 | curiousity60

NTA stands up for themselves against unfair employers. FAFO 👊

jrm1102 | jrm1102

Kudos to the parents for teaching a valuable life lesson! 🙌

Pleasant_Test_6088 | Pleasant_Test_6088

Don't take the blame for their public shaming. #NTA 👏

bentnotbroken96 | bentnotbroken96

Neighbor tries to scam nanny, gets exposed and embarrassed. NTA

buttercupgrump | buttercupgrump

Teen nanny stands up for herself in contract dispute 💪

imf4rds | imf4rds

NTA. Don't feel guilty, they don't respect you. 💯

dryadduinath | dryadduinath

Parents try to scam teen nanny out of vacation days. NTA stands up for herself.

lmholot1981 | lmholot1981

NTA stood their ground against lying employers. 👏

seregil42 | seregil42

Gold star for insisting on getting things in writing! 🏆

Legendofvader | Legendofvader

Expose the truth! NTA should post the contract on social media 📱

COLGkenny | COLGkenny

Defended by the public, nanny wins against scamming parents! 💪

Jerseygirl2468 | Jerseygirl2468

Fair judgement but low pay. Nanny deserves better 💰

UseDaSchwartz | UseDaSchwartz

NTA parent praises nanny for getting details in writing. 👍

Much_Independent9628 | Much_Independent9628

Facts and truth prevail! NTA shuts down hypocritical parents. 🙌

Wymas123 | Wymas123

NTA stands up for herself and gets justice. ✌🏻

Fun-Result-6343 | Fun-Result-6343

Written deal saves teen nanny from vacation day scam 🙌

GeneralJavaholic | GeneralJavaholic

NTA but adults are AHs for social media drama.

Knew2Who | Knew2Who

Pro nanny stood up for herself and won! NTA 👏

Plenty_Metal_1304 | Plenty_Metal_1304

Got it in writing & followed through, NTA. 👍

OliveOrchids | OliveOrchids

You were smart to get the agreement in writing. NTA 👏

Maximum-Swan-1009 | Maximum-Swan-1009

Teen nanny wins social media battle against entitled parents 😎

disappointedvet | disappointedvet

17-year-old nanny not the a-hole, parents acting weird 😎

-somethingsimple | -somethingsimple

NTA, they tried to ruin your reputation and you stood up! 💪

Content-Plenty-268 | Content-Plenty-268

Defending reputation after scheduling conflict. NTA wins. 🤬

kspi7010 | kspi7010

Underpaid and taken advantage of as a teen nanny 😞

ischemgeek | ischemgeek

Don't let them scam you! Stick to your original agreement! 👍

desert_red_head | desert_red_head

Kudos for written contract! NTA & wholesome family moment 👍

EmeraldAthenry | EmeraldAthenry

Kudos to the parents for supporting their child and setting boundaries 👏

JustUgh2323 | JustUgh2323

Don't mess with a teen nanny's vacation days 🚫🏖️

DMV_Lolli | DMV_Lolli

Teen nanny stands up to entitled parents 💪

Lazy_Ad_6847 | Lazy_Ad_6847

Defending oneself is fair game when exposed by others 💪

Not_Good_HappyQuinn | Not_Good_HappyQuinn

Neighbors get what they deserve for playing stupid games 👏

driveonacid | driveonacid

NTA. They screwed up, doubled down on acting immature. Karma wins.

BigMax | BigMax

Stand up for yourself online and move on! 👊

amy000206 | amy000206

NTA exposes entitled parents trying to scam teen nanny. 🚨

EconomyReference3193 | EconomyReference3193

Defending yourself is key 🔑. They lied and got caught 💥

Catlady0329 | Catlady0329

Supportive comment section, friends and parents have your back! 👏

DomesticPlantLover | DomesticPlantLover

Fellow babysitters beware! Nanny stands up to entitled parents 💪

SnooOnions439 | SnooOnions439

Respectful 17-year-old nanny stands up to manipulative clients and wins! 👏

Haybear92 | Haybear92

Legal contract = no vacay scamming. NTA wins 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up to entitled parents and winning 💪

serraangel826 | serraangel826

Don't mess with the nanny or you'll reap what you sow 🙅‍♀️

Kilkegard | Kilkegard

Neighbor tries to scam nanny and gets rightfully banned 💯

bmyst70 | bmyst70

NTA stands their ground against entitled parents 🙌

RetreadRoadRocket | RetreadRoadRocket

Take responsibility for your actions! 👍

joeythegamewarden82 | joeythegamewarden82

Mature and graceful response to vacation days dispute 👏

Bibliophile_w_coffee | Bibliophile_w_coffee

Gaslighting parents swindle and attack nanny for taking vacation days 🤯

MaybeHughes | MaybeHughes

NTA Teen Nanny saved by awesome parents with lifesaving contacts 🙌

luniiz01 | luniiz01

Underpaid teen nanny stands up for herself and inspires others 💪

pennywitch | pennywitch

NTA stands up for reputation against unfair parents' accusations.

External-Hamster-991 | External-Hamster-991

Standing up to entitled parents 💪🏼

that_was_way_harsh | that_was_way_harsh

Public shaming justified for childish parents stealing vacation days 🤦

NanaGert | NanaGert

Former teenage babysitter praises OP for creating babysitter union. NTA! 💯

StacyB125 | StacyB125

Teen nanny stands up for herself and takes well-deserved break 🙌

hopefulmango1365 | hopefulmango1365

Parents tried to scam teen nanny but got exposed. NTA 👏

KaleDue6054 | KaleDue6054

Teen nanny stands her ground against exploitative parents. NTA 👏

caffeinejunkie123 | caffeinejunkie123

Public shaming backfires on entitled parents 😊

Puddin370 | Puddin370

NTA. The neighbors knew something was wrong with their scam 😏

Responsible-Mud-7812 | Responsible-Mud-7812

No snitching involved. Let karma handle their social media trash.

Bennie212 | Bennie212

Clear communication and written agreement is key. NTA. 👍

Diasies_inMyHair | Diasies_inMyHair

Taking vacation days isn't a prize, NTA for standing up.

Peachyplum- | Peachyplum-

NTA teen nanny stands up to entitled neighbors. ✌🏻

gcas791 | gcas791

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