Bride BANS Trans Guest from Wedding... Is She a BIGOT? 😱

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Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy tale of friendship, love, and wedding drama that's sure to get your blood boiling! 😡 Meet our fierce protagonist, a 28-year-old woman caught in a whirlwind of emotions as she navigates the treacherous waters of her bestie's upcoming nuptials. 💒 But wait, there's a twist! 😱 Her significant other, Jake, has been left off the guest list, and it's not just an innocent mistake. 🤨 Grab your popcorn 🍿 and get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this scandalous story of love, loyalty, and the ultimate wedding snub! 💔

🚨 Wedding Invitation Shocker! 😱

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

💒 Conservative Wedding Planning Begins... 🤔

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

💔 Heartbreak Hits Hard! 💔

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

📞 The Awkward Phone Call... 😬

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🤨 Something Smells Fishy... 🐟

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🙅‍♀️ Lynn's Controversial Stance Revealed! 😲

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

💑 Standing Up for Love! ❤️

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🤥 Lynn's Lame Excuses... 🙄

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🚫 Skipping the Wedding! 😢

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🤳 Lynn Reaches Out Again... 📞

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

✊ Sticking to My Guns! 💪

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

👥 Divided Friend Group! 😬

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🚨 Plot Twist: The Kidney Donation! 😱

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🤔 To Cut Off or Educate? 🎓

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🙅‍♀️ No Bigot Kidneys Here! 🫀

Throwitaway4981 | Throwitaway4981

🚨 The Ultimate Wedding Showdown: Love vs. Loyalty! 💍

Well, well, well... looks like our girl is caught between a rock and a hard place! 😬 On one hand, she's got her ride-or-die bestie who literally gave her a kidney 🫀 (talk about a true friend!), but on the other, she's got her boo thang Jake who's been deliberately snubbed from the wedding guest list. 💔 It's a classic case of love vs. loyalty, and our girl is stuck in the middle! 😩 She's trying to be the bigger person and educate her friend on the error of her ways 🎓, but let's be real, that's easier said than done. 🙄 The internet is divided on this one, with some saying she should cut off the bigoted bestie 🙅‍♀️ and others supporting her decision to stand by her man. 💑 But one thing's for sure, this wedding drama is hotter than a summer day in Texas! 🔥 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy situation... 👀

Supporting a friend's wedding while not supporting their trans guest? 🤔

jaywild | jaywild

Friend's transphobia puts strain on relationship, YTA for tolerating.

South_Butterscotch37 | South_Butterscotch37

Declining invitation to bigoted wedding with a good excuse 👍

BetweenWeebandOtaku | BetweenWeebandOtaku

Respect the bride's decision and be choosy with friends. 👍

OkSeat4312 | OkSeat4312

Reddit's black and white view: Friend is transphobic and evil. But OP, who takes a moral stand for her partner, is NTA. Love and differing opinions can coexist. 😔

chazza79 | chazza79

When friends aren't really friends... 😕

BossBabeInControl | BossBabeInControl

Caught in a hard place. Honest talk with friend & SO.

bayshorevgllc | bayshorevgllc

Savage comment with a touch of humor. Poor Lynn.

Ok_Distribution_2603 | Ok_Distribution_2603

Wedding exclusion based on identity. Commenter calls out bigotry. NTA

Traveling-Techie | Traveling-Techie

Wedding invite not a summons, drop Lynn and her disrespect.

Comfortable-Focus123 | Comfortable-Focus123

Support for standing up against transphobic behavior at wedding.

asphodel2020 | asphodel2020

Supportive comment shows importance of respect for trans individuals 👏

Anonymous0212 | Anonymous0212

Is it possible to be friends with a transphobe? 🤔

Wise_Monitor_Lizard | Wise_Monitor_Lizard

Respecting bride's choice of guests or bigotry? NTA comment.

Performance_Lanky | Performance_Lanky

Transphobic argument puts relationship at risk, ESH.

skintypuppy | skintypuppy

Friend accuses guest of making it political, commenter calls out assholes 😠

thesqrtofminusone | thesqrtofminusone

Lynn's donation doesn't give her ownership over OP's life/relationship. ESH.

SpaghettiFP | SpaghettiFP

Excluded guest's friend defends them, calls out bride's behavior.

Appropriate-Law-8956 | Appropriate-Law-8956

Friend donated kidney, but still NTA for not inviting trans guest

JustRgJane | JustRgJane

Supporting partner over politics, NTA 👍

cachalker | cachalker

Supportive comment about standing up for SO despite exclusion.

fishmom5 | fishmom5

Silence in bigotry is acceptance. NTA, but reconsider friendship.

unlovelyladybartleby | unlovelyladybartleby

Continuing a friendship with a transphobe despite knowing their views? YTA 😕

Gillybby11 | Gillybby11

Standing up for love 💕👏 - NTA wins applause

JordanLake2023 | JordanLake2023

Standing up against bigotry and hate is never political! ✊

MollykinsWoo | MollykinsWoo

Supportive comment calling out bigotry with a warning to the friend.

Winter-Blackberry594 | Winter-Blackberry594

Skipping the wedding was fair, but friendship with transphobe isn't.

OmiOmega | OmiOmega

NTA for sticking to your decision, but limit communication for now 🙌

QuesoDeLibertad | QuesoDeLibertad

Inviting someone without their partner is rude. #NTA 😊

mifflewhat | mifflewhat

Respectful disagreement between friends over wedding guest list 👍

HerbieC026 | HerbieC026

Wedding guest banned for being trans - commenter supports decision.

Zonnebloempje | Zonnebloempje

Excluding a trans guest, is it bigotry or not?

AlpineLad1965 | AlpineLad1965

Supporting a friend or being a bigot? The comment section debates.

Evil_Genius_42 | Evil_Genius_42

Organ donation doesn't justify transphobia. 🤷‍♀️

gezeitenspinne | gezeitenspinne

Choosing to invite someone to your wedding is a personal decision 💍

vitryolic | vitryolic

Polite decline suggestion: 'In the interests of guest limit, sorry' 🙅‍♀️

embopbopbopdoowop | embopbopbopdoowop

Redditor defends bride's decision to not invite trans guest 😒

tarmaq | tarmaq

A thoughtful comment on salvaging a friendship despite differences. 👍

lyree1992 | lyree1992

Navigating relationships vs. personal beliefs at weddings 💕

Spiritual-Notice5450 | Spiritual-Notice5450

Attend the wedding, she saved your life. Don't die on this hill. 🙏

bbyeb | bbyeb

Friend saved your life, be grateful and let it slide 😑

18k_gold | 18k_gold

Declining invite over partner exclusion. Valid point on kidney donation.

Nonby_Gremlin | Nonby_Gremlin

Partner not friend. NTA. 🎉

Lyzab77 | Lyzab77

Exclusion based on gender identity is not traditional etiquette. Stand up! 👍

seecarlytrip | seecarlytrip

Redditor calls out bride for banning trans guest at wedding

A_friendly_goosey | A_friendly_goosey

Transphobia called out, NTA stands up for relationship over politics. 👏

bbettina | bbettina

Gratefulness trumps bigotry: Don't ban your kidney donor. 🙏

No_Strategy8779 | No_Strategy8779

Wedding drama! Commenter thinks everyone sucks, but understands bride's perspective.

americansvenska | americansvenska

Standing up to bigotry: a tough but necessary decision 👊

swillshop | swillshop

It's her day, her guest list. Don't be a gatekeeper 🙄

Mission_Pickle6734 | Mission_Pickle6734

Support for trans rights in wedding guest selection 👏

magsy3 | magsy3

Choosing not to cut out a transphobic friend, but limiting contact.

NapalmAxolotl | NapalmAxolotl

Standing up for your beliefs can sometimes cost you friends 😢

flexisexymaxi | flexisexymaxi

Friend's political view is that your SO should not exist 😬

NinjaHidingintheOpen | NinjaHidingintheOpen

Upgrade your friends, not your phone 📱💅

3bluerose | 3bluerose

Support for trans inclusion in wedding, condemnation of transphobia. 👏

athenae99 | athenae99

Friend faces backlash for banning trans guest from wedding. YTA.

Middle--Earth | Middle--Earth

Standing up against bigotry is not politics, it's basic decency. 👏

Any_Weird_8686 | Any_Weird_8686

Friend donated kidney, but YTA for making her wedding political 🙄

Swimming-Fix-2637 | Swimming-Fix-2637

Curious about guest policy? Get more context before judging.

LetMeEatCakes | LetMeEatCakes

Trans guest banned from wedding, commenter says NTA.

Auroraburst | Auroraburst

Wedding exclusion and dishonesty... Not cool, bride 👎

BlargerJarger | BlargerJarger

Supportive comment urges dropping bigoted 'friend', offers sympathy and luck.

Debjohnson23 | Debjohnson23

NTA bride faces backlash from friends for rejecting trans guest

Holiday_Trainer_2657 | Holiday_Trainer_2657

Standing up against bigotry. NTA 👏

Odd_Welcome7940 | Odd_Welcome7940

Supporting a friend doesn't mean you're taking sides 👍

ScaryButterscotch474 | ScaryButterscotch474

Respectful wedding invitation decline, commenter not the a**hole 👏

LocksmithLow8127 | LocksmithLow8127

Don't let others minimize your experiences. You're NTA 👏

RegrettableBiscuit | RegrettableBiscuit

Respect and human rights matter more than politics. #NTA 👏

aalalaland | aalalaland

Supportive reply defends exclusion but offers alternative solutions. 👍

Exciting-Peanut-1526 | Exciting-Peanut-1526

Love is not politics. Exclusion is hurtful. #NTA 😢

LettusLeafus | LettusLeafus

Stick to your guns, NTA! Friends accusing you of politics? 🙄

Live_Western_1389 | Live_Western_1389

Friend's problematic behavior towards partner should not be ignored.

P33ph0le | P33ph0le

Supportive comment defends trans guest and calls out bigotry.


Friend's bigotry shows friendship not worth pursuing 🙄

Neither_Ask_2374 | Neither_Ask_2374

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