Military Wife's SHOCKING Revelation: 'I Feel S*xually Abused By My Husband' 😱💔

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks, because we're about to dive into a heart-wrenching tale of a woman trapped in a nightmare marriage. 😢 Our protagonist, a 31-year-old mother of three, finds herself at her wit's end after her husband's military deployment takes a dark turn. 🎖️💔 From drunken demands to emotional abuse, she's been through it all. 🍺😡 But when she reaches out for help, even her own family turns their back on her. 😞🤲 Will she find the strength to break free, or will she be forced to endure this living hell forever? 🔥👿 Let's dive in and find out... 👀

🚨 Trapped in a Nightmare Marriage 😢

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Deployment Disaster 🎖️💔

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Drowning His Sorrows 🍺😵

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Weird Requests 😳🚫

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Uncomfortable and Unhappy 😖💔

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Drawing the Line 🛑🚫

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Drunk and Demanding 🍺😡

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

No Means Hell 🔥👿

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Living in Fear 😨😰

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Refusing Means Punishment 🚫😢

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Drunk and Abusive 🍺🤬

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Desperate for Help 🆘😭

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Alone and Helpless 😞🤲

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Enough is Enough 🛑😤

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

Betrayed and Devastated 💔😭

Ok_Quail7895 | Ok_Quail7895

😱 Trapped in a Cycle of Abuse: Will She Ever Break Free? 🆘💔

Our poor protagonist finds herself in a living nightmare, trapped in a marriage with a drunk, abusive husband who demands sex every day. 🍺😡 When she refuses, all hell breaks loose. 🔥👿 He takes away her money, her wedding ring, and even threatens to hurt her. 😨😰 Desperate for help, she reaches out to her family, but they turn their backs on her, leaving her alone and helpless. 😞🤲 Even her own mother tells her to just give in to his demands. 💔😭 But she's had enough. She wants out, but can she find the strength to break free from this cycle of abuse? 🆘💪 The internet has some thoughts on this heartbreaking situation... 👀

Seek help from Family Advocacy and Chaplain for spousal abuse 🥰

noname_2024 | noname_2024

Alarming admission of abuse in military marriage, seek help ASAP 🚨

BlueBallsBlueBalls | BlueBallsBlueBalls

Family can hurt the most 💔💔

DivideFast2259 | DivideFast2259

Military officer suggests reporting husband to COs for abuse 🚨

-FiveAclock- | -FiveAclock-

Combat veteran advises leaving abusive husband for safety 🙏�\skin-tone-3

OMG_IReddit | OMG_IReddit

Seek help from chain of command or chaplain for abuse. 💪

Crafty-Butterfly-974 | Crafty-Butterfly-974

Protect yourself and your kids. Leave him and get help. 🙏🏼

Fit_Work4558 | Fit_Work4558

Marital rape is a crime. Your bodily autonomy deserves respect. NTA 👏

Turbulent_Taste_6332 | Turbulent_Taste_6332

Get help now: National Domestic Violence Hotline, text 88788 ✉️

Leaking_Honesty | Leaking_Honesty

Leave the toxic relationship for yourself and your kids 🙏

periwinklepoppet | periwinklepoppet

Helpful advice on reporting sexual abuse in the military 🙌

JuJu-Petti | JuJu-Petti

Mother's lack of support for abused military wife is appalling 😠

Definitely-Not-Stray | Definitely-Not-Stray

Compassionate comment supports divorce amid troubling situation. 🙏

Horror-Chef-4114 | Horror-Chef-4114

Take this seriously and make a safety plan to get out 🚨

castrodelavaga79 | castrodelavaga79

Survivor shares advice and hope to military wife facing abuse 💖

Mean-Onion-5090 | Mean-Onion-5090

Disturbing allegations of military abuse and advice to leave ASAP.

crubinz | crubinz

Encouraging words and empathy for a military wife in distress ❤️

Adventurous-Bid-9341 | Adventurous-Bid-9341

Escape abuse, cut ties with toxic family. Supportive comment.

tmink0220 | tmink0220

PTSD and entitlement in marriage can lead to sexual abuse. 💔

Ellie_in_socks | Ellie_in_socks

When family fails, sometimes the best option is to leave 👋‍♀️

bookreader-123 | bookreader-123

Supportive commenters urge victim to seek help from advocacy groups ❤️

Deep_Description5262 | Deep_Description5262

Tips for getting support and becoming independent. You deserve better 👏

findingausernameokay | findingausernameokay

Supportive comment encourages leaving abusive marriage. 👍

winterworld561 | winterworld561

Advice from veteran: Get out if you don't feel safe 🙏

Gioellez | Gioellez

Marital rape is a crime since 1994, let's not forget.

minibabybuu | minibabybuu

Survivor shares experience of sexual coercion in intimate violence relationship 💔

betteroffsleeping | betteroffsleeping

Escape the abuse. Don't rely on toxic family members 👏

booksandgardens- | booksandgardens-

Take action, divorce the POS. Collect half his retirement check 💰

Puzzled-Bid5096 | Puzzled-Bid5096

Divorce him. Military doesn't tolerate this behavior. You're not alone. 👍

EmotionalAttention63 | EmotionalAttention63

Former juror warns OP about dangers of leaving shelter with strangers.

TenuouslyTenacious | TenuouslyTenacious

A commenter empathizes with the military wife and urges her to seek counseling.

Cheap_Form4383 | Cheap_Form4383

Leave him, he clearly doesn't respect or trust you. 👍

Killer-Styrr | Killer-Styrr

Important advice for a woman feeling sexually abused by husband 🙏

False-Pie8581 | False-Pie8581

Document everything, get out and protect yourself and your kids 🙌🏻

8immortalbeloved8 | 8immortalbeloved8

Supportive comment offers resources for abuse victims on Instagram.

squirelsandbutter | squirelsandbutter

Supportive comment validates abuse, encourages therapy, and offers comfort ❤️

Just-Like-My-Opinion | Just-Like-My-Opinion

Supportive comment: PTSD not an excuse for abuse, get help 👍

Difficult_Coffee_335 | Difficult_Coffee_335

Concerned commenter suggests leaving abusive military husband for safety 🚨

Ok_Low8767 | Ok_Low8767

Encouraging comment urges OP to seek help and condemns toxic mother

Low_Actuator_3532 | Low_Actuator_3532

Leave for your safety, don't sacrifice self worth for marriage 🙏

jutrmybe | jutrmybe

Encouraging response to OP's struggle with sexual abuse. 👏

DarknessWanders | DarknessWanders

Urgent advice given to victim of spousal rape 😱

SuitableEmployee8416 | SuitableEmployee8416

Seek help now! You deserve happiness and to be abuse-free. 🙏🏻

Mediocre_Stuff_4698 | Mediocre_Stuff_4698

Leave safely, seek counseling, prioritize your and your kids' safety. NTA 👍

Comfortable_Tea_1776 | Comfortable_Tea_1776

Disturbing comment hints at potential danger in military relationship 🤯

krodri17 | krodri17

Leave him immediately, it's a form of control 👍

Due_Finish_5107 | Due_Finish_5107

Encouraging support for leaving abusive military marriage and sharing knowledge 👏

ReleaseTheBlacken | ReleaseTheBlacken

Concerned commenter suggests potential infidelity during military deployment 🤔

Married_catlady | Married_catlady

Practical tips for leaving an abusive spouse. 👍

localguac | localguac

Demanding sex and excessive drinking is unacceptable. Seek help 🚨

Whole-Treat6411 | Whole-Treat6411

Leave him for your safety. Seek help and stay safe. 🙏👏

Jean_Marc_Rupestre | Jean_Marc_Rupestre

Former Domestic Violence worker advises therapy and restraining order. 🙏

tazdevil64 | tazdevil64

Survivor shares personal experience, offers advice for leaving abusive husband.

LittleLordFuckpants_ | LittleLordFuckpants_

Heartbreaking comment on lack of support and need for plan 💔

churchofdan | churchofdan

Take action, file a police report, reach out to shelters 💪

Consistent_Rate_414 | Consistent_Rate_414

Compassionate response urges seeking help and safety 🙏🏻

Life_Drama_02 | Life_Drama_02

Supportive comment encourages seeking help for spousal abuse 👍

getmesome_freshpots | getmesome_freshpots

Alarming accusation against deployed husband with possible explanation. 🤯

Croatoan457 | Croatoan457

Leaving him is the right thing, you're not the a-hole ❤️

summerdinero | summerdinero

Redditor's mother prioritizes danger over support, they're NTA. 😱

FruitcakeAndCrumb | FruitcakeAndCrumb

Helpful advice on military spouse resources and financial support 💪

kmm0821 | kmm0821

Encouraging comment urges military wife to leave abusive husband.

fivemagicks | fivemagicks

Leave now for your safety and your children's. Seek help 🙏

Sweetchickyb | Sweetchickyb

Seeking help and prioritizing safety is important. You're not alone. 🙏🏻

1stladyothewestcoast | 1stladyothewestcoast

Seek help and safety for you and your kids. 💪 NTA.

canttouchthisJC | canttouchthisJC

Empathetic commenter shares personal experience and advice for leaving abusive relationship 💪

cokers2010 | cokers2010

Could steroid abuse be the cause of his behavioral shift?

ShoSciGuy | ShoSciGuy

Important resource shared to help those in need ❤️

_BuzzedAldrin | _BuzzedAldrin

Leave him, document everything, get a lawyer, and stay safe! 💪🏻

OfficeCowgirl | OfficeCowgirl

Fight for yourself and your safety, not his career. 💪🏼

bplimpton1841 | bplimpton1841

Record his abuse, divorce him and take everything! 👍

comradevvorm | comradevvorm

A plea for help against a sick alcoholic husband 😢

StonkMangr92 | StonkMangr92

Military wife's abuse not due to PTSD, just a POS husband 🤢

Historical_Usual5828 | Historical_Usual5828

Empowering advice to leave an abusive marriage and prioritize the child 💪

ChiefTuna | ChiefTuna

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