💔 Husband Crushed By Wife's Crush Confession...Now Demands More Intimacy OR ELSE

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Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy tale of love, betrayal, and a whole lot of drama. 😱 Meet our main man, a 34-year-old husband who's been through the wringer with his wife of 4 years. 💍 These two lovebirds have been working through their trauma together, but things have taken a turn for the worse. 😢 With intimacy issues, suspected cheating, and a whole lot of stress, this husband is at his wit's end. 🤯 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this couple's tumultuous journey! 🎢

🚩 Trauma Bonding: A Tale of Two Lovers 💔

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

👫 Working Through the Pain, Together 🩹

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

🛌 Intimacy Issues: A Bedroom on Ice ❄️

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

💔 Loneliness: A Husband's Cry for Help 😢

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

😱 Betrayal: A Crushing Blow to the Heart 💔

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💸 Financial Strain: Supporting a Broken Home 🏚️

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💊 Stress Takes Its Toll: Medicated and Sedated 😵

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⏰ Time Marches On: The Struggle Continues ⌛

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

👩‍👦 Parental Trauma: The Root of the Problem 🌳

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

💔 Loneliness Revisited: A Plea for Love 🙏

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

🍰 Indulgence and Inactivity: A Concerning Pattern 🍫

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

💕 Longing for Love: A Husband's Heartache 💔

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

🗣️ Communication Breakdown: A Cycle of Disrespect 😞

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

❓ The Ultimate Question: Is He the A-hole? 🤔

Nomura_89 | Nomura_89

🚨 Husband's Ultimatum: Intimacy or Divorce? 💔

Well, well, well... looks like our main man has reached his breaking point! 😱 After years of struggling with his wife's body image issues, lack of intimacy, and suspected cheating, he's finally put his foot down. 🦶 He's given her an ultimatum: more intimacy or divorce. 😲 But wait, there's more! Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🍿 Grab your popcorn, folks, because the responses are bound to be spicy! 🌶️ Will our husband be crowned the a-hole or will the internet rally behind him? 🤔 Stay tuned for the hottest takes on this sizzling story! 🔥

Encouraging words for OP to end a failing marriage 👍

zrm1313 | zrm1313

Toxic marriage advice: Remove yourself from selfish partner's burden 👋

Decent_Bandicoot122 | Decent_Bandicoot122

NTA. Leave her and seek therapy to regain self-worth 👏

BoBoChew | BoBoChew

Lack of emotional intimacy causing strain, not just physical intimacy 💫

ReflectionSweet7222 | ReflectionSweet7222

Lack of intimacy for 2 years is damaging. NTA.

Meiixx | Meiixx

Counseling may be the only way to save this relationship 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment suggests leaving toxic relationship with mental health issues.

Glad_Shop5765 | Glad_Shop5765

🚩 Red flag alert: The commenter advises leaving a toxic relationship.

diceynina | diceynina

🚶‍♂️Time to walk away from wife who shits on your feelings. NTA

emptynest_nana | emptynest_nana

Dump her and find someone who respects you 👍

Ok-Blood5942 | Ok-Blood5942

🗣️ Communication is key. Suggest counseling before moving on.

NickelPickle2018 | NickelPickle2018

NTA commenter advises on sinking ship of intimacy issues 👍

Hizugo | Hizugo

Prioritizing intimacy in a relationship is important. NTA.

professorfunkenpunk | professorfunkenpunk

NTA. Red flags abound. Lawyer up and protect yourself.

Crazybutnotlazy1983 | Crazybutnotlazy1983

Marriage is over, leave now to save yourself more heartache 💔

Owner56897320 | Owner56897320

Withholding intimacy under guise of past trauma? YTA, wife.

Loreo1964 | Loreo1964

Time to move on and find someone who doesn't disrespect you 💯

Administrative_Ant64 | Administrative_Ant64

Lack of respect and kindness affects intimacy, work on foundation 👍

Possible-Holiday952 | Possible-Holiday952

🚩 Red flag alert! Commenter suggests leaving toxic relationship.

DonaldoDoo | DonaldoDoo

🚩 Toxic wife dismisses feelings, talks about sex with others. Leave.

Prestigious_Table630 | Prestigious_Table630

🚨OP, it's time to do a cost-benefit analysis of your relationship💔

tokyo245 | tokyo245

👏👏 NTA for prioritizing yourself, toxic behavior from spouse

iamalwayshighh | iamalwayshighh

Stop being a doormat, value yourself and consider moving on 🙏

Stabbycrabs83 | Stabbycrabs83

Marriage is dead, wife emotionally cheated with friend. Divorce advice. 👍

Prestigious_Past2701 | Prestigious_Past2701

Reddit advises ending sexless marriage due to toxic partner. NTA.

Daemonicvs_77 | Daemonicvs_77

Encouraging comment. Therapy can help with toxic cycles. ❤️

Mountain-Click-8431 | Mountain-Click-8431

Partner suggested open relationship after spouse shut down intimacy.

fugelwoman | fugelwoman

Demanding intimacy won't solve the problem, it's about care 💔

FreeFallingUp13 | FreeFallingUp13

Time to fold 'em and maybe run... 🃏

Curious0597 | Curious0597

Toxicity alert! 🚨 Wife uses trauma to justify her toxicity.

Ok-Season-3433 | Ok-Season-3433

Lack of intimacy is not the only problem here. 💔

SoutherEuropeanHag | SoutherEuropeanHag

Partner is manipulative and disrespectful, ESH. Leave for self-respect. 👋

Frostypookiee | Frostypookiee

🚩 Wife uses trauma as an excuse to pine for friend; consider divorce.

ChancePark1971 | ChancePark1971

Harsh but honest advice on a failing marriage 💔

Anxious-Ad6454 | Anxious-Ad6454

Don't waste your life in a passionless marriage. Move on 👏

Sugary_Treat | Sugary_Treat

Move on, it's not your roommate, it's your spouse 🙄

urcrazynourcrazy | urcrazynourcrazy

Healthy intimacy is not just about sex, and age doesn't matter 👍

OkFold1177 | OkFold1177

Free audiobook recommendation to help with relationship issues 👍

Southern_Dig_9460 | Southern_Dig_9460

Harsh but honest advice about spouse's toxic behavior 🤯

Emerald_geeko | Emerald_geeko

The sad state of modern relationships 😢

Objective_Bench2874 | Objective_Bench2874

Put yourself first and find someone who will cherish you! 👍

Ritocas3 | Ritocas3

🚫 Don't give in to ultimatums. Divorce abusive spouse and move on.

wallstreetbetsdebts | wallstreetbetsdebts

NTA OP! You've worked on yourself, now it's her turn 👏

Internal-Tank-6272 | Internal-Tank-6272

Doubts about wife's fidelity. NTA for seeking divorce.

harpxwx | harpxwx

🚶‍♀️Leave now, you deserve better. Don't waste your time/money on counseling.

EDM3000 | EDM3000

Escape the loveless marriage before it drains you dry 🙏

lookn2-eb | lookn2-eb

Communication is key. Don't sacrifice your needs for your partner.

Daberella_626 | Daberella_626

Divorce seems like the best option for your mental health 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Reciprocity is key in a marriage. Ultimatums won't help. 💔

Radykall1 | Radykall1

Taking care of oneself is a responsibility in a relationship 💪

GunMuratIlban | GunMuratIlban

NTA commenter advises leaving toxic wife, calls her a narcissist 💫

Relevant-Dependent53 | Relevant-Dependent53

💥 Man shares his experience with sexless marriage and importance of intimacy

SirDrinksalot27 | SirDrinksalot27

Trust your gut feeling and move on for a happier life 👍

CheneyNTheMachine | CheneyNTheMachine

Harsh but honest advice, 🤷‍♀️

NeighborhoodFinal956 | NeighborhoodFinal956

Ending a loveless marriage: NTA, life is too short ❤

FobbitOutsideTheWire | FobbitOutsideTheWire

Sometimes it's not about you, it's about making your partner feel loved and wanted 👭

Educational-Two-3582 | Educational-Two-3582

NTA but facing a bad marriage, offer therapy instead of ultimatum. 👍

DropDeadDolly | DropDeadDolly

Don't be trapped in a loveless marriage, prioritize your well-being 👍🏻

NotYourTypicalChad78 | NotYourTypicalChad78

Ending the marriage seems like the best solution 💔💔

Munich11 | Munich11

🤔 Comment suggests wife checked out of relationship, offers insight.

RoutinePop8577 | RoutinePop8577

🚨 Red flag alert! Commenter warns OP of potential marriage scam.

03FatBoyTim | 03FatBoyTim

Divorce may be the best solution for a dismissive partner. 😕

tearthael | tearthael

🚩 Beware of partners who use 'trauma' as an excuse.

No-Nose-6569 | No-Nose-6569

👍Agree, you're not the a**hole for wanting better intimacy.

kittiemccatface | kittiemccatface

Why do people stay in unhappy relationships? 🤔

mandytheratmom | mandytheratmom

Toxic spouse? Seek counseling or walk away 🙏

opi098514 | opi098514

OP's wife is emotionally abusive and neglectful. Divorce is necessary. 👍

kcdee63 | kcdee63

Demanding intimacy after crush confession - NTA suggests spousal support

Slothvibes | Slothvibes

Supportive comment encourages OP to leave toxic and narcissistic wife. 💪

SavvysWildWoodlands | SavvysWildWoodlands

Partner's lack of empathy and intimacy is a dealbreaker. 💔

AdministrativeFly463 | AdministrativeFly463

💔 It's important for both partners to feel wanted and cared for.

TheJoyOfJenny | TheJoyOfJenny

👋 Say goodbye to misery, life is too short to waste.

Pure-Carob4471 | Pure-Carob4471

OP's wife's behavior is a red flag, prioritize yourself 🙌

QueenDASP | QueenDASP

End it and move on. Ultimatum not required. NTA 👍

Archangel1962 | Archangel1962

Redditors question OP's motive for seeking advice on marriage.

Ok_Motor_4298 | Ok_Motor_4298

Marriage is dead after wife's crush confession. Ultimatum ineffective.

allthemigraines | allthemigraines

Sometimes walking away is the best decision 👋🏻

roadkill4snacks | roadkill4snacks

Mismatched desires causing intimacy issues. 🤔

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