Wife Refuses Sex Until Husband Fixes His Teeth 😬💔

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a marital crisis on our hands that's sure to make your jaw drop (and not just from the dental damage)! 😱 Meet our desperate wife, stuck between a rock and a hard place (or should we say, between love and a mouthful of cavities?). 💔 Her alcoholic hubby's binge drinking has left his teeth in shambles, and now she can't even bear to kiss him! 🤢 But with money tight and emotions running high, what's a gal to do? 🤷‍♀️ Grab your popcorn and get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this dental dilemma! 🍿

🚨 Marital Crisis Alert! 🚨

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😢 Tragedy Strikes, Hubby Slips Up! 😢

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🍺 Binge Drinking Takes Its Toll! 🍺

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🦷 The Tooth Trouble Begins! 🦷

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🤢 Imagine the Dental Damage! 🤢

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💸 Dental Dilemma: Money vs. Mouth! 💸

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💋 No Kisses for Cavity-Filled Hubby! 💋

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💔 Harsh Words Leave Hubby Hurt! 💔

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🤮 Stomach Issues Worsen Dental Woes! 🤮

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😱 Binge Drinking Leads to "Bulimia Teeth"! 😱

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🏫 Dentistry School to the Rescue? 🏫

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💍 Divorce Not an Option, Love Prevails! 💍

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🤷‍♀️ Desperate Wife Seeks Dental Advice! 🤷‍♀️

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😱 Dental Drama Threatens to Tear Marriage Apart! 😱

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a real-life soap opera here! 🎭 Our poor wife is at her wit's end, torn between her love for her husband and her utter disgust at his cavity-ridden mouth. 🦷 It's a classic case of "for better or for worse, in sickness and in dental decay." 💍 But fear not, dear readers! Our desperate wife is determined to find a solution, even if it means sending her hubby off to dentistry school! 🏫 Will their love prevail, or will this dental drama be the final straw? 💔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this jaw-dropping situation! 🗣️

Curious Redditor wonders about teeth destruction timeframe 🤔

Ifortified | Ifortified

Curious commenter wants more details about husband's teeth situation 🤔

Mistyam | Mistyam

Skepticism and humor in response to dental hygiene accusations.

WillLurk4Food | WillLurk4Food

Dental hygiene is important for overall health, but secrets?

Wise_Peach7209 | Wise_Peach7209

Motivation for dental hygiene goes beyond kissing, NTA comment.

SnooRecipes9891 | SnooRecipes9891

Dental health is important! Check out nearby dental schools for cheap cleanings 👕

docholliday209 | docholliday209

Alcoholism and hygiene could be a deal-breaker for some 😬

Tarotologist | Tarotologist

Teeth health affects overall health 😓

Mysterious_Salary741 | Mysterious_Salary741

Insightful comment about addiction in a sensitive topic 👍

nailz1000 | nailz1000

Dentist advises on how to fix husband's bad breath 😊

thabananer | thabananer

A harsh comment about sobriety and blame-shifting without relevance.

RemarkableArticle970 | RemarkableArticle970

Red flags raised about husband's teeth condition, seeking more information.

MouseConfessional | MouseConfessional

Husband's dental hygiene causing marital issues, but deeper problems exist.

libre-m | libre-m

Partner's refusal to fix rotting teeth impedes intimacy. NTA.

BigKittehKat | BigKittehKat

Suggesting a different approach to address the issue tactfully 👁

Competitive_Key_2981 | Competitive_Key_2981

Importance of trust and respect in intimacy explained 👍

pataconesss | pataconesss

Suggests helping partner with dental hygiene, apologizing for insensitivity 💖

indigoOne1 | indigoOne1

Could missing the mom's funeral be the real issue here?

ThrowRA732903 | ThrowRA732903

Husband misses funeral, wife refuses sex until he fixes teeth 🤪

Anothercitykitty | Anothercitykitty

Tooth debate: Did she wait for a mistake to complain? 🤔

Candid_Celery_9945 | Candid_Celery_9945

Practical suggestion for dental care and relationship advice.

Original-Tea-7516 | Original-Tea-7516

Community offers dental clinic suggestions to help the husband

Otaku_Guy9 | Otaku_Guy9

Curious commenter questions dad's dental hygiene, suspects drug use 🤔

lachlankov | lachlankov

A humorous take on the husband's teeth situation 😂

ReleaseAggravating19 | ReleaseAggravating19

Dental hygiene or neglect? Comment sparks teeth debate 😲

JealousaurusREX | JealousaurusREX

Harsh advice on leaving partner after loss, no sympathy here 😔

piceathespruce | piceathespruce

Hygiene expectations vs. love incompatibility. Couple's therapy needed. 👨👩🏻🤷🏼‍♀️

thebitchywolf | thebitchywolf

Trust issues and a lack of motivation for physical intimacy. 😨

Ebo907 | Ebo907

Avoiding deeper issue by focusing on husband's teeth 😑

Passiveresistance | Passiveresistance

Dental hygiene affects more than just your oral health 😜

SecretAttention2418 | SecretAttention2418

Doubting the authenticity of the story 🤔

Shrikeangel | Shrikeangel

Is lack of intimacy causing more problems in their marriage?

trueGildedZ | trueGildedZ

Long-term marriage shouldn't be based on superficial flaws 👍

RaveD2 | RaveD2

User suggests wife has no right to dictate husband's sex life 💑

Both_Ad2407 | Both_Ad2407

Meth mouth strikes again 😱

JohnRedcornMassage | JohnRedcornMassage

Taking care of dental health is important for overall wellbeing. 💪

Embarrassed_Music910 | Embarrassed_Music910

Discussion on the severity of teeth damage from alcohol binging.

FinalBlackberry | FinalBlackberry

The teeth issue may have deeper emotional implications. 🤔

BewilderedToBeHere | BewilderedToBeHere

Toxic behavior alert! 🚨 Commenter calls out husband's excuse.

RWAdvice | RWAdvice

The impact of teeth on intimacy and hygiene concerns. 🙃

SayYouLikeThat | SayYouLikeThat

Encouraging comment to prioritize dental health, NTA.

InevitableTrue7223 | InevitableTrue7223

Neglected by husband, can't stand sex with him anymore. Suggests dentistry school.

Purple_Seat_1334 | Purple_Seat_1334

Maintaining good dental health is crucial for overall well-being. 😄

throwaway-119709 | throwaway-119709

Supportive comment suggests deeper issues beyond dental hygiene affecting intimacy.

sapzo | sapzo

Save money on dental work: try local dental schools! 👀

Psychologystudent28 | Psychologystudent28

Fiance's dental hygiene was a turnoff until he got it fixed 😓

Indigenous_badass | Indigenous_badass

Ultimatum given to fix teeth to save marriage 😬

Teatimetaless | Teatimetaless

Dentist explains the severity of OP's dental issue and hygiene 😱

HughGasol69 | HughGasol69

Hygiene issue causing marital problems. OP is NTA. 🤷🏻‍♂️

rickytang3 | rickytang3

Doubting the breaking point of the wife's ultimatum 🤔

millerlite585 | millerlite585

Prioritizing teeth over sobriety? Maybe reevaluate your priorities 🤔

ThisJoeLee | ThisJoeLee

Outraged commenter calls out article's premise as dumb.

RedactedSlur | RedactedSlur

A potential love connection through sex withholding post 👨‍❤️💋

Frosty_Point7070 | Frosty_Point7070

Debating the effects of alcohol on teeth damage 🤔

TrustintheShatner | TrustintheShatner

Suspicious reply about teeth and bulimia 🤔

SmallTherapyBear | SmallTherapyBear

Confusion over the severity and cost of dental damage 💡

swaggyxwaggy | swaggyxwaggy

The dangers of drinking and not eating on dental health 😬

Fitzcarraldo8 | Fitzcarraldo8

Doubts on story's authenticity debunked in snarky comment.

Swimming_Topic6698 | Swimming_Topic6698

Practical tip for affordable dental work 💡🦷

TheStilken | TheStilken

Harsh comment defending husband's drinking, suggests leaving wife. 🤪

TradingRebel | TradingRebel

YTA comment receives no support 😞

Such_Juggernaut_7928 | Such_Juggernaut_7928

Severe dental problems can lead to malnutrition and other health issues 😱

osammons | osammons

Empathetic comment suggests counseling to save struggling marriage 😢

Kailualand-4ever | Kailualand-4ever

Uncle drinks 24 beers a day but has better teeth? 🤔

Puzzleheaded-Bet1328 | Puzzleheaded-Bet1328

Accusations against the husband's dental hygiene, YTA verdict.

Astral-Sol | Astral-Sol

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