Autistic Daughter Put In Group Home - Mom's Next Move STUNS 🤯

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Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a doozy of a story for you today. 😳 Meet our exhausted mom, who's been through the wringer raising her severely autistic daughter for 20 years. 🙇‍♀️ With a deadbeat ex who bailed early on 🏃‍♂️, she's been juggling work, caregiving, and a whole lot of stress. 😫 But now, with her daughter in a group home and a chance to live abroad, she's facing some tough choices. 🌍 Should she stay or should she go? 🎶 Let's dive into this emotional rollercoaster ride! 🎢

🚨 Overwhelmed Mom's Heartbreaking Decision 💔

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🏃‍♂️ Deadbeat Dad Ditches Daughter 😡

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

👻 Dad's Disappearing Act 🤬

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

💪 Single Mom's Struggle 😓

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🌪️ Juggling Work & Caregiving Chaos 😵

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🙄 Useless Advice from Clueless People 🤦‍♀️

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🎭 Mom's Sacrifices 😢

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🙌 Deadbeat Dad's Surprise Appearance 😲

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🌎 Mom's Missed Opportunities Abroad 😞

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🤝 Co-Parenting Agreement 📝

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

💸 Mom Sends Money for Caregiving 💰

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🏃‍♂️💨 Dad's New Life Plans 😠

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🗣️ Support Group Backlash 😤

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🌟 Mom's New Lease on Life ✨

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🥂 Living It Up Abroad 🎉

Throwawayxautis | Throwawayxautis

🚨 Internet Weighs In: Should Mom Stay or Go? 🤔

Whew, what a wild ride! 🎢 Our overwhelmed mom has been through the ringer, sacrificing her own life to care for her autistic daughter. 😢 With a deadbeat dad who's MIA 👻 and useless advice from clueless people 🙄, she's finally got a chance to live her life abroad. 🌍 But now her support group is giving her major guilt trips 😤, saying she needs to stay accessible or risk bad caregivers taking advantage. 😱 Meanwhile, dad's off starting a new life with his girlfriend. 🏃‍♂️💨 The internet has thoughts, feelings, and plenty of opinions on this one! 🗣️ Let's see what they have to say about this heart-wrenching dilemma. 💔

A nurse reassures a worried mom about her daughter's care 💊

Sad_Trainer_4895 | Sad_Trainer_4895

Hiring a visitor to check on daughter in care home 👍

Winterlong | Winterlong

Pediatric PT praises mom who put autistic daughter in group home 👏

TicketMaster10 | TicketMaster10

Don't let the haters get you down! 🤗 You're doing what's best for your daughter and that's all that matters.

a-_rose | a-_rose

Mother of special needs child shares her experience and advice ❤️

Fuckyoumecp2 | Fuckyoumecp2

Heartbreaking reality of group homes revealed 😢

Emotional-Brush1044 | Emotional-Brush1044

Prevent abuse in care facilities by hiring weekly visitors. NTA.

Laughorcryliveordie | Laughorcryliveordie

Parent prioritizes personal life over autistic daughter's needs. 💔

judgingA-holes | judgingA-holes

Moving an autistic child to a group home, a difficult decision 😢

scottwax | scottwax

Supportive comment suggests group home can be beneficial for daughter 🙌

Marillenbaum | Marillenbaum

Former group home worker gives advice on finding a good home 🔍

Krodelc | Krodelc

Moving forward after sacrifice is okay. You're NTA. 👍

ele71ua | ele71ua

Protecting vulnerable individuals from abuse in caregiving positions. ❌

byesharona | byesharona

Visiting your daughter regularly is crucial for her well-being 🙏

AudienceKindly4070 | AudienceKindly4070

Breaking free of constant caregiver cycle and finding a way to meet your needs and your child's needs is terrifying to some. Visit often, set alerts, arrange visitors, enjoy Germany! 🤯

unlovelyladybartleby | unlovelyladybartleby

Heartfelt comment acknowledges struggle of single mother raising disabled child.

oceanduciel | oceanduciel

Don't abandon your daughter, pay someone else to visit instead 🙏

theraddistnikki | theraddistnikki

NTA with an asterisk. Daughter deserves a present mom 💞

rejococo | rejococo

A direct support professional advocates for group homes, but advises against complete disengagement from the daughter. 👍

Big_Climate8775 | Big_Climate8775

Supportive comment from fellow mom of autistic child. 💜

NewRelationship5427 | NewRelationship5427

Navigating legal guardianship for an autistic daughter 🧐

etron42 | etron42

Hiring a weekly caregiver ensures proper care, NTA! 👍

Followthatfamily | Followthatfamily

Embrace your individuality, even in a support group. NTA 👏

Traditional_Donut110 | Traditional_Donut110

Leaving your autistic daughter in a group home and moving overseas? 🤔

Hrams66 | Hrams66

Moving abroad while leaving autistic daughter behind: Slightly AH

Some-Jackfruit-2773 | Some-Jackfruit-2773

Parenting is tough, but sacrificing your child's needs is unacceptable. 👏

Interesting_Cover220 | Interesting_Cover220

ESH parents dump kid at group home without checking on her 😕

idontknowmtname | idontknowmtname

Supportive comment suggests visiting autistic daughter in group home💛

FaithlessnessItchy66 | FaithlessnessItchy66

Father of autistic child calls out mother for abandoning daughter overseas.

0118999_881999119725 | 0118999_881999119725

Distance and abandonment - the unfortunate reality for this daughter. 😔

AllCrankNoSpark | AllCrankNoSpark

Parents have obligation to ensure daughter's safety and well-being 🙏

XcuseMeMisISpeakJive | XcuseMeMisISpeakJive

Leaving daughter in group home and moving away? 😔

TarHeelOnPosh | TarHeelOnPosh

Compassionate concern for the daughter and thoughtful advice given 👍

ComfortableWish | ComfortableWish

The harsh reality of caregiver support groups and societal expectations. 😔

Particular-Try5584 | Particular-Try5584

Establishing daughter's future path: only option for aging parents 👍

Calcularius | Calcularius

Advocating for autistic daughter in group home: Can you afford it?

IntelligentAd4429 | IntelligentAd4429

Parent of autistic son empathizes with OP's decision to place daughter.

Alia_Explores99 | Alia_Explores99

Difficult decision to get care, but moving abroad was wrong 😔

swampthroat | swampthroat

Parenting is a full-time job, but does that excuse abandonment? 🤔

Amourxfoxx | Amourxfoxx

Occupational therapist reassures mom's decision to put daughter in group home 👍

ConditionNormal7688 | ConditionNormal7688

Encouraging comment to prioritize happiness and responsibility towards child

traumakidshollywood | traumakidshollywood

Sibling calls out OP for not visiting disabled sister for 2 years 😢

tulips49 | tulips49

Advice from a disabled person: stay in proximity for daughter's well-being 🙏

Sagafreyja | Sagafreyja

Mom claps back at unsupportive caregivers with a savage response 🙌

chaingun_samurai | chaingun_samurai

Offering support and suggesting ways to stay connected with daughter 👍

Beginning-Ostrich104 | Beginning-Ostrich104

Insensitive comment receives no support from replies 😑

lsp2005 | lsp2005

Heartbreaking comment highlights the pain of a child's abandonment 😔

SugarGoat86 | SugarGoat86

Leaving daughter in a group home? YTA, but there's hope 🙏

Consuela_no_no | Consuela_no_no

Tag-teaming with family to care for terminally ill brother. NTA 👍

funkydaffodil | funkydaffodil

A harsh verdict on the commenters' arguments and the reality of care homes

ShiftySocks | ShiftySocks

Group homes may pose risks of abuse. Check in consistently.

ipsofactoshithead | ipsofactoshithead

Dad's sudden return for daughter's disability payments questioned 🤔

emdafem | emdafem

Choosing a group home for long term assistance needs is NTA 👍

MyLadyBits | MyLadyBits

Breaking the stigma around parents of children with special needs 🤯

homemadeteriyaki | homemadeteriyaki

Harsh criticism towards a mom who put her autistic daughter in group home

GrouchyAuthor3869 | GrouchyAuthor3869

Hiring a proxy can keep you involved in your daughter's care 🙌

MeFolly | MeFolly

Consider your daughter's wants and needs before making big decisions 🤔

85bert | 85bert

Caregivers sacrifice a lot. You did what you could 👍

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Heartbreaking comment on the struggles of caring for a child with special needs 😢

Moist-Win-1766 | Moist-Win-1766

Raising kids is hard. Raising kids on the spectrum, is a whole nother level of hard. You deserve a break, a life of your own, and there are licensed, trained professionals to help your daughter. Hugs from an internet mama. 💞

RNGinx3 | RNGinx3

Choosing a group home for her disabled daughter - NTA.

magebee | magebee

Prioritizing self-care over daughter's care sparks controversy 🤯

oulipopcorn | oulipopcorn

Empathy for a tough situation with an autistic daughter 💞

theretrospeculative | theretrospeculative

Balancing personal life and care for autistic daughter, tough decision 😢

grouchykitten1517 | grouchykitten1517

Understanding daughter's functioning and quality of life is crucial 🤔

lucysucks | lucysucks

Moving abroad and visiting once in two years makes YTA

throwawayeas989 | throwawayeas989

Encouraging words for a difficult decision. 🤗

mi_nombre_es_ricardo | mi_nombre_es_ricardo

Parental involvement is crucial for children with disabilities. YTA.

meowmix79 | meowmix79

Ex demands payment to see his own daughter? NTA mom stuns!

alc1982 | alc1982

Exploring options abroad: Germany's welfare system for disabled individuals ⚖️

TeethBreak | TeethBreak

Don't let others judge your decision. Seek support from friends 👍

FabulousDonut6399 | FabulousDonut6399

Mom not interested in visiting autistic daughter in group home 😢

MissNikitaDevan | MissNikitaDevan

Being a full-time caregiver is tough, NTA for seeking help 👏

kikivee612 | kikivee612

Mom not TA for daughter's group home, but should visit her 👥

9and3of4 | 9and3of4

Tips for UK-based parents on advocating for their child's needs 👍

CymruB | CymruB

Managing safety and care for disabled adults is complex. 🙃

oldgar9 | oldgar9

Autistic adults thriving in care facilities. NTA for group home.

Shitp0st_Supreme | Shitp0st_Supreme

Heartbreaking story of a mother's sacrifice for her disabled son.

nerdyviolet | nerdyviolet

Supportive comment applauding mother's decision to find a good placement. 🤝

omgwtflols | omgwtflols

Mother receives criticism for putting autistic daughter in group home

Archangel1962 | Archangel1962

Balancing self-care and family time is crucial, extremes aren't healthy 🙏

pinkplasticplate | pinkplasticplate

Choosing group home early is better for daughter's future. Ignore toxic support groups.

2PlasticLobsters | 2PlasticLobsters

Choosing a group home for disabled adults is responsible parenting 👍

Puzzleheaded-Job6147 | Puzzleheaded-Job6147

Mother gets parole from motherhood and daughter's care. #NTA 🙌

Status_Opposite_1543 | Status_Opposite_1543

Hiring an advocate to keep tabs on the group home 👍

NeverRarelySometimes | NeverRarelySometimes

Putting an autistic daughter in a group home - NTA

IndividualDevice9621 | IndividualDevice9621

Caring for yourself doesn't make you selfish. 🙌

Minute-Aioli-5054 | Minute-Aioli-5054

Parent's decision to place autistic daughter in group home supported ❤️

Mortica_Fattams | Mortica_Fattams

Care homes exist for a reason 🙏

AffectionateSun4119 | AffectionateSun4119

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