
9+ Times The Elf On The Shelf Was On The Naughty List

If you're not familiar with the idea of "Elf on the Shelf," let me explain it to you. It's basically a Christmas tradition where an Elf watches over your children during the day to make sure they're behaving themselves. Then he reports back to Santa.

Unfortunately, some people have put the Elf in compromising situations just for the sake of laughs and you gotta see what I mean with these photos.

1. When You Need To Get Toasty

Looks like it didn't take this elf too long to find something to cozy up with. Make sure you don't eat that toast.

2. When This Happens


Speaking of hiding sweets from those sneaky elves, it looks like these two are really into bubble butts. I can't imagine what else they can get into.

3. When You're Just Making Lemonade

OMG, is this what I think I'm looking at here? Somehow now, I don't feel the same about homemade lemonade anymore. Ugh.

4. When Your Elf Is Left Unsupervised


I guess this is what happens when you leave your Elf unsupervised. Is there any toilet paper left that hasn't been drawn on?

5. When He Raids Your Bathroom

I'm pretty sure this elf had no idea what floss was actually for. So he decided to make himself a hostage instead.

6. When You Forgot To Hide The Candy


Leave it to an elf to find all your candy. I bet you forgot how multi-dextrous these elves can really be.

7. When He's Caught In The Act


I hope you don't come home to find your elf being extra naughty this Christmas because this is quite unexpected.

8. When He's Being Sneaky

Speaking of catching your elf in the act, what about when they learn how to open doors and windows? That's never a good sign.

9. When He Torments Barbie


What did poor Barbie do to this naughty elf? I actually don't wanna know. I just feel sorry for Barbie getting her hair chopped off.

10. When He's Not Into Superheroes


Okay, I get it being a superhero is really cool, so I don't blame this little Elf for being just a tad bit jealous.

11. When You Get On His Bad Side


Looks like somebody has been naughty and I'm not talking about the kid here. This elf has a mind of his own.

12. When He Picks A Fight With Gingy


Oh no! What happened to our little gingerbread man? Somebody get the knife away from this up-to-no-good elf fast.

13. When You've Been Up To No Good

Oh, this is the look of one guilty elf, if you ask me. Make sure you don't leave him home alone again.

14. When He's Not Fond Of Barbie

OMG, I dunno what's going on here but this doesn't look too good for poor little Barbie. Quick, rescue her now!

15. When He's In A Singing Mood

I guess you oughta be happy he didn't do this to the walls of your bathroom. Toilet paper, you can just throw away.

16. When He Wants A Snowball Fight

I guess this elf couldn't figure out how to get outside to play in the snow, so he did this instead. Oh no!

17. When He's Got An Important Question To Ask

So elves aren't exactly known to do things in the most gentle way. I guess this explains it. Never a dull moment.

18. When He's Been Replaced

Oh oh, it looks to me like a little bit of sibling rivalry here. But that should teach him a lesson not to run away.

19. When You Can't Leave Him Alone For 5 Seconds

Even 5 seconds is enough for this elf to get into all sorts of trouble. Who's gonna clean this up?

20. When Elves Get Bored

I dunno how these elves got inside the refrigerator, but I'm happy to see they at least didn't break any eggs. Disaster averted.

21. When He Wants To Get Back At You

Oh, no! Hide your phones everybody. It looks like getting on your elf's nerves isn't in your best interest.

22. When He Wants To Impress His Lady Friend

And you thought having one elf was bad enough. This is what happens when there's two of them. LOL.

This just proves that you should never leave your Elf unattended because there's no telling what kind of mayhem they can bring upon your house.

LOL! I warned you.

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