
8+ Overdone And Tired Tattoo Trends From The Past Decade

Picking the right tattoo style and design that's perfect for you is a tall order in itself. There's also peer pressure and trends that you need to consider. Sometimes a tattoo becomes really popular and everyone runs out to get it, only to regret it years later.

So in an effort to prevent you from making a huge mistake, I've listed some tired tattoo designs you may want to avoid.

1. Barbed Wire

We can all thank Pamela Anderson for this awesome tattoo trend (insert sarcasm here). The fact is that we've seen enough of these over the years. Next.

2. "Under-Boob" Tattoo

Believe it or not, the under-boob tattoo became very popular and not as unique as it once was. So, do you really want to get one of these?

3. White Ink

Honestly, I don't really get the whole white ink tattoo idea. You can barely see it to begin with and it will only fade more over time.

4. "Stand Tall" Giraffes

I get it — sometimes a design looks so cool everybody wants to have one. But after you've seen it over and over it's pretty much over.

5. Tiny Tattoo

I think getting a tattoo that's so small is just a waste of time and money. It will become a blob with absolutely no recognizable detail over time.

6. Wrist Tattoo With Inspirational Message

I get it — it's so easy to show off this tattoo by just raising your hand but it's been so overdone. It's boring.

7. Anchors

The anchor tattoo is as old as time. Sailors and pirates used to get those back in the day. I think you can be more creative than that.

8. Tribal Tattoo

Same as anchor tattoos, tribal designs are so popular. But unless you actually belong to a tribe, maybe you can think of something else more appropriate?

9. Ring Finger Tattoos

I have to admit I thought of getting a ring finger tattoo instead of an actual wedding band. But... then I changed my mind, lol.

10. Latitude And Longitude

This seems like an interesting tattoo idea and it's definitely a little mysterious. It's just not as unique as when it first came out.

11. Dream Catcher

I think dream catchers are really cool and I love their boho vibe. But, you can pretty much find them on any free-spirited tattoo lover.

12. Arrows

A simple arrow can look so cute as a tattoo. I totally understand that. But it's also such a popular design there's nothing special about it.

13. Dandelions

As a kid, I was obsessed with blowing dandelions. What child wasn't? Ha, ha. So yes, this is an adorable idea but it's been done over and over again.

14. Deathly Hallows

Every Harry Potter fan can recognize this popular symbol and this tattoo was all the rage. Until it wasn't, that is. Let's just move on.

15. Forest Outline

Apparently, this one is super popular with white guys who get it on their ankles or wrists. It's like a modern version of a tribal tattoo.

16. Watercolor

These tattoos that resemble free form watercolor paintings, with bright colors and abstract inspirations just don't age very well. So just stay away from these, please.

17. Roman Numerals On Collar Bone


Why was this ever a thing? I just don't get it. I mean it's so weird. I never liked this idea. No, sir.

18. Shawn Mendes' Butterfly


I can understand the appeal of this tattoo, especially if you're a girl obsessed with Shawn Mendes, but really, just be more original. Ok?

19. Lions

Unsplash | Najib Kalil

I get why lions are so popular. They're so regal, and after all, the lion is the king of the jungle. But everybody seems to have them.

20. Disney Quotes


Disney evokes that childhood spirit in all of us, doesn't it? But when you see those Mickey ears with Disney quotes everywhere, it gets pretty old fast.

21. Inner Lip Tattoo

First of all, ouch! If you can stand getting an inner lip tattoo I gotta give you props. You're a badass. But save yourself some pain and just avoid this placement.

22. Tattoo On The Side Of The Finger

One overdone tattoo idea that definitely comes to mind is the mustache tattoo that people would then always want to show off. No, thanks.

Getting a tattoo is a hard decision.

Sometimes finding out what you don't want can actually help you narrow down your choices. I hope this does just that for you.

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