
Blogger's Candid Post Reveals That She Still Spends Thanksgiving With Her Ex-Husband's Family

For some people, the thought of spending the holidays with all of their family can be scary enough. But when you're divorced things can get especially awkward. Does it really have to be that way?

Kristina Kuzmic, a popular parenting vlogger doesn't see it that way. She's been spending the past few Thanksgivings at her former in-laws and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Kristina credits her clearly amazing and understanding former parents-in-law who still welcome her into their home, even after she divorced their son and has since re-married.

Facebook | Kristina Kuzmic

Not a lot of in-laws, or former in-laws, would do this.

She explains that after the divorce, which obviously was painful for everyone, she had a heartfelt conversation with her former in-laws and they all came to a mutual understanding.

Facebook | Kristina Kuzmic

It's a good thing they talked.

One thing that resonated with all of them was to put all of their differences aside and concentrate on the most important thing, which was the kids.

Facebook | Kristina Kuzmic

Seriously, this is so true.

So, they decided to still spend Thanksgiving as a family even though their circumstances have now changed.

Facebook | Kristina Kuzmic

Here she is helping her former mother-in-law in the kitchen getting things ready.

Kristina thought that once she got re-married the invitation would be rescinded.

As it turns out they still wanted her to come to Thanksgiving with her new husband.

Here you can see Kristina's new husband helping her former mother-in-law set the Thanksgiving table.

Facebook | Kristina Kuzmic

That is definitely not something you see every day. What a wonderful sight to see.

When Kristina posted about this to her fans on social media she received a ton of likes and comments.

Unsplash | Eric Tompkins

This is something that definitely resonated with a lot of people.

She received a lot of positive comments from people all over who expressed their awe in how understanding everyone is in this situation.

Facebook | Amy Johnson

It isn't always the case, but it should be.

Some people even shared their own stories of what they had to go through after a divorce and how they were able to handle the situation in their own way.

Facebook | Danielle Pino

A simple invitation can do wonders to help heal a broken relationship.

I think it's so important to remember that you were once a family and you're always a family even after a divorce.

Facebook | Shawna Kuwitzky

Even if it's hard at the beginning, it will be worth it in the end.

Sometimes time needs to pass for everyone to get on board with something as wonderful as this but in the end it's totally worth it for everyone's sake.

Facebook | Iris Beasley

Co-parenting has to go on even after a divorce.

I think this a great example to anyone who might be dealing with a situation like this and is contemplating what to do about it.

Facebook | Lois Lisowski

This is worth it.

Divorce is a terrible thing and nobody is really prepared for it when it happens but there are ways to deal with it in a civil and positive manner.

Facebook | Sherilyn Smith

For these kids, seeing both parents together means the world to them.

If this isn't the most wonderful and positive Thanksgiving story I dunno what is.

It shows you that there is light at the end of the tunnel even after divorce.

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