
Captain America Could Be Star-Lord's Grandfather, According To Fan Theory

Well, this is an interesting development. Could it be true?

Well, if you've been paying attention, there's probably a good chance that no, Captain America is not Star Lord's grandfather.

But hey, we're going to look at the fan theory anyway, because it's fun to go down the rabbit hole every once and a while.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is so wide and expansive...


It's no wonder there are constant fan theories about the films.

Fans search every nook and cranny of these movies in order to find something, some connection between any of them that isn't already established.

And what's that? We may have found another?


Yes, it seems someone from that wretched hive of scum and villainy known as Reddit has found a link between Captain America... and Star-Lord, of all people.

Stay with us here.

So there's this scene in the movie where Captain America is going from town to town, doing shows.


And at one point, the actress who plays Peter Quill's mom is in one of the crowds.

Well, Reddit user u/chill_bishop theorizes that this is Peter Quill's grandmother, and she didn't leave after the show.

He says that she and Captain America may have gotten together.


They boink, she has a daughter, that daughter has a son with Ego and presto amazo, one alien abduction later you've got yourself a Star-Lord.

Read the whole theory here.