
'The Santa Clause' Had A NSFW Scene That Got Deleted

Well, in a movie for kids, it's no surprise that the moment was taken out.

Wouldn't want kids knowing that NSFW moments exist, it would ruin their precious little innocence!

But then again, this is why we are here: to make sure you leave your innocence at the door.

'The Santa Clause' is a Christmas classic.


It's a story about Tim Allen's character Scott killing Santa Claus and being forced by magic to take his place.

No, he didn't straight-up murder him, but an accident on the roof leads to Santa's demise, and Scott is forced to take over.

Now that I think about it, this movie sounds NSFW to begin with...


But despite its dark sounding premise, it's a sweet and fun Christmas story with lots of feel-good moments.

And back in the day, it had one that wasn't so safe for work... or children.

On the original home release, there was a line...


Where Tim Allen sees a phone number on a piece of paper. He says the line "1-800-SPANK-ME. I know that number."

An obvious allusion to a fake sex hotline. Or was it fake?

Turns out that no, it wasn't fake.


The line was taken out after a kid in real life called the sex line and racked up a $400 bill (adjusted for inflation, it's about $650 today).

Way to do research, guys!