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Ryan Reynolds And Hugh Jackman Bring Back Christmas Sweaters For A Good Cause

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have been in the news a lot this holiday season, but it has mostly been for trolling.

But that's changing! This time they made headlines for an amazing cause that Reynolds fully endorses and JAckman just wanted to help out with.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds are the best of pals.

They tease each other, help each other tease others, and sometimes just team up for amazing causes like the one we are about to talk about.

Before getting into the cause itself, Jackman posted an adorable picture of the two, where he's sporting Reynolds' festive sweater.

And apparently there was underwear involved.

Or judging from Reynolds' response that followed, not involved?

But what is The Magic Christmas Sweater all about for Ryan Reynolds?

It actually all has to do with charity.

The Hospital for Sick Children (aka SickKids), is the charity that Reynolds supports, and he uses his viral Christmas sweater to promote it.

Check out the video that Reynolds promoted alongside Jackman's festive sweater.

Remember to be kind this holiday season, whether you can donate or not!

Happy holidays!