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Babysitter Finds Hilarious Solution To Holding Baby While She Prepares Herself A Sandwich

It's no secret that taking care of a baby requires a certain amount of creativity. Ask any parent and they'll likely regale you with stories of what it took to get their baby to sleep/stop crying/eat. But one babysitter may just go down in history for finding the most creative way to hold a baby while preparing herself a sandwich.

A mom needed to step out for a moment and asked her niece to look after her baby in her absence.

Claudia Sorhaindo of Lakeland, Florida, asked her 15-year-old niece to look after her two-month-old baby, Ava, for a few minutes one day while she stepped out of the house. Since her niece, J'Ann, is one of 17 grandchildren, she has a lot of experience looking after her younger cousins, so Claudia knew her daughter was in good hands.

When her niece was hungry, she didn't want to let baby Ava out of her sight.

Facebook | Claudia Sorhaindo

Sometimes, you just can't wait when hunger strikes, so J'Ann needed to find a solution for preparing herself a sandwich while not letting Ava out of her sight. That's when genius struck.

She tucked the baby into her pants in order to free up her hands.

Facebook | Claudia Sorhaindo

Sure, maybe J'Ann could've found a more constructive solution, but this certainly did the trick. Plus, it was funny as heck, which is why her sister snapped this pic and promptly sent it to Claudia, who called it "creativity at its finest."

There has been tragedy in the family before, and Claudia knows that everyone is aware of how protective she is. Her family, in turn, is always hyper careful with Ava.

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Sadly, Claudia lost her three-month-old daughter, Jenelle, in 2011 due to a medication mix-up in the hospital. The entire family knows how devastating this was for her and how extra precious Ava is to her as a result.

"Some might say I'm a little paranoid," she told Today.com. "I'm always checking to see if she's breathing, so J'Ann showed me she is making sure she is keeping her eyes on Ava."

J'Ann has always been very responsible and hopes to work in the medical field in the future.

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Needless to say, despite J'Ann's seemingly lackadaisical actions with Ava, Claudia trusts her implicitly with the care of her baby. J'Ann is also CPR certified and plans on pursuing a career as a heart surgeon.

It is humor, like that displayed by J'Ann, that helps their family through tough times.

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Claudia says her family's inherent humor is what helped her through her grief over losing her daughter.

"[When my daughter died] doctors offered me depression medication and I refused it because having a family like mine — I won't have the chance to ever get depressed."

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