
Women Are Posting Raw Photos For The Viral 'Normalize Normal Bodies' Movement

Instagram can be such a lonely place when all you see are perfectly toned, skinny, and otherwise flawless bodies all day long. So it's refreshing to see that there is such a thing as a hashtag that celebrates regular people with gusto.

#NormalizeNormalBodies aims to empower women to live their lives openly and share their bodies as they are stretch marks, imperfections and all.

I can't even imagine the struggle a new mom goes through when she doesn't recognize her own body after giving birth.

These are real and raw emotions for sure.

It might take you a long time to finally love your body, but it's not about the final destination it's actually the journey that counts the most.

So true!

I absolutely love what this lady is saying.

"I don’t know about you, but I’m not about to let [society's] idea of 'bouncing back' steal my joy, satisfaction, and gratitude for all this body has done for me!" Instagram user @kristincariveau said.

"I love all that my body has done for me to give me the life I have and my beautiful children."

That is so beautifully said here. Thumbs up!

For some women, the hashtag has given them an opportunity to reflect on their relationship with their body.

"So my dear body, please accept my apology. Please know that I’m trying to do better. To love you. To fuel you. To treat you with the respect you deserve," said this Instagram user.

The moment we stop glamorizing retouched pictures of celebrities over the real bodies of real women, is the moment we bring power back to these ladies who deserve it.

I'm here for this message!

"Media made a huge play into what 'the perfect body' should look like. I’m here to tell you that 'the perfect body' is not defined by a number."

Amen, sister!

"Your worth has nothing to do with your weight!"

I couldn't agree more. There is too much emphasis on the perfect body weight but it's all about how you feel.

Many women said society and the media continues to uphold the image of the so-called "perfect body".

"I guess what I’m getting at is screw society and the 'perfect body', love your body, and do what is best for you all the time," said this Instagram user.

This is acceptance, people.

Our bodies go through daily changes whether it's eating, or working, or sitting on the couch.

Therefore, we shouldn't expect it to look the same all the time.

Many women have a love-hate relationship with the scale.

When you see the right number, you love it, and when you see the "wrong" number, you hate it. It's time to end this relationship!

It's important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health.

After all, our mind feeds our bodies so if you think negatively of yourself it will reflect poorly on your whole being.

"Let’s TALK about rolls, stretch marks, dimples, cellulite. They’re normal! The vast majority of people experience one or all of these things in their lifetime."

It's important to love your body regardless.

Once again, just about EVERYONE has stretch marks.

Why is this only starting to be talked about now? Body positive movements like this one have definitely shed a light on what real bodies look like.

It's so refreshing to see real, empowered bodies on social media.

Ultimately, the goal of campaigns like this one is to make photos like these the norm online. I'm all for the body-positive revolution!

What an amazing hashtag to start some really positive conversations about body acceptance and body positivity.

It's so badly needed especially in this day and age of Instagram famous society.