YouTube | Ozzy Osbourne

Jason Momoa Does His Best Ozzy Osbourne Impersonation In New Video

When we think about what actor we'd like to play us in a movie version of our lives, there's two ways to do it: you can either be realistic about your general vibe and look, or you can just shoot for the stars and pick the dreamiest dreamboat possible.

Ozzy Osbourne made his choice.

Jason Momoa is no stranger to the odd stunt or two.

He had no problem pretending to be a skinny, bald man for the 2020 Super Bowl commercial.

YouTube | Rocket Mortgage

Fans called it creepy, but we loved how he fully leaned in.

He even made fun of himself in the form of an "Aquaman" movie poster.

And when he made an "SNL" appearance, you can bet that he embraced the nipple rings with everything he had.

The man loves dressing up, okay?

And he does it so well that it was just a matter of time until he tried something new.

Ozzy's in the middle of promoting his new album, "Ordinary Man."

The prince of darkness released a teaser video for his new album and his new song, "Scary Little Green Men," and the video contained an M. Night Shyamalan level twist.

In the video, a figure in a long dark hooded coat walks down a hallway towards a microphone.

YouTube | Ozzy Osbourne

Of course, fans are expecting the figure to be Ozzy himself, but that's not quite what they got.

When the figure pulls his hood back, he reveals himself to be none other than actor, legend, and the Internet's boyfriend, Jason Momoa.

Jason then starts lip syncing along to Ozzy's vocals while performing some of his signature moves.

YouTube | Ozzy Osbourne

Including, of course, appearing like he's about to bite the head off of a bat — although we can only assume that no real bats were harmed in the making of this trailer!

When Jason posted the video to his own social media, he gave a really sweet shout out to Ozzy and Sharon.

Instagram | @prideofgypsies

And to literally nobody's surprise, fans were obsessed with it.

Instagram | @prideofgypsies

Despite their difference in age, size, hair, skin tone, and pretty much.... everything else, I think Jason does a pretty good job!

Most importantly, he looks like he's having fun, and that's what really matters!

You can watch the video for yourself here — let us know what you think about Jason's impression in the comments below!