
10+ Annoying Problems Short Girls Know To Be True

Being a short girl isn't easy. In fact, at times it downright sucks. Take it from someone who, as an adult woman, has had to ask strangers to get things from the top shelf for me in the grocery store. It's not fun.

On the bright side, at least there are plenty of hilarious memes and tweets from other women who know our struggle.

Your tall friends make fun of you. A lot.

As is their right, as long as you can dunk on them for being tall as hell.

If you're "regular" height, you have no skin in this game, obviously. Pipe down.

Might as well get this one out of the way.

Never in my life have I been able to reach higher than the top of a fridge. If there's a cabinet on top of it? There's nothing in them, because my short arms can't put anything in them.

You have to move your car seat alllll the way up.

There's nothing more humbling than climbing into a car and having to slide that seat so far forward that people are genuinely concerned your chest is going to hit the wheel.

Other people use you as an arm rest.

Been there, had it done to me, have also done it to someone else. Listen, being at arm height is a dangerous game. Some people are just going to do it to you. Think up a revenge plan, okay?

Okay, tea.

You also may not have the agility, flexibility, or blissful ignorance towards the world around you.

Anyway, putting on weight can be a good thing. If you were still your school age weight, we'd be in trouble.

Yes! Yes we do!

It's especially bad when it's late in the day and you have to resort to driving with one hand so that you can use the other to shade your eyes.

Oh, good luck with buying pants.

Pants? Too long. Capris? Just right. Shorts? Those are capris. Short shorts? Actually those are tiny, no matter the person.

Anyway, shoutout to everyone who accidentally bought capris when they were looking for regular jeans. There's a support group out there for you.

Pant problems, part 2: ripped jeans edition.

Honestly, I think this counts as a life hack. If you can find your size in the petite section (or even the kid's section), just go for it. No one has to know.

Concerts are kind of a nightmare.

I 100% can confirm this, thanks to the one time I was in a pit. It was Lady Gaga, it was 2011, and I truly should have worn heels. Ugh.

Even pictures are an ordeal.

Oh, you want to be in a prom picture with your friends? Sure! Get on the box.

And it's not only prom — family pictures, wedding pictures, everyday pictures. You name it, you're on a box or on your toes.

Anything you drive up to is a gamble.

Only people with short arms know the dangerous game you play with drive-up machines or windows. You have to get your car just close enough to reach with your T-Rex arms, which usually entails you scaring the crap out of anyone watching you drive.

We can and will drown.

It's always humbling when you see your taller friends easily walk through the pool's deep end while you and your short legs can't even touch the bottom. You know what? Shorter people are just better swimmers. That's what I've decided.

Nothing like seeing your sibling outgrow you.

Anyone who used to call their sibling "shorty" and "tiny" only to have them hit a growth spurt and get way taller than you, raise your hand! Wow, so you're shorter than them even with your hand up? Brutal.

Even kids will bully you.

If all of that wasn't enough, even kids will come for you. And you can't say anything about it, because a) they're kids, and b) they're not even done growing yet. They could roast you even harder later if you aren't careful.

Getting those perfect pics? It's pretty much impossible.

Seriously, the amount of times we've posed for a photo on our tippy toes is straight-up ridiculous.

And you can just forget about mirror selfies altogether.

Why are mirrors always hung so high? Huh?