Etsy | TheSewingLaboratory

Hold My Butterbeer—Boozy 'Harry Potter'-Inspired Drink Cozies Exist

Very few things can be enjoyed by both children and adults as much as Harry Potter can. Many of us grew up with the now-mega-licensed novel, and even our parents were equally as enamoured with it as we were.

Now many of us have switched rolls, sharing the magic of Harry Potter with our own kids, or nieces, and nephews.

If you want to keep the magic of *Harry Potter* alive and well into adulthood, look no further than these boozy drink cozies inspired by the iconic Hogwarts houses.

It just so happens, their names make for pretty creative and witty boozy puns.

Etsy shop TheSewingLaboratory makes the clever drink cozies.

Etsy | TheSewingLaboratory

The classic Hogwarts houses got a boozy upgrade, now reading, "Slurr-therin," "Raven-sloshed," "Huffle-buzzed," and "Gryffin-drunk"

These cozies are perfect for muggles who enjoy cracking a few cold ones in the summer heat.

Etsy | TheSewingLaboratory

And no matter what your Pottermore quiz result is, I think we can all agree that everyone (of drinking age, of course) can enjoy the magic of the updated houses.

You can choose between a glittery font or a shiny metallic one for each cozy, and while the full set is unfortunately sold out, you can still purchase each one individually.

Etsy | TheSewingLaboratory

Get your own for $4.

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