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'Pistachio' Hydrangeas Will Add Multicolored Blooms To Your Garden

If you're looking to add a heat-tolerant flower to your garden this season, look no further than hydrangeas. They're known to be able to bask in the sun all summer long and not falter.

But if color is what you're after then the "pistachio" hydrangea is the bloom you should be looking into. They're not only sturdy but will be a beautiful addition to your garden any day.

Hydrangea Macrophylla Horwack, also known as "pistachio" hydrangea is an eye-catching dwarf variety that can be easily spotted by its multi-colored blooms.


The flowers come in blue, white, pink, and green. Just take a look at how gorgeous these look.

This pretty and compact shrub's blooms will last from spring until fall.


I bet all your neighbors will be envious of its chartreuse green and hot pink flowers. They will probably want to hang out in your backyard more, ha, ha!

Pistachio hydrangeas will mature into a height of two to three feet and a width of three to four feet.


So their modest size will easily fit into any garden. I can see them blooming all over mine for sure.

These gorgeous blooms tend to do best in the morning sun and afternoon shade so it's a good idea to plant them on the eastern side of your house.

That way, they will be blooming all summer long.

They will thrive in moist and well-drained soil.

And you should opt to give them a slow-release fertilizer during the spring before the leaves begin to show buds. After that, you don't need to worry about it anymore.

If you end up getting extreme heat you may need to water these hydrangeas a bit more so they don't dry out.

Other than that, they're pretty low maintenance. That's something that I look for in a garden flower.

These pistachio hydrangeas are a reblooming variety, therefore they will flower on both new and old wood.


And even better as very little or no pruning is required. Wow, doesn't that sound so awesome? I think it does.

This beautiful flower is, therefore, a very reliable plant as it will rebloom even after a bout of severe winter weather.

So rest assured you're in good hands here. If that isn't the best news I dunno what is. Ha, ha!

Wow, I gotta say hydrangeas are starting to grow on me, hee, hee.

Unsplash | Maarten Deckers

They sound like such easy flowers to plant in your garden and enjoy all summer long. Yipee! I gotta look for them pretty soon for sure.