Instagram | @selectaonen

'Starry Sky' Petunias Have Little Galaxies On Their Petals

Fellow flower-lovers out there, I've got something really cool to tell you about. If you ever wanted to plant a true showstopper in your garden I would suggest the Starry Sky Petunias.

The ones that come in the burgundy variety will totally blow you away. Take a quick look at these pictures to see why.

What did I tell you? Do they not look amazing or what?

These gorgeous blooms look like they have a sprinkle of stars on them creating this unique look. If that isn't something special, I dunno what is.

And — get this — apparently, these velvety burgundy petals actually have differing star patterns throughout the season.

Instagram | @makkarpo

OMG! That's so cool. I never knew flowers could do that. Ha, ha! That's absolutely amazing and adds more mystique to these beautiful blooms indeed.

So, no two flowers are alike.

Petunias are the kind of flowers that can be grown from seed that's sown early indoors. Then, they can be transplanted outside after a frost. Or, they can be planted from potted plants.

You need to keep the soil moist and at about 70-75 degrees.

The seedlings will emerge as early as 10-14 days. When the seedlings emerge you need to provide them with plenty of indoor light preferably on a sunny windowsill.

Or alternatively, you can also grow them beneath fluorescent plant lights.

Keep in mind that you'll need to turn on the lights for about 16 hours per day and turn them off for eight hours at night. Got that?

Once the plants grow taller, raise the lights so they don't get too hot.

And remember that you can't use incandescent bulbs because they do tend to get very hot. Only fertilize seedlings when they are three-four weeks old.

Before you transport the seedlings to be planted in your garden they will need to be 'hardened off'.

That means they need to slowly adjust to being outside. You can do that by having them stay outdoors for a week.

While they're being hardened off you need to protect them from the wind and hot sun.

If it's still cold at night consider covering them up or bringing them indoors. Once they harden off they'll be good to go.

This process ensures that the plants are hardy enough to withstand being outdoors.

Instagram | @saucylark

It toughens their cell structure and reduces transplant shock and scalding. Now that you're a pro at this, I'm sure you'll love to have these flowers in your garden.