
People Are Turning Their Plant Collections Into Chess Boards

I just love that plant fanatics looked at chess and went: "Hmm, needs more plants."

And they were right! Thus, plant chess was born. Swap out those pawns, rooks, and bishops for your favorite tiny plants and get ready to play one adorable game of chess.

Here's the small version.

Using mostly succulents and cacti is key to tiny plant chess. Color-coordinated planters are an absolute must.

This is like Harry Potter chess, but on a much less life-threatening level. You know?

Time for BIG CHESS.

I mean, there's no way you could have tiny chess without big chess. These plants are much larger than the succulents and cacti, and even have themes. Those horses are everything.

Now this is my kind of chess set.

Heck. Yes. A glass board, planters that look like they were carved by hand, and a bunch of palm-looking plants? This is so 100% my jam. I want this right now.

Ugh, this is stunning, too.

So, when are you growing your own chess set? I'm thinking of picking up some succulents at Home Depot and painting my own pots. I'm gonna go for pink and black, though. For style.

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