Walt Disney Pictures

10+ Times Movie Characters Were Victims Of Twitter

The internet is one of the greatest inventions in human history. It's changed the way we live, the way we communicate, but most of all: it's changed how we lampoon and make fun of our favorite films and actors!

Below are 10+ times that movie characters were roasted on Twitter. After reading these hilariously insightful tweets, you'll never look at these characters the same way ever again.

Nobody puts baby crocodile in a corner

How could anyone forget that iconic scene in Dirty Dancing where Patrick Swayze ever so elegantly lifts Jennifer Grey into the air? Pure movie magic.

I bet you never imagined ever seeing someone attempt the same feat with a full-grown alligator!

It's nothing but *Child's Play*.

It's true, kids today are coddled!

I remember thinking as a kid that at least 60% of my toys had the ability to come to life and murder me in the night. Thanks a lot, Chucky.

Upsetting the space-time continuum in *Back To The Future*.

OK, to be fair, Marty technically didn't try to do anything to make his family's life better.

All of the good that came was a direct result of his father finally standing up to Bill and punching him out in the parking lot.

Rule #1: you don't talk about *Fight Club*.

If ever you needed proof of the value of punctuality, then this is it. Everyone knows that the first rule of Fight Club is that you DON'T talk about Fight Club!

I hope they made this guy hug Bob.

Acknowledging the importance of municipal politics in *Jaws*.

I suppose that Mayor Larry Vaughn might have been able to spin the situation in the first Jaws film in his favor: he was after all the one who sent Brody on the hunt in the first place!

If they didn't can him the second time around, the whole town deserves to be fish food.

Warm sushi for *The Breakfast Club*.

Well when you put it that way, it sounds absolutely disgusting!

I know I'm sure going to think twice the next time I have a sashimi sandwich in my lunch bag. That's for sure!

We'll never be royals in *The Nightmare Before Christmas*.

Here's a thought: what if Jack Skellington and The Grand Pumpkin (from The Simpsons) somehow met and had a Battle Royale for who would become the reigning Pumpkin King of Halloweentown?!

That would be epic.

Omitting the details in *Doctor Strange*.

Twitter | @SunTzilla

I guess all-seeing Stephen Strange kind of dropped the ball on this one, wouldn't you agree? Doctor Strange must have wrongly dismissed COVID-19 as being no worse than the flu, too.

Thanks, Stephen. Thanks a lot.

Wordplay saves lives in *The Fast And The Furious*.

I love a good pun and this one really burns rubber! Is it even that far of a stretch to imagine?

After all, they did name the eighth installment F8 of the Furious. It can't get much cheesier than that.

Ready to take on the world in *Wonder Woman*.

I don't know if I totally agree with this statement, but I definitely agree that we need more female superheroes!

I for one think that a Robin movie that tells the story of Carrie Kelley would be incredible!

The hills are alive with the sound of vibranium in *Avengers: Endgame*.

One of the best parts of the Captain America, as well as the Avengers films, was seeing Cap's old PSA videos dispersed throughout.

Now, I can't stop picturing Cap singing "Doe-a deer-a female deer!"

Laser envy in *The Avengers*.

Captain America might not have lasers like Ironman or be able to harness the power of lightning-like Thor, but he does have a mighty shield! And all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield!

Everyone knows that.

The fatal flaw with the Bat -Signal in *The Dark Knight*.

This is why Christopher Nolan's Batman needed a red 'Bat-Phone' like Adam West and Burt Ward had in the 1960s. That would have completely eliminated this conundrum before it even happened.

Also, the Batpoles. That rinky-dink elevator was boring.

Drake knows Wakanda's Plan.

"God's plan, God's plan."

It would have been epic if this was the song playing in the background while T'Challa fought Killmonger.

That's the only thing that could have made their battle for the throne of Wakanda even greater.

A case of mistaken identity in *Drive*.

They do bear a striking resemblance to one another. Talk about a quick way to take a person down a peg or two.

Ryan Gosling in Drive is one of the most original and badass Halloween costumes I've ever heard of.

Macklemore...is not.