
15+ People Who Are On Their Own

Sometimes you can find yourself in a bit of a jam where you need the help of a fellow human being! However, a lot of the time, they will let you down, and even mock you about your struggles!

And, with that horrifically bleak idea in mind, please enjoy these 15+ people who went, "You're on your own!"

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Reddit | LoiTheBoi

Maybe someone should actually look into this? Ah, but who can really be bothered. Most politicians are liars anyway!

"Hiked two hours to set up a picnic, returned to this."

Reddit | Jaminator97

Pfft, I wouldn't be in a hurry to try and get him to move. Just look at the size of those horns! It's his picnic now.

"This is my dumb fish, Deb, stuck in the mouth of a dragon decoration for the third time this week."

Reddit | Lontology

"Dammit, Deb, that's three times now! You're on your own this time. You need to learn!"

*Irate yet forlorn bubbling sounds

"In my mom's bathroom."

Reddit | Tallnate68

A lot of people praised this person's mother for the screw orientations on that lightswitch (people are weird, aren't they?), and the person who posted this added that their mother is indeed a bit of a perfectionist!

"This happened to my car today!"

Reddit | telumindel

What can you even really do in this situation except wait for assistance and stand there generally astounded?

"This dude put his WHOLE ASS on my drink wtf?"

Reddit | ElijahThomas

My cat does this sort of thing all the time. You need to be very protective of your cups of tea and/or coffee at all times!

"This is why you shouldn't leave your kids alone with the dog."

Reddit | So_is_mine

"Sandra, have you seen this? Look what they've done to me!"

"Oh, I think it's cute!"

"I'll be the damn laughing stock of the dog park..."

"I have my reasons for making my wife use her own tube."

Reddit | jimmyg4life

These are the sorts of things that you really need to discover about people before you marry them. However, they managed to find a way around it I guess.

"Parents: 'When you will finally have you own child'. Me:..."

Reddit | ScLif

A lot of people were impressed by how their cat had managed to so accurately capture that awkward pose that little kids do when they're unsure about what is going on.

"Now you know how the teachers feel..."

Reddit | MisterT12

There is no such thing as a joy to have in class. As someone with teaching experience, the only thing that is a joy to have in class is silence!

"I got a timed feeder for my cat to try to help him lose weight. He sleeps like this now."

Reddit | jposquig

Now your cat literally has no use for you, except to occasionally fill the feeding machine.

"My photo in my college card."

Reddit | Vendruscolo

"I'm sorry sir, I can't let you in with this ID."

"Why not?"

"Well, it appears you have a head that is larger than a garden pea, which isn't what it says here. Sorry."

"The secret to owning a Porsche."

Reddit | Myxomitosis87

"Ah, but will that Porsche look after you in your old age?"

"Well, no, but it's fun as hell to drive!"

"...Please, God, can I have a go?"

"Today I learned that if you let your child pour their own syrup they will invent 'Pancake Soup'."

Reddit | Skappers

Every part of my body knows that I shouldn't eat this...but is also willing me to make this for breakfast tomorrow.

"Thanks Taco Bell for helping me recycle..."

Reddit | EddieRock

"Oh, what's the harm? It all goes to the same place anyway?!"

"No, Dave, that's the whole point... It doesn't!"

"That is some liberal nonsense if I've ever heard it!"

"Got trapped in a toilet in China with this note on the mirror. Found it translates to 'please do not lock the door'."

Reddit | denob

What use would a toilet be that can't lock anyway? Apparently they offered to write an English version of the sign but management wasn't too bothered even though many westerners had been trapped in it already that day!

"Kiosks provided by the city that offers free WiFi, free phone calls and free USB charging and this is how people treat it."

Reddit | apokeguy

This is absolutely disgusting. I'd also bet any money that the last call that was made on this was to a cab company to try and get home after a night out.


Reddit | ZTNB

It seems an appropriate sign to post the day after Father's Day, doesn't it? What a truly ghastly dad joke.

"Found this while helping my 5 year old son clean his room... He said it's for 'just in case'."

Reddit | USMC_0481

Look, it's good to be prepared for the future, as anything can happen! Although, starting to prepare for the future at such a young age may be slightly worrying.

"They really raised the bar with this help wanted sign."

Reddit | chelsealrp

Nope, not a chance I would be applying there. Anything with that level of charming, happy-go-lucky punnery is an immediate red flag for me.

"This is how I want to be remembered."

Reddit | beccilouise96

What a great way to go out, by letting your hatred of everyone around you be known for all time! Life sucks, people suck, we all die, benches are cool!

"Look at this awesome sandwich."


And I thought that the sandwiches on planes were bad, but this is another level of terrible! Unless you love plain bread, in which case it is perfect.

"Doctor said I would have trouble holding bottles with my cast. I improvised."

Reddit | KyleBiem

Aside from the drinking game on the go here, I also love the bizarre Gatsby reference on their cast. What a strange way to customize your cast!

"This Just Straight-Up Sucks..."

Reddit | RedCar50

Looks like you'd need an extension cord and a hairdryer to get out of this jam. You know that there'd be one kid who'd end up getting their tongue stuck to it as well.

"I'm An Adult, I Can Do What I Want!"

Reddit | vonbraski

They explained, "I remember when I was younger my parents would say "DON'T PUT THAT NASTY SNOWBALL IN MY FREEZER! YOU CAN DO THAT WHEN YOU GET YOUR OWN!" Guess who has a nasty snowman in their freezer!"

"If you park in the dumpster's spot it's your own damn fault."

Reddit | natezomby

It never ceases to amaze the sorts of things that people will try to do to get a parking space sometimes!


Reddit | redbaron5

I mean, there are much worse things that you could be left with in this sort of situation, aren't there? A roll of packing tape for instance.

"It might rain today, I think I'll take my umbrella out."

Reddit | xbumblebee

This is perhaps the most low-budget version of Mary Poppins that I have ever seen. Also, can you imagine that landing on you and taking you out? How embarrassing would that be?!

"One year ago, the realization and shock set in."

Reddit | Iciclewind

That pose is one she'll have to master — one baby in each arm — and it looks like she hadn't quite braced herself for it.

"Someone got stranded."

Reddit | zaphod0002

I feel bad for whoever has to go rescue this cat. They'll be leaving with a lot of new battle scars.

"My friend is usually pretty put together, but we all make mistakes."

Reddit | thejyo

How this mistake can even be made is baffling me. You really didn't notice the pole going right through the middle of your build?

"My Brother is prepared for his Skype interview."

Reddit | Mysteryman345

There's nothing that will keep you on your toes quite like the fear of standing up and forgetting you aren't wearing pants.

"I guess she didn't spot the flags."


I know everyone complains about how hard washing off glitter is, but what about washing off concrete?

"Financial mistake."

Reddit | Wolf_Craft

It was really the vanity plate that put them over the edge budget-wise, but how could they not get it?

"So after trying unsuccessfully for many months to get pregnant my wife and I decided to get a puppy. Bad timing."

Reddit | Augray_Sorn

Or excellent timing! Now your life will be one of those coming of age movies where the kid grows up with the dog!

"This is what happens when you use an empty Red Bull can as a mortar tube."

Reddit | Shamms

I feel like no gadget or invention that involves a Red Bull can is a good one. Stick to just drinking it.

"I've made an error."

Reddit | JWestyWest

You know how they call firefighters to get cats out of trees? Think you could do the same here?

"The Schrodinger's score..."

Reddit | Hmyzak01

I'd take it as a pass! However, I don't know if the college admissions boards will...

"Something happened here..."

Reddit | ChristianComa

Even if this was food, who takes a massive bite of display samples like that?

"This girl was bleaching her hair and put a plastic bag from Walmart over it to help the heat stay in and it printed the ink onto her hair."

Reddit | kttyfrncs

If it had been a different bag with quite a cool pattern on it, then it could have worked. However, now it just looks like her hair is a wig bought at Walmart.