
Quotes For People Who Are Just Doing Their Best Right Now

I'm what you would consider an "adult", and I have been for awhile now, but I really don't feel like one, and I definitely don't act like one, either.

I still do things that I know would make my mom sigh and shake her head at me because she really thought she raised me better. But come on, if I drop an ice cube on the floor then of course I'm going to kick it under the refrigerator. That's just common sense.

Sometimes I really don't feel like I was fully prepared for the responsibility of taking care of myself.

Instagram | @rebelcircus

That one kind of slapped me in the face, if I'm being honest. It was like one day my mom was cutting up a plate of fruit for me because she thought I needed to eat better, and the next day I suddenly had my own apartment, my own bills to pay, and I'm now supposed to actually go to the store and by that fruit myself.

Like, make a conscious decision to pay money for bananas.

As surprising as this whole "adulting" thing was, I think I'm doing an O.K. job at it.


I've managed to keep a roof over my head, which is pretty cool. And I have cleaning supplies under my kitchen sink, just like my mom does. Plus, I paid all my bills on time this month, and that felt very adult, if I do say so myself.

But I also broke my broom last month trying to kill a spider and I still haven't actually gone to buy a new one yet so... you win some, you lose some, I guess.

Prepared or not, I'm now an adult and I'm really doing my best to adapt to this new lifestyle, so to speak.

Instagram | @rebelcircus

I've already hit some pretty solid "adult" milestones. Like, for instance, I have inexplicable back pain that just never goes away, I can't remember the last time I went to bed after midnight, and I actually force myself to drink a good amount of water everyday.

But of course, I still slip up here and there, especially when I'm just not in the mood to be responsible for myself.


Grocery shopping tends to be where I fall flat most often. I'm the kind of person who will go as long as possible between trips because I genuinely hate going to the store and paying money for food. So rather than just bite the bullet and do that, I'll make saltine crackers and peanut butter for dinner, or prepare myself a nice steaming bowl of "is this spaghetti sauce or salsa" if I get feeling a little hungry.

Hey, I never said I was perfect. I'm just doing the best I can with what I have.

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