
13+ Pics That Have Us Begging For An Explanation

This planet that we reside upon is full of mysteries. From the Bermuda triangle to the mystery of why chocolate fingers are just so damn addictive, the mysteries of the world come in a variety of sizes!

However, there are also the dafter mysteries of the world. The sorts of occurrences that you look at with a facial expression akin to when you've smelt something suspicious, and think, "What is really going on there?"

So, prepare to be baffled, tickled, and generally entertained, as I present you with these 13+ moments that leave us wanting more information!

"Wife left this note posted on the door as I was about to leave for work. We don't have a goat..."

Reddit | TheAlberticus

Just another standard morning of married life, waking up and finding livestock scattered errantly around the house.

"Mistake were made..."

Reddit | adschahoo

I've heard of cat burglars before, but not squirrel burglars! Wow... yeah, even I felt that one, sorry.

Do you have any ideas as to how this little fella got in there? Let me know your best suggestions in the comments below.

"With Spring melting the snowdrifts, you can come across some crazy wildlife, like this two-headed snake."

Reddit | zherper

As the seasons change, be sure to keep an eye out for these pesky critters invading your bedside drawers.

"When Mario Kart comes to real life."

Reddit | MyNameGifOreilly

How on Earth would this come about? I feel so sorry for the turtle!

"Cave exploring is fun if you don't mind the occasional snake or WHOA..."

Reddit | TallRabbit

I looked into the story behind this photograph, and apparently, two brothers were attempting to change the batteries in the black bear's radio collar. The pair of brother's in the cave thought that the bear would be hibernating, however, "The bear they’d collared a year and a half ago now weighed about 350 pounds—and he was awake," they told National Geographic. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

"Sucks to be you, Tom."

Reddit | Sickwidit93

Oh, wait no, this leaves you wanting less information, doesn't it? Come on editor, you had one job!

Way To Go Todd!

Reddit | SharkDestroyer_real

I don't know what Todd has been doing with his lightsabers, and I'm actually not sure that I want to know. I mean, it could be something innocent enough, but somehow I doubt it.

"Message in a bottle."

Reddit | KevlarYarmulke

I feel like the person who wrote this note has a terrible backstory involving messages in bottles. Hence why they are spending the rest of their life sending out horrifically offensive anonymous messages to anyone foolish enough to open them!

"I think he made the right choice."

Reddit | punisherx2012

I don't know what has happened to this guy in past relationships to cause him to take such drastic actions, but I bet it's nothing good.

How Do You Like Your Chicken?

Reddit | Freddie83

I'm assuming that it is supposed to say "jerk chicken", but you can never be too sure. Perhaps this batch of chickens were just very belligerent?

"Local pet supply store gets real."

Reddit | s1s2g3a4

One sadly frazzled-sounding pet store worker also shared their own experience in this industry:

"I worked at a pet store for a few years and the number of parents who think taking their kids to the f**king pet store is a good idea for a birthday party is insane. Then the parents scream at me when I tell them they can't play with the cats or other animals they start to scream on how we have to let them it's our job."

What On Earth Happened?

Reddit | dinuba

I need to know what happened here, and why it is specifically only Oreos and not other types of food! Maybe they're just sick of people not sharing their Oreos with staff.

"Someone at Porsche is getting fired today."

Reddit | endoflevelbaddy

"Do you mind if I take her for a spin?"

"Not at all, just don' drive it into the river ahahaha!"

"Haha, what kind of dingbat would... Oh, bugger."

"Accident at the egg factory."

Reddit | disordered_anarchist

An egg factory implies that they are building the eggs from scratch. Isn't the chicken the egg factory?

"Took me all afternoon but I regret nothing!"

Reddit | huh_wat_huh

All I want to know is how you got your cat to stay so still in that while you took its picture? If I were to make something like this for my cat, it would go out of its way to never go near it!

"A letter from summer camp."

Reddit | lichen__

This is an incredibly worrying message! Can you imagine getting that from your kid? I'd be on the phone or driving down there before you could say "morning' campers!"

"My girlfriend got nailed at work."

Reddit | chrystal-mighties

Apparently, they were able to remove the nail without any surgery, which is lucky. Although, what would have been even luckier would have been to not get a nail in the neck. I mean, how did this even happen?

"Keys inside armored truck."

Reddit | Noxja

The irony now is that they are going to have to call an armoured car thief to try and break back into it to get the eys out if they don't want their boss knowing what they've done.

"Soon to be a top 5 jump scare in this guy's life."

Reddit | NyBryce

Firstly, why can't he just urinate in the house that he's pissing on? Secondly, how drunk must he be to not hear those cops approaching?

"Scene outside my apartment today."

Reddit | skhadem

I like how they're all standing with that quiet resignation, and clearly thinking, "Jesus, where are we even going to begin with this?"

"It was a great day till this moment."

Reddit | pp0787

You can hear the screams of "AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!" just be looking at that outline.

"University is giving away free Ben & Jerry's which is awesome, I just feel they should have thought things through when choosing the event's name..."

Reddit | koko_koala94

I bet that this was something to with a church group, as only the church could be so naively innocent.

"A prank war got out of hand. That's... my bike."

Reddit | whudaboutit

Wait... so did they remove the wheel and handlebar and slide it through, or did they build the whole all around the bike? I know which one it likely is, but I really want it to be the other answer.

I Wonder What Brought This About?

Reddit | igotanewusername

They probably actually tried one of the burgers and walked out en masse. Have you tried the chicken burger? Truly foul.

"This is why my kid is going places."

Reddit | irishchck14

Nope, actually that's all fine. I think that we all got all of the information that we need right there, give that kid all of the marks!

"Borrowed my neighbor's truck he never drives to haul some stuff. Wanted to be nice and bring it back filled up since it was almost empty when I got it."

Reddit | Market-Maker

Jesus, how long has it been since he last drove that truck? It's just a shame it doesn't run on bee-isel!

"My head started falling off."

Reddit | Aspiringreject

The person who posted this did actually give some extra information in an updated post. They wrote:

"I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The ligaments holding my head on didn’t really wanna do their job anymore, and my head started sliding off my neck. Pretty unpleasant, 0/10 would not recommend."

"How many times did this have to happen before they put up a sign?"

Reddit | PlanK69

So, did they have the stock warning image of a man standing in a sink already created, or did they have to make it? It seems awful official, and yet I can't think why someone would ever have thought, "Don't forget to make the graphic of a man standing in a sink!"

"Guy parked like a jackass. We taught him a lesson he will remember."

Reddit | Mcbanjo

I'd like to know how that jackass got out? Did they have to come to this person hat in hand, or just 3000 point turn their way out?

"Seriously, who goes to a wedding in shorts? Totally disrespectful."

Reddit | McMilto

That bride's face is exactly the sort of expression I would expect from someone who has a man dressed in cargo shorts on the front row of their wedding photos. Forget Thanos, the cargo shorts are the real crime!