
Hilarious Feeder For Squirrels Turns Them Into Magical Unicorns

I gotta tell you a little secret: There's a squirrel that now frequents my yard, like, every day, ha, ha! He's quickly becoming my little backyard buddy. I definitely look forward to seeing the little guy.

But I had no idea there was this hilarious squirrel feeder that's not only funny-looking but can offer hours of enjoyment for both the squirrel and the viewer.

It's actually a feeder head that comes in different varieties.


I think they're all totally amusing. The way it works is that you hang it up so the squirrel can get inside and munch on whatever treat you put in there.

And of course, once the squirrel is inside of it, it's like he's wearing a giant unicorn head.


In this case, it's a unicorn. Ha, ha! I bet your kids will get a kick out of watching a squirrel get in there, huh?

OMG, is that hilarious or what?

I can't say I've ever seen a feeder quite like this before. Whoever came up with this brilliant idea is a total genius. Don't you think? I can't get over how funny this looks. Ha, ha!

Now you can bring a little bit of magic right into your own backyard.


I think your kiddos will definitely appreciate that. This is both ridiculous and quite spectacular. It just might be the best Amazon impulse-buy ever. Who can argue with that?

Imagine if you had a little visitor come to your window to break the monotony of your work day?


I think this would be a great way to make work more bearable. This would make me laugh every single time.

If this picture doesn't say it all, I dunno what will.


Seeing this happen would definitely make my day. LOL! Not only are you doing a good thing by feeding your local wildlife but you're having a chuckle while doing it.

Perhaps a unicorn isn't really your thing. In that case, there's a regular horse's head you can buy instead.


I think it's equally just as funny to see. I wonder what your neighbors would think if they saw this happening. Would they dig it, too?

If these two horses' arses didn't make you laugh, I bet this one will.


This little cat head might be the funniest one of them all, if I do say so myself. I'm trying very hard not to pee myself looking at this picture. Ha, ha!

OMG, this settles it! I gotta get one of these hilarious feeder heads for the squirrels that frequent my backyard.

The only problem is they might fight to get into it because they're crazy like that. But this product is absolutely priceless.

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