'Cluttercore' Is The New Decor Trend That Actually Embraces Mess

Okay, before you get super stressed reading that headline, don't worry: cluttercore is not as chaotic as it sounds.

Like cottagecore that came before it (that's the aesthetic of a peaceful, pastel-colored life in a charming cottage), cluttercore is a very specific type of style.

Let's explore what it looks like, and I'll do my best to explain this Gen Z/Millennial definition of a very, very full life.

So, the whole "core" aesthetic trend is pretty easy to explain.

It's a very specific way to describe a style that otherwise wouldn't have a name.

Basically, it's the Gen Z way to express their interior design taste. I vibe with it, tbh.

This is cottagecore:

The style heavily relies on very traditional patterns, nature, pastels, and other nature-adjacent aesthetics.

This picnic moment perfectly exemplifies it, right down to the checked dress and woven basket!

Cluttercore is a whole different animal.

It's not the opposite of cottagecore, since I think they could probably go hand in hand.

But it is the opposite of what Marie Kondo has been teaching us for the last few years.

Gone is the idea of minimalism — cluttercore is all about maximalism.

We're talking stuff. A lot of it. All over the place. On the shelves, on the walls. Sometimes, it's even on the floor. And it's basically a way to express individuality through interior aesthetics.

It could be something as simple as this look.

Lots of plants really help bring the cluttercore vibe out here, paired with the very on-display dish and cookware. Cluttercore is all about not hiding the things you find beautiful.

It also eschews clean lines.

Gallery walls that feature all clean, neat lines and crisp frames are not the vibe here. We're talking different, unexpected shapes, outlandish frames, and shelves that are stuffed full of knick-knacks.

The thing about cluttercore is that it's pretty purposeful.

There's a place for everything, it's just that those places might be unexpected. Basically, it's a purposeful mess.

Think about thrift shops as the epitome of cluttercore. There's a method to that madness.

But let's be clear: cluttercore =/= hoarding.

The mess is purposeful! It's clutter, not garbage. When you run out of space, the stuff doesn't just lie abandoned on the floor. If it's on the floor, trust and believe that it's supposed to be on the floor.

It's time to take those treasured keepsakes out and stick 'em on display.

If you're an avid collector of... well, anything, then cluttercore might totally be the style for you. There's no reason you can't put all the things you love on display!

Cluttercore is cozy in its own, weird way.

Unlike minimalism, which I think we all know can get just a bit too stark, cluttercore wants you to be comfortable, cozy, and at home at all times.

So, what do you think?

For some, this style just opened up a whole new way to define their taste. For others (like me), this style is their worst nightmare. However, there's no denying that it's cute af!