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Aldi Is Going To Be Selling Fried Pickle And Ranch Wavy Potato Chips

Is there really anything better than opening a restaurant's menu and seeing that they have deep fried pickles on the menu? Name one thing—I'll wait.

Now you don't even need to head to a restaurant to satisfy your fried pickle cravings because Aldi is selling fried pickle and ranch chips that you can enjoy right from the comfort of your couch.

I know Christmas is technically about four months a way, but it sure feels like the holiday is coming up a lot sooner thanks to one of Aldi's Upcoming Finds.

Starting next week, the grocery chain will start selling bags of Clancy's Fried Pickle and Ranch chips.

They're not just any old plain flimsy chip, however. They're *wavy* chips, easily making them 100 times better than they already would have been.


Lays is shaking for sure.

Aldi will also be selling a Bacon & Cheddar flavored chip to go along with the whole pub food theme.

Instagram | @candyhunting

You'll definitely want to line up first thing Monday morning and get your fix because quantities are limited!