
10+ Mistakes In 'Finding Nemo' Fans Didn't Catch

I love Finding Nemo. Not only is it an incredibly funny, heartwarming film but it also teaches a very valuable life lesson. No matter how rough the waters get — just keep swimming.

Throughout the movie, however, there are several errors that for one reason or another, weren't caught.

See for yourself and check out these 10+ mistakes in Finding Nemo that fans didn't notice.

1. Where did all those eggs come from?


Look closely as Marlin and Coral look-in on their "sleeping" children. From this angle, we can't see any eggs inside the cavern.

Make sure to watch closely as the camera cuts.

And just like that, all of a sudden the cavern is filled to the brim with spawn! Why couldn't we see them a second ago?


It's the exact same angle, for crying out loud! This one doesn't make any sense at all.

2. How did Bloat switch positions so fast?


This happens right after Bloat challenges Nemo to swim through the ring of fire!

If you take a look at the picture above, you can see that Bloat is behind Gill — right in the middle.

But then as soon as the camera cuts, he's now somehow on the outside?


That's one fast-moving fish! I'm guessing that this was a case of multiple animators linking two different cells?

Or it's just a huge oversight by one person, either or.

3. Marlin's fins are too short to touch.


After Marlin and Coral are attacked by the barracuda, Marlin discovers a sole surviving egg (Nemo).

As you can see from the picture above, his fins are clearly too short to touch.

Yet in the very next scene, he's somehow able to overlap them to pick up Nemo?


I'm not trying to be a stickler for details, but Marlin's fins would have had to grow nearly double their size to be able to scoop Nemo's egg the way that's shown here.

4. Something's not quite right with Bruce's smile.


Bruce paints one intimidating grin, that's for sure! But if you look closely you'll see that something's amiss.

His back row of teeth is the same size as his front! Those are supposed to be baby teeth, so they should be smaller.

5. What happened to Dory's scars?


Right after she's stung by the jellyfish, Dory is seen with three distinct scars as she lies on the turtle's back.

It's a pretty bad injury, so much so that Marlin is worried for her life at first.

Yet later on in the movie, the scars manage to completely heal and disappear!


Does Dory have regeneration powers like Wolverine?

Is she a super fish and perhaps just forgot about it? So many questions...

6. What happened to the ziploc bag?


When the dentist scoops Nemo out of the fish tank, he's very clearly using a Ziploc bag with a white fastener.

So how did Nemo end up in this clear plastic bag, tied with a knot?

7. Did the tank fish want Nemo to get sucked into the fan?


To save Nemo from being sucked into the filter fan, Gill uses a piece of fake reed. Nemo tries to bite the end to grab on but it's no use.

At this point, Gill calls for more of the reed.

And even though there's a significant portion of the reed that could still be stuffed up, they tell him "there is no more!"


Are you kidding me? They could've easily stuffed another two-three inches up the pipe! Nemo could have easily have grabbed on.

So why lie?

8. This fisherman moves around a lot.


When Marlin is begging the netted fish to swim down, we get a few shots of the surface and the fisherman on the boat.

If you watch the man pictured above, he moves from outside the two wires to being sandwiched between them as the camera cuts.

9. Did that poster just move?


Watch as the dentist battles with the pelican in his office. To the right of the window, there's a poster tacked on the wall with a picture of a crocodile.

After the camera cuts to Nemo and then back to the dentist, the poster is noticeably closer to the window.

10. How are these bags floating above the water?


The weight of the water, combined with the fish in the bags should have at the very least made it level with the water.

Yet somehow, the bags float above the surface, almost as if they're on a wire?