The First Episode Of ‘Friends’ Aired 26 Years Ago Today

It’s hard to believe that one of the most iconic and influential shows of all time aired 26 years ago today!

Friends has defined a generation and was truly there for us when it wasn’t our day, our week, our month, or even our YEAR! 2020, amirite?!

Now, fans are commemorating their favorite show’s birthday on social media and it’s catching me in my feels, to say the least!

*Friends* is without a doubt one of the most memorable shows of the ‘90s.

Was it Rachel’s fashion? Monica’s quintessential ‘90s apartment? Joey’s lack of Tinder?

Whatever it was, it was MAGIC, baby!

It’s the only show that has left us with an existential question — WERE ROSS AND RACHAEL ON A BREAK?!

I think everyone and their mother had an opinion on that relationship! Imagine if Twitter was around the night that episode aired?! YIKES!

What better day than today to watch your favorite episode?! I think it’s gotta be “The One Where Ross Is Fine” for ME! MAYBE I’LL MAKE FAJITAS!

What’s your favorite episode of Friends?! Let us know in the comments below!

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