
'Boys Dance!' Is A New Children's Book About Boys Who Love Ballet

From films like Bill Elliot to shows like Pose, there's been an ongoing discussion of boys who love to dance.

Society has historically shamed boys for dancing, especially when it comes to ballet. So, when we heard about "Boys Dance!," by John Robert Allmen, we couldn't be more thrilled about a book for boys that celebrates their love of dance while also breaking the stigma that dancing makes them less masculine.

Dancing is a revolution.

Part of the American Ballet Theatre collection, "Boys Dance!" came together through a compilation of interviews from men and boys who are professional dancers.

While being fun and colorful, the book also seeks to acknowledge all of the hard work and tenacity that each dancer puts into their craft.

Everyone should be able to dance to their own unique beat.


With illustrations by Luciano Lozano, the book offers encouragement for young boys that are interested in pursuing dance.

Allman's book ensures that there is male representation that boys can see in the dance world.

Let the music set you free.


The book arrived on the scene after an unpleasant event.

Lara Spencer, the host of "Good Morning America" made fun of Prince George because he took ballet classes as a child.

American Ballet Theatre principal, James B. Whiteside made it a personal mission to end the unfair bullying of boys who love ballet while dismantling the associations with homophobia, which is why the book is so important to him.

It's time to leap into a better future.

We can't think of a single person that wouldn't benefit from reading "Boys Dance!," but it's especially important for boys to know that their passion for dance isn't just acceptable, it's celebrated.

Do you know a young boy who loves to dance? Think you'd like to buy him this book? Let us know in the comments.

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