
15+ People Who Ruined It For Everyone Else

Some people just can't help but ruin the world for the rest of us. I'm sure that you can think of some instances in your life when you have been on the receiving end of such behavior!

Well, to showcase some of the strangest and funniest instances of this, here are 15+ people who ruined it for everyone else!

"This whole time I thought I had successfully toilet trained my cat, this is how I find out she does it."

I mean, she's giving it a much better go than my own cat would have done! At least she made it to the toilet...even if she is inside of it.

"Leaving fake currency around to trick people into seeing your message."

How would this kind of trickery ever convince anyone to find God? This would just make me angry with God, if anything!

"Cheez-its are now banned at my school..."

I cannot imagine what "The Incident" entails! All I can imagine is a cafeteria filled with students lying in varying states of injury, all covered in Cheez-It dust!

"I noticed a new sign at my doctor's office."

The doctor who put up this sign must have had one too many unpleasant conversations with people telling them unsubstantiated waffle passed off as fact for them to handle.

"Banned topics at a local comic book shop."

I don't know why they felt the need to do this. I mean, one thing that people don't get passionate about is comics and sci-fi!

"This is why we can't have nice things in my gym!"

Who thinks that pulling bits of the wall out is a good solution to any situation? Actually, if you're trying to get a cat out of the wall then this can be the only solution now that I think about it!

How Disappointing!

Just because a handful of weirdos went in in funny costumes taking it too far, now everyone else has to suffer!

"Hoverboards and time travel are all banned on London train platforms."

I'd suggest that someone needs to go back in time and prevent this rule from being put in place, but that would break the no time travel rule. Dammit, they've got us again.

"The fact they even needed to put this sign up."

Wow, just wow! Can you imagine saying to your friends, "Hey, do you fell like heading to the cemetery for a banging barbeque and a sunbathe? Just choose the grave with the most moss and you're set!"

*Furious Street Fighter Noises!*

I get that some people don't want to touch buttons necessarily, but there are better ways to get around this than going all Street Fighter on the panel!

"I'm having a disaster of a morning, and then this goddam squirrel stole the croissant I'd been saving to finally enjoy when I got back home."

That squirrel has the cold, dead, soulless eyes of a psychopath. Although, all squirrels have this expression if you look closely enough!

"My local mall imposes universe-wide ban on smoking."

You would have thought that a universe-wide ban on smoking would have gotten a little more traction! I wonder what incredibly dangerous thing someone did to incur such a restriction!

"Someone forgot to drink coffee this morning."

I feel embarrassed to say that I could absolutely see myself doing something like this if I was in a rush. Painting everything yellow feels unnecessarily confusing!

"This lady kneeling on bread while she looks at other bread."

What is it with people thinking that they can just sit on any breads, pastries, or foodstuffs that they fancy?! They're not chairs, guys! It's a muffin, not a futon, you dolts!

"The reason why I can't have nice things."

This is just one of the many prices that you have to pay for living with a vengeance-fueled nightmare machine such as a cat!

"A sign at my nephew's hockey rink. All kids sports facilities should have one like it."

Ah, I'm sure lots of people get terrifying flashbacks of being at sports games where their relatives were a little...passionate about the game!

"Decisions were made, some kid's day is ruined."

Although, even as an adult I face the daily question of whether I should buy alcohol or Lego, so this is a struggle anyone could be facing. That admission does make me think that I need to start reassessing my life though.

"Why would they ban the coolest dog ever?"

This dog is just living the life that all of us want to lead, but that few of us actually have the gall to lead!

Yep... Just Sit Wherever You Like!

The unfortunate person who posted this wrote, "This grouch thought it was OK to pop a squat on the buns! She then proceeded to yell at me for stealing her spot in line at the deli courter." She sounds delightful!

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures!

Oh, dear God, just look at their poor face! They look like they know exactly how embarrassing their display was. We all get panicked sometimes, there's no shame in that!