
Parents Are Sharing Relatable Pics Of Their Kids Crying For No Logical Reason

Kids are known to throw the worst tantrums for many ridiculous reasons. And unfortunately, their parents are forced to endure them for the most part.

So, to ease your pain from hearing your kid screaming their head off, I'm going to share these with you. Now you know you're not alone when it comes to this unusual phenomenon. You're welcome.

1. This Odd Request

Um, excuse me? You want me to do what? You want me to eat the crust of a pizza you already had in your mouth? No, thanks. Oh, now I made you cry? Really? Come on!

2. This Tylenol Lover

Oh wow, this kid really loves Tylenol. So much so that she wants a second or third dose of it. Good for her mom to say no. But now she has to endure the angry toddler meltdown.

3. This Conundrum

I bet this mom realized that letting your kid feed the dogs while at dinner wasn't a good idea after all. You can't control which animal gets the treat, especially when your kid throws it at them, ha, ha!

4. This Dressing Dilemma

Ah, the dreaded task of getting your child dressed. I bet every parent loves to go through it every morning, huh? And it's more fun when your child refuses to let you put their feet where they're supposed to go. Am I right?

5. This "The Choice Is Yours" Moment

Aww, I do feel for this mom. She did what her child wanted by making ravioli for dinner, and yet she's still getting punished. What is a parent to do to make their child happy? Can you answer that?

6. Let's Play Hide And Seek

Something tells me that this mom or dad is questioning their reasoning right about now. Perhaps if they let the kid get into the dishwasher, this tantrum wouldn't be happening now. Ah, hindsight is 20/20, that's for sure.

7. This Rather Bad Diet Choice

Kids do the darndest things. Am I right? Take this tyke, for example, who's throwing a tantrum because Mommy won't let him eat magnets. Boo-hoo, I feel so bad for you. Now eat your veggies, okay?

8. This Grown-Up Act

This little girl wants to grow up so fast. She's even asking her mom to buy her women's razors before her time. But in the end, she did what a kid usually does and started crying on the supermarket floor.

9. This Parent's Nightmare

Let's forget the fact that this is a kid who's asking a parent to drive their car. But, do they know that one first has to learn how to do it? It doesn't just come to you like that, ha, ha! Let's keep this kid off the road for another 15 years at least.

10. This Clean Freak

I guess this kid is an early clean freak since he threw a tantrum when his mom turned off the vacuum. Next time, get him to do the work in the first place since he loves it so much.

11. This Impossible Task

So cute that this little boy is ready to get on a bus. That's so grown up of him. The only problem is this bus is actually on TV. What is a parent going to do about that fact?

12. This Tough Realization

I guess I'm not the only one who takes getting older to heart. This little girl threw herself on the floor and starting crying just because Dad told her it was her birthday. Getting old is hard.

13. This Finest Moment

Aww, this is a classic one. Has your child done this to you? If not, you're a lucky one. My advice would be to let them eat the cat's food and see what happens, ha, ha!

14. This Bold Move

Well, yes, you should learn how to walk the driveway instead of having Mom carry you all the time. It's called "growing up," my dear. So get used to it, ha, ha! Now, stop throwing a tantrum and get on with it.

15. This Beach Bum

Can you imagine the horror of somebody making you go to the beach? I mean, how horrible can your life be? Ha, ha! I wish someone would make me do that any day of the week!

16. This Reasonable Explanation

Oh my goodness! Not only do you need to be careful around kids when you're cooking, but then there's this. How do you explain to a toddler that the oven is not a play toy? I have no words.

17. This Little Monster

Aw, look at that cute face. Wait a minute — he isn't so cute when he doesn't want his mom to have a blanket. You'd think he wants it all for himself, but no, he just doesn't want Mommy to have it either.

18. This Playtime Nightmare

Playtime should be fun, no? At least that's what I thought. Sadly, when your toddler can't fit into one of his toys, it constitutes throwing a tantrum. You better get him a bigger container for the next time he plays, ha, ha!

19. This Isn't The Way To Make Friends

Here's one way to ensure you don't make friends with your neighbor. Mom tried her best to help her kid make a new friend, but obviously, the kid had none of it. Oh well.

20. This Playful Reason

This is one of those days when your toddler decides to stab your leg with a screwdriver. And when you take it away from him, he decides to throw a major tantrum. Do you just give it back to him? I'm going to say, no.

21. This End Of The World Situation

Why do kids get so attached to random objects? This kid got upset because a plastic bag Mom was going to use for shopping blew away from the car. Is it really that earth-shattering?

22. This Slew Of Reasons

Now, to top it off because you haven't seen enough, this guy had to put up with all of these in just one week. Imagine how his month must be if this is any indication.

Oh my goodness, living with kids is very hard. Isn't it?

It's amazing what little things can trigger them and put them into a tailspin. They're just like cats but much, much worse. Did you notice that about them, too?

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