
14+ Hilarious Signs That We Can't Believe Someone Was Allowed To Put Up

Signs are invaluable in helping us navigate our way safely around this precarious and dangerous world we live in.

However, sometimes the signs that we come across can be a little...dramatic! With this in mind, please enjoy these 14+ signs that are plain bad news.

"People that live here have some stories man..."

Actually, a lot of these positions are similar to the sorts of things that I told my school's career's advisor that I wanted to be, simply so that I could stop seeing that useless career's advisor.

"It was time for me to update the marquee."

I'm nervous about assuming that 2021 will be any better than 2020, I feel like 2021 is waiting around a corner with a cricket bat waiting to bash me on the head.

"The scary part is that they must get a lot of people asking for them."

One cynical person added, "I know many of you are thinking generators, but I'm thinking tis the season for the 'I put up the Christmas lights the wrong way' special."

"Saw today in my neighbourhood..."

This sounds like the work of a cat...or the start of a disaster movie! I mean, it's probably the cat but you never know!

"Wtf is out there!?"

Yeah, the people who work here really need to get working on whatever apocalyptic thing is happening out there as a priority!

"Don't go back, Brandy! You deserve better."

I thought that the last one read, "I will wail as long as it takes..." which is definitely not the way to get someone back!

"Someone didn't make a pilot..."

I wonder what type of tree this is? I've never seen that type of fruit before, I bet it makes a great smoothie.

"It's the other beasts I'm more worried about."

The other beasts could be adorable things, like guinea pigs. Or, they could be more terrifying creatures. This is just the risk you take!

"Scary? Maybe. Worrying? Certainly!"

How small are the kids we are talking about here? I mean, nothing is more terrifying than seeing a toddler coming careering towards you on a Harley Davidson, trust me.

"Are you going to Butt Lane?"

"I knew it was a bad idea to let the town's kids name the new road."

"Is that because you live on Butt Lane by any chance Dave?"

"Yes, Steve, that is exactly why."

Maybe They Should Call It Something Else?

Yeah, they really should have taken a vote when it came to naming this roadway as this is a terrible name!

"Good General Policy!"

Yeah, I mean, call me mad but if I've got a cut I don't like to go around wiping it on every surface I find...that's just me though.

"Remembering the Black Plague from 1665 in London."

At least the corpses underground are no longer infectious...right? Guys?

"This got dark real quick!"

Wow, they really aren't beating around the bush in this neighborhood! You kind of have to admire that level of darkness.

"One way to be with the lord..."

"I just want to be closer to God!"

"Oh, well we can help with that!"

"Great! But, why are you sharpening that knife?"

"I'll just hold it."

I love that there is two warnings, as though people weren't taking enough notice of the "Please look under the toilet seat for bees" warning! Who wouldn't take that warning immediately seriously!?

I Hope You're Happy...

They'll never be happy with the weight of guilt on them after this crime...well, you'd like to think not anyway?

The Decision Point!

I feel like we all get a "Decision Point" like this at a point in our lives. A good decision point I had was whether or not to major in English Literature. I chose...well, I made a choice let's just leave it at that.

"Happy New Year!"

The person who put that sign up is going to be in for one hell of a shock when all of their staff spontaneously hand their notice in as payback.

"I think I'll just take the stairs next time..."

I'd even be nervous about going into this elevator after a large lunch if it is that sensitive.