Quotes For When Even Your Grumpy Is Grumpy

I often wonder why some memes become massive in the mainstream while others wither within their tiny niche communities.

There's this ephemeral relatability that something needs to have in order for not just the nerds to like it and share it, but for say, Grandma Josephine to reference it even though she's not sure what the Internet is.

These are memes like White Guy Blinking, Slender Man, and, of course, Grumpy Cat.

We've all been that person just dumbfounded by something and unable to respond beyond a slow blink. We've all been scared of things that go bump in the night.

And we have all been grumpy AF.

Since the sad passing of Tardar Sauce, the original Grumpy Cat, people have tried to crown a successor, but none have stuck.

I think that's because so many of these "new Grumpy Cats" don't actually have that certain undefined thing that differentiates grumpy from just plain mad.

Angry is an emotion we feel when presented with something that triggers it.

But grumpy is a whole state of being. Sure, being grumpy may lead to things making you angry more easily, but it is not strictly anger.

I may seem like I'm splitting hairs here, but as a grump connoisseur, I like to think myself an expert on such things.

Now where's that coffee I was promised?!

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