
16 Times Disney Got Lazy And Reused The Same Illustrations

Disney is one of the biggest companies in the world, and though some people have problems with that, largely, everyone loves them.

But even fans like to point out little mistakes they make! Like using the same animation techniques.

Disney is a huge powerhouse that makes tons of amazing movies and TV shows.


Plus, it's pretty safe to say that it shows no signs of ever stopping.

It will continue to be the reigning company for years to come.

But Disney is in no way perfect.


There are tons of little animation mistakes that not even the best of editors could catch!

But some fans did.

But for the most part, people don't really care about that.


They just want to enjoy their movies and shows in peace, watching their favorite characters go on adventures.

But we can't just LET you go about your day in peace!


We have to open your eyes to other little details about Disney!

Like the times they were lazy.

We're all guilty of being lazy now and then.

I, for one, have mastered picking up my TV remote with my feet so I don't have to get up from the couch to grab it from my coffee table.

Don't be jealous.

Disney has also been known to get its lazy on and reuse the same illustrations for different cartoons.


For real.

Though you might think we're lying, we're actually going to show you a whole bunch of posts proving our point!


So get ready to gasp a lot.

1. Snow White was the original queen of classic Disney choreography, so it's no surprise that Maid Marian wanted a piece of it in Robin Hood. 


There's even the little guy following them around with a trumpet.

2. Seriously, Marian, get your own moves. Snow White's are taken. 


Snow White was released in 1937, and Robin Hood came out in 1973, so Disney definitely had some time to draw some new dance sequences.

3. I guess Disney's waltz scenes are pretty basic, right down to the crowd that doesn't move.


Everyone is super still — that's so creepy. At least bop along! Make those hips shimmy and shake!

4. 'The Aristocats' and '101 Dalmatians' had a very similar escape scene. Like, super similar. Like, it's the same one. 


They legit just mixed a couple of different colors and changed the animals. Yikes.

5. I guess cats all act scared in the exact same way in Disney movies, or at least in 'Cinderella' and '101 Dalmatians.' 

Giphy | Giphy

I mean, really, all cats might react similarly, but Disney clearly was its own copycat here.

6. Seriously, Disney, it's time to think outside the box when it comes to scaredy-cats.  


We couldn't have changed the creepy men cornering these cats? No? That was too much effort? Okay, I gotcha.

7. Honestly, Maid Marian, you need to find your own moves. Stop "borrowing" from other Disney movies. 


Again, The Aristocats was released in 1970, three years before Robin Hood. Draw some fresh one-two steps.

8. It's like these dogs and wolves are the same animal, or hey, maybe just the exact same illustration. 


Even Mowgli and Arthur have the same facial expressions. Supes lazy, Disney.

9. I'm like 99.9% convinced that Little John and Baloo are the exact same character, and these dancing scenes are giving me even more proof. 


The other, more obvious explanation is that Disney reused yet another illustration. They wouldn't do that, would they?

10. Okay, and I'm officially 100% convinced. 


Disney, you couldn't even change the dizzy look in Little John and Baloo's eyes for these scenes? That is seriously next-level lazy. All you did was add a hat. Way to go.

11. The elephants in both 'Robin Hood' and 'The Jungle Book' cannot catch a break. 


Just let them toot their horn. That looks almost as painful as holding in a sneeze. It hurts just thinking about it.

12. Even 


Couldn't we spring for a new round of applause animation? I'm all about keeping rhythm, but not when it's the exact same across the board.

13. Here goes Disney, yet again, not even able to change the look of confusion when using the same illustration in 'The Sword in the Stone' and '101 Dalmatians.' 


Now my eyes are going wonky as I'm mesmerized by all the same images.

14. It's too bad Mowgli and Christopher Robin were never friends. They appear to have a lot in common. 


Like carrying the exact same stick and throwing rocks off of cliffs. They're also friends with talking animals. They would have a lot to talk about.

15. I'm having to do a double-take with these tiny little birds from 'Bambi' and 'Alice in Wonderland' because I'm finding very few differences. 


The waterfall, the color of the birds, and all the evidence that Disney has copied itself before are leading me to believe this is the exact same bird.

So? Were you as flabbergasted as we said you'd be?

Let us know below in the comments!

SHARE if you're as shocked as we are with the number of times Disney reused its own illustrations.

16. It's like all they had to do was change the weather, and voilà! It's a whole new scene. No, Disney.


I'm way too mad about this and need to take a chill pill.