Horses Can Grow Mustaches And It's Messed Up

Alright, guys, I know Movember is still a way off, but we need to talk about this NOW.

If you were to bet on one animal that could pull off hipster facial hair, you probably wouldn't have bet on horses. Well, pony up, because these guys are growing some studly facial manes!

1. The Frenchman 

Imgur | KiligrinnTheDala

2. The Albert Einstein 

iHeartHorses | iHeartHorses

3. The Clark Gable 

Twitter | @ruthymorrison

4. The Micheal Cera 

iHeartHorses | iHeartHorses

5. The Tom Selleck 

Reddit | TheSailorsDaughter

6. The Salvador Dali 

Horse and Hound | Horse and Hound

7. The Fu Manchu

Reddit | Ejacu1337

8. The Friedrich Nietzsche

Pinterest | Therese Tutt
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