Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

A Mom's 'Nagging' Text Saved Her Baby's Life In A Car Wreck

One of the very first things new parents have to do is buy and install a car seat. This can be a daunting task, but it is probably one of the most important you can do as a parent.

If you needed another reminder of why properly installing and using a car seat for your baby is so important, then you'll want to read this story of how a mom's keen eye saved her son's life.

Infant car seats are mandatory by law.

Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon

While there are some variations between states regarding how long to keep your child rear-facing and specific height and weight requirements, all parents need to have one if you plan on driving with your baby.

Even though we know how critical car seats are, some parents don't install them properly.

Instagram | @graco

If you ever need help installing a car seat, you can take it to a fire station or to a certified car seat safety expert. It only takes a few minutes to get it checked!

Besides not properly installing the car seat, some parents don't properly tighten the straps or harness.

Instagram | @graco

For my son, we had the nurse at the hospital show us how to tighten the car seat straps and where the harness should sit on his chest.

There's a lot that goes into making sure you're using these things properly.

If you're a parent, you'll want to double-check your car seat and the harness after hearing this mom's story.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

This is Rebecca Tafaro Boyer with her baby boy, William, and husband, David.

Her first day back from mat leave, Rebecca requested that David text her regular updates about her son.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

I get it. The first day back at work from your baby is super stressful and every mom wants to make sure that their child is okay.

David dutifully texted this adorable photo of William asleep in his car seat after running some errands.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

It didn't take long for Rebecca to notice that William wasn't properly strapped into his car seat.

Rebecca, a nurse at a children's hospital, quickly texted her husband back to correct the straps.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

"My nagging wife reply was to correct William’s position in the car seat - the straps were too loose and the chest clip was way too low," she wrote on Facebook.

Thankfully, Rebecca saw the photo in time because later that afternoon, David and William were in a car accident.

Their car collided with an SUV that pulled out into oncoming traffic. David and William were okay.

Rebecca wrote that William didn't even wake up from his nap because he was so well strapped in.

Sometimes babies can sleep through anything, even car accidents apparently. I'm glad to hear no one was seriously hurt!

David suffered three dislocated toes, and the car was a write-off, but all-in-all the family was okay.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

"I am so thankful that my husband took the extra one minute that was necessary to put William in his car seat safely. I can’t even begin to imagine how different the outcome could have been," Rebecca wrote.

Rebecca finished her post with a few more important reminders for parents.

Car Seats For The Littles

The first is a reminder to throw out any car seats that have been in a crash.

Even if it looks completely fine, there could be undetectable damage that would make it less effective in a crash.

Her second reminder was to check out safekids.org for proper car seat installation information.

Thank you for all the information and reminders, Rebecca.

Since sharing her story in July 2018, Rebecca's Facebook post has been shared 40,000 times.

People are praising Rebecca for sharing her story.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

It's great that social media has made it possible for parents to share important messages like this one! Rebecca has probably saved lives with this post.

Others came forward to share their own stories of how a car seat saved their baby's life.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

Woah. If you have any doubts about the installation of your child's car seat, these stories should have you booking an appointment to get your car seat checked ASAP.

Some related to Rebecca's "nagging" and saw this story as proof that their strict car seat standards are justified.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

Honestly, when it comes to safety, all parents are justified in their nagging. Parents know what's best for their children!

This message is so important because, at the end of the day, you're carrying precious cargo.

Facebook | Rebecca Tafaro Boyer

I'm so glad little William is okay and will grow up learning the story of how his mom's nagging saved his life.