Reddit | ragnarok56, Imgur

13+ Hilarious License Plates That Actually Made It Onto The Roads

How often do you get to display your creativity in a more public way than with your license plate? I mean, it's out there every day, introducing you to strangers in traffic. And to make an impact, you really do have to use those few characters as best you can.

Here are a few who have done it exceedingly well.

Honestly, this is pretty much the best you can do with a Saab.

Imgur | ihazthisthing

Is the Budweiser commercial reference dated or is it a classic? I'm going with classic. It never gets that old.

You know you're a dedicated metal-head when you'll put in this much effort for your license plate.

Reddit | T_Money22

But dang if it doesn't work! If you can't ride the lightning, ride the Maxima, I guess.

Ooh, a not-so-subtle dig at all the parents out there, showing off the spare cash for the 'Vette.

Reddit | Jeepn1303

It's all about choices and priorities in life, and this driver has definitely made their choice!

You have to love when a license plate is also a fun little ad, too.

Reddit | quakintuna

If you're going to clean drains for a living, you ought to have a sense of humor about it!

I see what you did there!

Reddit | Captain_Chaos7

Pretty sure there's one of these in every state now, and why shouldn't there be? It's awesome.

Certainly more awesome than meeting the real guy, anyway.

Well, if you're going to do a theme, you may as well go all-in.

Reddit | happybiscuit

It's handy that the Jeep is so well known, and one of the most iconic catch phrases from the movie is only two words long.

I love it when a van comes together.

Reddit | macguy9

I couldn't resist. But hey, you have to admit, the "Fool" plate completes the A-Team van, even if you don't pity the driver.

If I drove a white Ford Bronco, I would want this to be my license plate too.

Reddit | scribbledibbledabble

Isn't it crazy how that chase happened almost a quarter-century ago and we still associate the Bronco with it?

I really hope this plate wasn't a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Reddit | rikkinn

I also really hope nobody was seriously injured in the process. But hey, talk about a fitting plate now. It's surprising that it stayed on!

Either this person knows exactly what they're driving, or they have no idea what they're driving.

Imgur | Fatitude

I mean, color blindness would explain a lot here!

I love the vision it takes to use what the plate comes with to make a sweet reference.

Reddit | Flexible014

South Park fans will get this one about the legendary beast, the Manbearpig.

Likewise, this University of Virginia plate that evokes He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Imgur | pllaidllama

I guess leaving out a couple of vowels counts as not naming him, right?

Bad news, it didn't work.

Imgur | SergIsSuchHumbleSoAlwaysMuchBeautiful

Maybe someone was just too distracted trying to read this plate, but whatever the case, saying "please" didn't help.

You don't even need to see the letters or numbers on this plate for it to be awesome.

Reddit | Bruneaux

I didn't even know you could get your dog's face on a license plate! Instant classic.

I think this driver knows the routine pretty well.

Reddit | ragnarok56

Honestly adorable, and worth getting stuck in traffic behind.

Okay, well played plate for a hearse.

Reddit | [deleted]

It's only a little bit ominous, right? Here's hoping it didn't actually come true for anybody!

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