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Watch Piers Morgan Scream In Agony Using Labor Pain Simulator

Childbirth is no joke.

Honestly, our mothers deserve anything and everything in the world just for going through all that to give us life. Those are the real heroes, people.

With Mother's Day fast approaching, what could be a more perfect time to reflect on the unimaginable pain our beautiful moms went through during childbirth?

Some men have a habit of downplaying the act of childbirth. Specificaly, the pain.

You've heard it before - guys who say dumb things like, "Being kicked between the legs hurts more than giving birth."

Yeah, okay. No. But okay.

Labor pain simulators offer the perfect opportunity for men to find out just how wrong they really are.

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And what better man to watch writhe in agonizing pain that outspoken TV host Piers Morgan?

On today's episode of 'Good Morning Britain', Piers was hooked up to one such machine.

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According to LADbible Labor simulators (or TENS machines) emit electric currents that simulate the contractions women experience during childbirth.

The experience is definitely not pleasant for anyone on the other end of those wires, and Piers reacted just as you might expect.

He immediately begins gritting his teeth and crying out in pain, and he was only on level one.

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At that stage in labor, most women haven't even left their home for the hospital yet. They might even be casually packing their overnight bags while they count their contractions.

But Piers couldn't handle it.

After only a minute of labor pains, he tapped out and ripped the wires from his stomach.

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Honestly, the entire scene was a bit dramatic with Piers continually standing up and sitting down again as he cried out, much to co-host Susanna Reid's delight.

As short as it was, people really enjoyed watching Piers struggle through labor pains.

"I'm a @BBCBreakfast viewer but had to switch channels to watch this," one Twitter user wrote, while many more applauded Piers for stepping up to try the simulator.

Check out the video below to see for yourself.

Meanwhile, others are pointing out Piers inability to withstand more than a minute of pain.

Many mothers have responded to the video to share their own labor stories in comparison.

"I was induced on the Friday and still no baby until the following Tuesday evening which equals 108 hours of contractions," one user wrote. "Man up."

They said it, not us.