Instagram | @zakartka

This Guy Read His Girlfriend’s Diary And Was NOT Prepared For The Contents

Every relationship has its secrets—some larger than others.

Boundaries of privacy are important in any partnership, romantic or otherwise, but things start to get messy when those boundaries are crossed.

On one hand, certain things shouldn't be kept from a partner, but on the other, nobody has the right to intrude on your privacy to retrieve information.

Diaries are a highly personal and emotionally sacred space.

Unsplash | Gabrielle Henderson

People pour out their innermost thoughts, fears, and desires in their journals, and often write things that they aren't ready to admit to anyone in their lives.

Keeping a private diary is a healthy form of catharsis for tons of folks all over the world.

Intruding on that vulnerable space isn't just rude—it's disrespectful.

One man found himself in a morally ambiguous situation shortly after a breakup.

Unsplash | Jonathan Sharp

Posted in the subreddit r/tifu, the man explained that he and his long time girlfriend fought and consequently ended their long-term relationship.

They reconnected and decided to give things another go about two weeks later, but by that time, the boyfriend's trust was already wavering.

While she was showering, he noticed an old chemistry book of hers.


When he opened it, he quickly realized that she was using the textbook as a personal diary.

Despite his hesitation, he decided to read the most recent entry, and what he found shocked him.

She was hooking up with her ex throughout the breakup.

Unsplash | Sweet Ice Cream Photography

"I decided to go back a couple more pages and found out that her and her ex were hanging out before we broke up, behind my back" he wrote, "And that most of the reasoning for her breaking up is because she wanted to get back with this ex who was 'just a friend'."

"Part of the reason she wanted to get back together was because she found out her ex was talking to someone else."

Unsplash | Velizar Ivanov

Apparently, the ex didn't want to be anything more than friends with benefits, which is the only reason she went back to the boyfriend she had broken up with.

"I can't stop thinking about it."

Unsplash | Jose Chomali

This guy's in a difficult situation. He knows that his girlfriend only got back together with him because her ex wasn't available, but in order to call her out, he has to admit to reading her journal.

"I don’t know what do do now but part of me wishes I never opened that diary."

Some Redditers tried to change the guy's perspective on his situation.

Unsplash | Med Badr Chemmaoui

"Dude, finding this diary is the BEST thing that could have happened in this relationship!" one person writes, "Run for your life!"

"Yup. Get away from that mess asap" another comments. "Nothing good will come of it."

Others really related to his story.

"You honestly don't know how much I needed to see something like this right now." one comment reads, "I'm about to split with my wife, for the same reason, but just don't know what the future will hold for me."

It can be eye-opening to see someone going through the same troubles as you.

He's considering waiting until school ends to break it off.

Instagram | @sophiefeilds

"The reason for it is that we are in the same friend group and I don’t want to have to deal with it and finals at the same time." he explains.

It's one of those "damned if I do it, damned if I don't" types of situations.

Do you think he had a right to read her diary?

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