Reddit | arbili

12 People Who Have Accepted Their Fate To Be Single For Life

Being single and seeing some close friends meet their soulmates, while others are engaged or married or starting to have kids can be discouraging, to say the least. But as time goes on, we learn to accept where we're at in life, and honestly, it's not so bad! Tag your single BFFs, cuz you're in it for the long haul.

1. Disco ball in hand, he looks like more of a party animal than those two couples do. Right?

Imgur | thisisnotdog

I don't know where he's going but I'm heading his way. Screw those people.

2. They look incredible as both the bride and the groom. 

Instagram | @single_memes

Honestly, who needs to get married to anyone else when you can get married to yourself? Spend a lifetime in a committed relationship with your dang self!

3. Personally, I think I'd prefer a bottle of champagne all to myself than an engagement ring.

Reddit | Freexrus

Sounds like a better deal to me. Poppin' bottles and sweet, sweet silence? Perfect.

4. Dating and falling in love, or eating food? I would much rather take the food, tbh.

Twitter | @bmorgan_07

That little dude is winning in my eyes. Relationships come to an end, food is forever.

5. That pig is a smart, independent woman who don't need no partner! Look at her, goin' on with her bad self.

Instagram | @single_memes

She looks great, and you gotta admit, as cute as the couple is, she makes the photos.

6. In his defense, he looks super ecstatic to be hugging that tree, and all the coupled-up children look super uncomfortable.

Reddit | arbili

Me too, kid. I too would rather hug an inanimate object than another human being,

7. She gave the air a big smooth in a vacant photo-booth, proving she could at least have fun with it.

Reddit | aplethoraofpuppies

Might as well be forever alone with a sense of humor, right?

8. Okay, but on the real the other two couples are lowkey creeping me out. She is the real star of this photo.

Reddit | dtwilliams

Why are they on each others shoulders? Does no one else find that weird?

9. Whoever made this meme nailed being single when all of your friends are in happy, committed relationships.

Twitter | @tarahughes2084

That point when you're becoming an adult and everyone is walking down the wedding aisle, but you're walking down the wine aisle.

10. Not only has he embraced being single, but he is the true MVP in this situation.

Instagram | @single_memes

Holding an umbrella for friends who are sucking face? Talk about being a great friend and coming through.

12. Staring as others fall in love, alone, from far away? Yeah, same. Relatable af.


Also, judging from what we can see, him being inappropriately dressed for the beach is also way too relatable. Not about that bikini life.

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