eBaum's World | eBaum's World

14+ People We're Already Done With

I've typically got a lot of patience for people. That's typically. I don't know if I'm just in a bad mood today, though, or if it's just that the people on this list have pushed me well past my breaking point, but I'm pretty much done with all of y'all. That may seem like a personal attack, and it's probably not your fault, but then again, you might have done something worth me being done with you.

1. Honestly, I was fine with this until you put the Reese's Pieces in there.

Imgur | Benman85101

I may come across like a total madman here, but I think that peanut butter and chocolate is a highly overrated combination.

This is also giving me flashbacks to that time I tried to mix M&M's with Mike and Ikes for a movie snack, and it somehow made them both terrible.

2. As a Canadian, and having my own fair share of run-ins with Canada geese, I'm highly distrustful of pretty much any waterfowl.

Especially ones that wear chokers. Never trust anyone who wears a choker on the regular. If you're currently wearing a choker, you know what I'm talking about.

3. Now I'm all for social justice and protest. Heck, I understand that sometimes, in order for real change to happen, a few windows are going to get broken.

Imgur | surprisedplatypus

But this, this right here, is just taking things too far. That's damned near a WMD.

4. A daily reminder that just because something looks like a lifehack doesn't mean you should be doing it.

Imgur | surprisedplatypus

Unless...wait, hold on. Is that a taxi service that will also iron your clothes for you? That one might actually be worth pursuing.

5. This one's especially useful as a lifehack because it will also keep your head warm as the battery charges.

Imgur | surprisedplatypus

So far, this is the one on the list that you'd be the most likely to actually see me do. But I'm also pretty done with myself most days.

6. I'm starting to think that Photoshop should be a privilege, and people should have to prove that they're going to use it responsibly.

Imgur | Imgur

Because, wow, like...yikes. This looks like something Guillermo Del Toro would think of and then scrap because he'd realize nobody wants to see it.

7. Full disclosure here, I'm probably just jealous because I can't do anything as well as this husband does origami, but I think it's a pretty natural response to just assume that that makes him a big, stupid doody-head.

Twitter | @alisonmah

8. I wonder how long you'd be able to listen to this before you snapped the tape in half.

Imgur | chunkystick

I think I'd actually be able to get through a lot of it. I once listened to the Buck Bumble theme song on a 10-hour loop for a dare at work.

9. How's this for a standard unit of measurement?

Imgur | alejandrojavonenochemanuelfrancis

I wonder if this potato is easier to peel than regular potatoes. I also really hope that it has kind of a banana-y flavor to it. Sure, it'd be gross, but that sounds dope.

10. Here's a serious dilemma for you spider haters out there.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

I know you get seriously squirmy about spiders, but how do you feel about spiders that own other spiders? Who are you picking in this fight?

11. I've heard of a car being a lemon before, but never a melon.

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Oh, great, now I'm making puns. Now I'm the one you're going to be done with. This is a dark path I'm on.

12. I actually do this at work all the time.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

In fact, I can't even see my screen right now. That's qhy this caption si so absolutley riddled with spelling errers.*

*I'm actually pretty impressed with myself for pulling that off as well as I did.

13. *watches Lady Gaga perform once*

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Imagine spending years of your life honing your craft and musical persona to just have people remember you for wearing a meat dress once. I guess the lesson we can learn here is don't wear meat dresses.

14. I'm not even sure whose side I'm taking here.

Reddit | soup_d_up

I actually appreciate people who are willing to just post selfies and ask for validation from strangers. There's honesty in that. I'm way more indirect with how I ask strangers on the internet for validation.

15. I can't wait to hear this person's TED Talk about how this experiment all turned out.

Reddit | danksmokelol

I can only assume that their ideal result is that they end up with a perfect hand circle on their leg. But why, though?

16. Oh, wait, they came back with the results. Let's see how they did.

Reddit | danksmokelol

On the one hand, I'm glad their dumb project didn't work out. But on the other hand, this probably shouldn't have started in the first place.

17. Speaking of questionable tanning choices...

Imgur | foreverdolphinluv

I mean, at least do it right! This guy's got two extra stripes and not nearly enough stars. If you're going to lean so far into the flag motif, at least be able to count, thanks!

18. When people waste money on dumb junk.

Imgur | ioxemes

I'm not usually judgmental about what people choose to donate to. There are plenty of great causes out there in the world. Donating to make a rich girl richer is not one of those.

19. This dog gets me.

Instagram | @thefriendlygroomer

But the people who roll out of bed on a Saturday afternoon and brag about it can just shut their traps. Some of us don't have the luxury of sleeping all day!

20. Sorry, I might be that friend...

Imgur | Imgur

Look, if we made plans for the morning, maybe you shouldn't have had an entire bottle of wine at dinner, Karen! Working through the pain is part of being an adult!

21. Can't it be both?

Imgur | CoughCoughBS

If I have one more person respond to my infinite singlehood with a cliché platitude, I may scream. It's so condescending, and doesn't even make sense most of the time!

22. Don't be the neighbor that makes all the stray cats loopy.

Imgur | Imgur

Though, I guess it would prevent those angry cat fights I hear in the middle of the night. These cats are too mellow to fight.

23. If you ever enter a person's bathroom and find this, learn to hold it.

Imgur | HappyBullDog

Like, you have no idea how long it's been since all that soft, absorbent fabric was cleaned.

24. I just want to reach forward and fix it for him, even though it would be totally weird. 

Imgur | yoopermichigander

I mean, how can a person live like that? I bet one side of his collar is always popped too.

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