20 Pics That'll Make You Say, 'Oh No, Honeyyy'

You're about to read an article with a bunch of tragic things done by tragic people who are just trying their best, but not really delivering. It's like, I'm rooting for you, but I feel your pain and I've literally experienced that same thing. Basically, you'll be left thinking, "Oh no, honeyyy," and that's that!

1. Oh no, honeyyy, why do you have to remind me that I, too, made this terrible mistake!!

Twitter | @DevinThe_Legend

It's like, you know what's nicer than being a college graduate? Not having thousands of dollars worth of debt that I'll be spending the next 25 years trying to pay off. :(

2. Oh no, honeyyy, I hope you don't feel bad at all because I would've done the exact same thing.

Twitter | @sweatingalready

I mean, look at this little pup's cute little smile and fluffy little arms and legs!! You just can't help but feel overwhelming joy looking at him.

3. Oh no, honeyyy, this is legit all of us when we have to spend the smallest amount of money.

Twitter | @jesuisgabbie

I've learned that being an adult is basically experiencing this meme at least 13 times a day until you eventually become numb to the pain.

4. Oh no, honeyyy, this is probably the scariest question a partner can ask...

Instagram | @CavemanReacts

Because it's like, okay, I'm glad you're asking, but where do I even begin? There's like, three new memes each day and sometimes, they combine together to form one massive inside joke — it's just too much...

5. Oh no, honeyyy, I've been thinking about this for the last 15 years, too.

Twitter | @oba_acquah

Our teachers tricked us into memorizing this and ruined our lives with it, and yet, here we are — not using it, ever.

6. Oh no, honeyyy, I totally feel you!!!

Twitter | @KhadiDon

Trying new things at restaurants is nice, but if you hate what you order, that's money down the drain — and we're too broke for that. We'll just stick to the fish and chips.

7. Oh no, honeyyy, why does this remind me of all my nights out at the bar?

Twitter | @cottoncandaddy

Because this tweet is just speaking to me on a spiritual level — it's mind-blowing.

8. Oh no, honeyyy, this is why I don't log onto Facebook anymore...

Twitter | @riplimewire

I used to play this daily game where I counted how many people I went to high school with had weddings coming up. It wasn't a fun game.

9. Oh no, honeyyy, IT'S JUST A BABY!!!!

Twitter | @ehjovan

The funny thing about this is just how true it is — because we've all seen at least one angry Facebook status about this from a vegan friend.

10. Oh no, honeyyy, why do you have to remind me of the fact that no one likes me?

Twitter | @meanpIastic

And this is why I just keep to myself, because the group chat is lit with or without me :(. JK, I'm the life of the party.

11. Oh no, honeyyy, how dare you even assume this.

Twitter | Twitter

Let's be real — you'd be flattered if someone with highlight this poppin' and brows this snatched was interested in you in any way. I don't make up the facts, sorry!

12. Oh no, honeyyy, this hit us all right where it hurts.

Twitter | @SwaleTheGreat1

I don't know if this is real or was photoshopped, but the fact that I thought it may be real for a second is very telling.

13. Oh no, honeyyy (to your accident), but oh yaaaaas, honeyyy (to this bangin' liner!).

Instagram | @kalesalad

You know a liner truly deserves your coins when it pulls through in a situation like this. I'll definitely be buying!

14. Oh no, honeyyy, I would also rather die alone than for this to happen at my wedding. 

Instagram | @tampons

This is one of the weddings that wouldn't make me jealous if I saw it pop up on my Facebook timeline.

15. Oh no, honeyyy, you better rock that because it's gonna be there for a while.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I mean, this truly sucks, but at least it kinda adds character? Spices things up for a little bit?

16. Oh no, honeyyy, hope your professor's just a really cool, laid-back dude, otherwise you may have to repeat this class. 

Instagram | @kalesalad

But honestly, isn't this truly all of us getting through college?

17. Oh no, honeyyy...I literally just can't.

Imgur | Imgur

You may tell me these washroom floors are the cleanest ones in the whole entire world, and yet, I would still never in my wildest dreams attempt this.

18. Oh no, honeyyy, please delete this before it becomes Yeezy Season 13.

Instagram | @tampons

Because we know Kanye's the kind of guy to do this with no shame and call it fashun.

19. Oh no, honeyyy, this looks like it could be a monster in a low-budget horror film, and I'm shook.

Imgur | Imgur

Maybe it's time to try a new brand of shampoo, then?

20. Oh no, honeyyy, you gotta throw in a bunch of other things with that cup to reel them back in.

Instagram | @tampons

You gotta really make sure they have no option but to reply, you know?

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